Name: Leona Bell
Age: 22
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Height: 5’6
Weight: 133 lbs
Nationality: American
Alignment: Face
Wrestling Outfit

Entrance Music
Leona is a High-strung wreck with the temperament of a mouse. She's incapable of being calm. When there's nothing to fret over, her chaotic mess of a mind will create something for her. The core of the problem lies in how self-conscious she is. Constantly being concerned with how others view her, and if she's being a burden has pushed her to be extremely introverted.
Despite her acting as if she's deathly allergic to being around people, she deeply cherishes the few connections she's been able to make with people. Friendship is an incredibly serious matter to her, and she'll do anything to help foster one. Except for crime, of course! Leona, when she manages to work up the courage to leave her bubble, has a warm aura to her that's easily approachable. Too much attention makes her more prone to her usual awkward mannerisms though.
She may have a backbone made of wet paper most of the time, but she has an unwavering sense of right and wrong. Leona never hesitates to speak her mind if she or someone else has been wronged. The disdain Leona has for bullies, and anyone else who abuses their power over the weak, is one of the few things that can enrage her.
In the ring, she becomes her ideal self and fully indulges the competitive drive she keeps hidden. Going by the brash persona Gallant Leona, she's a fearless fighter with a flair for the dramatic, who's vowed to take the more wicked of her colleagues down a peg. Every other move she performs is done with a triumphant laugh or pose. She views her persona as a way to inspire her less formidable colleagues to keep pushing on.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Nimble yet able to pack a punch, Leona relies on outmaneuvering opponents while peppering them with strikes to open them up. After putting them on the defensive she has an array of throws to stun her foes with until they're fully subdued.
Style: Striker, Grappler
Preferred Attacks: Kicks, suplex variants, and backbreakers. She also has a handful of submissions to keep opponents down when all else fails.
Attitude To Hentai: “Gallant Leona never backs down from a challenge. No matter how… lewd.”
General Stats
Endurance ★★★★☆ – Her unremarkable size belies her ability to take punishment and continue to push on. As long as she doesn't get in her own head. The various combat sports she's taken on since she was young have improved her resilience greatly.
Strength ★★★☆☆– She feels fully confident in her ability to throw around all but the heaviest of opponents.
Speed ★★★☆☆– Leona takes advantage of her agility and flexibility to elude foes, lessening their offensive potential.
Defense ★★☆☆☆– Leona carries herself around the ring as if she's invincible. She prefers to take things head-on to prove her resilience. Which isn't to say she's a free target, but she's much more comfortable being on the offensive.
Technique ★★★★☆– Since she isn't a complete powerhouse, Leona has acquired a knack for finding and targeting the weak points of her opponents. She aims to make the most out of every move she performs.
Strikes ★★★☆☆ – Relentless, consistent, and swift. When able, she'll whittle opponents down with a steady flow of kicks and punches.
Submissions ★★☆☆☆ – The pool of moves she has to draw on is relatively shallow. She tends to use them to regain any lost control during a match.
Power Moves ★★★★☆ – Leona’s main specialty. Once she has her hands on an opponent, she'll hammer them into the mat until the fight's knocked out of them.
Aerials ★☆☆☆☆ – Her lack of skill in this area has nothing to do with anything silly, like a fear of heights. Honest!
Counters ★★★☆☆ – Leona has a solid grasp on turning the table on her opponents through well-timed strikes and grapples. She has little experience dealing with one's able to overpower her.
Signature Moves
Dragon Suplex
Reserved for anyone who makes the mistake of letting her grab them from behind. After dropping them on their shoulders, she can roll backward over her opponent to pull them up and set it up again.

Uranage Backbreaker
With a firm grasp on her foe, Leona lifts them off their feet then straight back down over her knee. While they're still recovering, she'll push down on them to break them further or elbow their vulnerable stomach.

Spin Kick
Leona turns on a dime to swing her boot at a foe's face. She'll use it repeatedly against exhausted ones until they're down for the count.

Running Knee
Launched high with a running start. When it comes to nailing opponents in the head it's as precise as it is powerful.

Running Crossbody
Launched high with a running start, she lets her weight do all the work to flatten an opponent against the mat. For added flair, she’ll twist while performing the move, and make it more difficult to be caught in the air.

Finishing Moves
Gallant Driver
A devastating package piledriver performed after doubling over an opponent, keeping them in a tight package afterward for an easy pin.

Roaring Lion
The only aerial move she's dared to attempt. The small following she's garnered created the name because of the resounding battle cry (not terrified scream)she lets out as she jumps from the top rope with her eyes closed. She only keeps this move up her sleeve because of its consistency in knocking the air out of people.

Lion's Pride
Utilizing her full strength, Leona hefts a foe onto her shoulders, pulling down on their spread legs to further compact their body. If they don't surrender to the hold, she'll drop to the mat along with them for one final shock.
Alternatively, she'll fall backward with her opponent to slam them against the mat. From there she'll keep their legs hooked and spread for a pin

Alternatively, she'll fall backward with her opponent to slam them against the mat. From there she'll keep their legs hooked and spread for a pin

Coming from an impoverished, unstable home, Leona learned early the importance of seizing opportunities presented to her, and to fiercely protect the things she holds dear. As a single mom busy with multiple jobs, it was on Leona’s shoulders to watch over herself and more importantly her younger sister. Handling other tasks that someone her age shouldn't have to do forced her to mature early on.
Her family remained close-knit despite her mother rarely being around. The woman was highly influential on her, teaching Leona and her sister how to defend themselves and the proper way to carry themselves. The one piece of wisdom that always stuck in her head was the idea that the greatest power one had was the ability to stand up for others. Physically if necessary. The advice was particularly useful in dealing with unruly classmates who ridiculed her for her background.
Leona’s sister was always enough companionship while growing up. Her aloof and reserved personality made it exceedingly difficult to approach people, even if she thought it was worth the headache and anxiety to try. After years of isolating herself, a longing for more connections took root in her. Once her family’s financial situation improved, Leona was able to alleviate her loneliness issue somewhat.
Taking up various self-defense classes with her mother’s support allowed Leona to meet new people while doing something she enjoyed. Viewing the classes as her only passion, she wanted to pursue a related career as she approached adulthood. She hid her interest in becoming a wrestler from her failing due to the fear of failing in the endeavor. It'd always been one of her first choices due to the freedom of expression that came with it.
Her career’s start was rough, to say the least. Fresh out of wrestling school, she was wholly outmatched by most people she faced at her local promotion. A lack of experience and a good amount of stage fright resulted in a series of demoralizing defeats. Quite a few bruises too. Yet, she persisted.
After waging away at her main job to get new gear, something clicked the night when she put on the mask of her new attire. The audience's gaze didn't rattle her as much while she had it on, or maybe her determination to win against her latest foe kept her timidness in check. Her opponent was a ruthless talent that'd been terrorizing the promotion and her colleagues unchallenged. Until she fought Leona. With a ferocity she didn't know she had, Leona powered through the match and her foe and secured one of her first wins. Challenging opponents that others were too intimidated to face became a pattern for her, something she carried into other promotions.
Leona refined her wrestling persona over time until she and it were practically two different people. While she was quiet and meek in her everyday life, Gallant Leona could relish the spotlight and the attention of the crowds she performed for. Her track record might not be flawless, but she's found confidence in the ring that drives her to go against tougher and tougher opponents until she's made a name for herself. And after being scouted after a particularly hard-fought victory, she believes LAW will be the best place to do just that. Oh, and maybe working in front of a larger crowd will give her the courage to reveal her profession to her family…