Thanks to DarknessMaster for agreeing to share Iris Heart as a reference.

Personal data:
Name: Ashley Reid (goes by Ruby since she doesn't love her name)
Wrestling monicker: The Sexecutioner
Sex: Female
Age: 23
Eyes: Amethyst lenses
Hair: Dyed blue
Height: 5’7” / 1.70m
Weight: 154lbs / 70kgs
Nationality: American-Japanese
Alignment: Tweener
Wrestling Information:
Strategy: Ash’s best trait is her assessing capabilites. She’s able to analyze her rivals in search for weak spots, either physical or in their willpower, and make use of them, so her strategy would change depending on what she notices affects her rival more.
Type: All-rounder oportunist.
Physical stats:
Endurance: ★★★★☆
”Cardio, you know of it?”
”If you think I cannot lift you’ll be surprised.”
”I’m not the nimblest, but I can do some quick tricks.”
”Best defense is good offense.”
”It’s all about execution, darling.”
Wrestling stats:
Striking: ★★★☆☆
”Packing a punch in here.”
”Wanna grapple? I’m game.”
”I can throw you around as well.”
”Some basic moves, not the best at this.”
”What did I say before about best offense?”
Hentai stats:
Composure: ★★★★☆
”Not falling to your charms, promise.”
”Not here to seduce you, just to fuck you.”
”Let’s see you try making me cum.”
”I’m not becoming your bitch, sorry.”
Preferred Matches: Anything involving both standard and hentai stipulations. No hardcore stuff but she can go for some other things like NHB matches and such.
Attitude towards hentai: "Beat you in the ring and make you mi bitch? Sign me in."
Favored moves: Wide array of simple throws and strikes. Favors things like:
- Hiptoss
- Splashes
- Sidewalk slam
- Snapmare
- Standing Moonsault
- Crotch bomb
- Senton
- Cradle pin
- Snap suplex
- Atomic Drop
- Groin buster
Finishing moves:
- Judge, Jury and Executioner: A Swinging neckbreaker
- Sexecution!: After going for a Crotch bomb, Ash would sex her rival to orgasm or submission.
Wrestling attire


Ungh... Damnit, you got me. Do what you want.




Gym Attire

Ashley is an example of determination. From a very young age she had known what she wanted from life and had fought to take it without much regard to anything else. This made her a headstrong and proud woman. She doesn’t like things not going her way, so she will do as much as possible to try and bend the rules to her favor if needed. This doesn’t mean she’s purely evil, she has her consciense and wouldn’t go to ruin someone else to get things going how she wants to, but a little rule bending isn’t that bad if no one is harmed, right?
Inside a ring this aspect of her personality explodes. She’s highly competitive and sees wrestling as a way to vent all that competitiveness. She wants the win and nothing feels better than achieving victory. This means she wouldn’t relent or give up easily and when she does it would be because she’s run out of steam and she would be happy about it.
How’s growing under a Catholic Nun-run orphanage in the middle of Japan? Ashley Reid could be one to respond to that. From a very young age she didn’t soak in in all the putting the other cheek, generosity and piety of Catholics, and she started being a little knave. She just wasn’t happy following all the rules and she was more than eager to become of age and get out of there.
As soon as she was a fully-grown adult in the eyes of the state, Ash went out of the orphanage and started struggling to fend for herself. Her personality didn’t allow her to last long in any job she would take until her fate took a turn she wasn’t expecting. She started frequenting clubs where an attractive young woman with more wit than guts shouldn’t be, but things didn’t go bad for her and she started tending bar where her unruly personality would be an asset and not a hindrance. After some time she learnt that the place she worked for had a side business in the form of fightclub where women as hot as she was tussled in different elements for a crowd’s entertainment, and after she learnt how well paid that was she couldn’t say no. With the job came some formal training in wrestling since the owner didn’t want the girls getting injured and before she could know Ash was a pretty decent wrestler connoiseur. Finally, her last turn of fate would come when a LAW scouter attended one of the events and offered her a spot at LAW. Now that she had learnt the excitement and thrill of a fight Ash couldn’t say no to an oportunity like that.
Fun Facts:
- She suffers from insomnia and needs pills to sleep at night, which make her say weird stuff when they kick in.
- Has a pretty delicate taste in food, which makes her go around searching for the best places to eat.
LAW Record and Information