Nicknames/Ring Names: The Desire, The Seductress, The Lord of Temptations
Age: 27
Height: 5'7
Weight: 137 lbs
Alignment: Heel
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Entrance Theme

Strength - 3/5
Speed - 4/5
Agility - 4/5
Endurance - 3/5
Charisma - 5/5
Wrestling Stats:
Powerhouse - 3/5. She can pick up and slam the average woman, but she struggles against more hefiter opponents.
Strikes - 4/5. She can easily combine powerful punches with kicks using her long legs.
Submissions - 3/5. She can stretch people out decently enough to force a tap out after a long match, but it's not her bread and butter.
Ariels - 2/5. She hardly ever takes to the skies but she could perform a decent crossbody.
Counters - 4/5. It isn't hard for her to evade attacks and read her opponent's move, especially after minutes of sharing the ring with them.
Fighting Style - Daphne uses her long legs to batter her opponent with kicks and toss them with hurricanranas, wearing them down enough for her to land big, finishing maneuvers.
Tactics - She's very up close and personal, using her flexibility to tangle herself around her opponent and subdue them. She mutters gentle flirtatious whispers and teases into their ears, making them lower their guard out of being flustered or sheer humiliation.
Preferred Moves:
Roundhouse Kick
Octopus Stretch
Headscissors + Armbar
Kimura Lock
Dropkick Variations
Split-Leg Drop
German Suplex
Signatures -
Shadow of Death


Buried in Delight



As expected by her name, Daphne is a very seductive and flirtatious personality. From the top of her hat to the sole of her boots, everything she does is to get under the skin of her opponent. She wears a chesire like grin as they wrestle, blowing soft kisses and whispering suggestive comments into their ears whenever they grapple. She uses her flexible legs and body to taunt and seduce her opponents into a false sense of security, and she takes every opportunity she can to feel her enemy's body up and down, running her hands across their flesh to break down their outer shell.
However, she truly means nothing by it. It's all an attempt to wear down those who she fights against simply to get the win. In reality, she's cold, meticulous, and uncaring. She's almost like a robot, calculating her next move with unwavering precision, and whenever those attempts fail, the cracks in her facade begin to break away and she becomes agitated. Her seductive moments turn into violent attempts to win as she batters her opponent with kicks, exchanging her sultry dialog with cold silence as she tries to beat down whoever stands before her.