Clarisse "Nobody" Bennett
Nothing Personal...
Name: Clarisse Bennett
Nicknames: NA
Age: 25
Eyes: Dark-brown
Hair: White(Natural)
Height: 180cm/5'11"
Weight: 158 lbs/72 kg
Nationality: British
Alignment: Neutral
Entrance Music:
She doesn't have an entrance music, rather the whole arena goes dim and she enters from one of the audience tunnels (Imagine old Roman Reigns Entrance)
Looking at her physique, anyone could make out she was an exquisite specimen of physical fitness. The whole of her body was chiseled and sculpted, with abs,
but not overly buff like strongwomen, but a more lean, athletic build packed with defined musculature; owing from the long hours working out in solitary when serving her sentence, to kill time and also partly to survive. It was testament to this radical change in lifestyle, from the boroughs of London to the hellish four-walls of the penitentiary, that such an extreme physical transformation happened.
Her hair, surprising is naturally white, since she was born. She sported longer hair growing up, reaching up to her hips. But in prison, all that hair was actually shaved to the scalp, like an army-cut, from which she grew the current asymmetrical bob, giving her a menacing yet an ethereal appeal.
The cheery, bubbly face gave way to a more pronounced, defined version — with a cut jawline, thin, pointy nose, slightly arched eyebrows and lips a light shade of pink completing the make-up of her face, which doesn't give much away. Dark-chocolate brown eyes beautifully contrast with the white strands of hair framing her face, really bringing out the vivid intricacies of the natural cameras.
The Londoner's breasts are an area which has very much benefitted from the body transformation, with her ample yet not disproportionately large C/D cup breasts gorgeously complementing the ripped figure, making sure that her femininity wasn't physically lost from the bulking up.
Her choice of clothes for streetwear are mostly darker colours with full-length pants being her go-to bottoms and any kind of tops(mostly crop-tops) with a jacket for an exoskeleton for the torso. The dark colour-scheme is particularly important for her to blend well in night, just in case...
Quite and Reserved, Clarisse communicates primarily through her actions and subtle expressions. She is soft-spoken and maintains a calm, detached demeanor, the occasional crack of these layers are visible to only the closest people of her life, which at present were none. The Lady did get to see this side of hers on occasion.
Clarisse balances a calm, collected exterior with a capacity for sudden bursts of intense, almost primal violence. Her cold efficiency contrasts with moments of explosive anger, giving her a duality between restraint and aggression. Though these moments are very few and far in between, with her confrontation with Briar being the last instance where she let it loose.
She is a deeply solitary figure, a lone wolf. After Lady's death, she has had no close relationships, existing on the fringes of society, detached and emotionally closed off; a major reason of this also being that she was a woman who was declared a criminal in public, despite her release afterwards. She still longs to reunited with her family, if they are still alive and did have a bond with the Lady, but she ultimately remains distant from people in general.
Once an uptight innocent girl, Clarisse emerged out of the jail, like a person born anew after six arduous years. She now has no care what people perceive her as and doesn't bother to change their opinions, rather minding her own business. But one trait that is constant between her past and present selves is her unwavering sense of loyalty. Of all the gangs she was part of, none of them had to worry about her turning on them or sell them out and this also helped her out a great deal when serving time, extending to her family, the Lady and anyone, who manages to get close enough to her.
The acts of the intimate and sexual kind that she partook in completely rewired her mind. Now, no kinks or fetishes fazed her and she didn't bat an eye for any outlandish requests or activities of that kind, completely taking the trepidation and anxiety out of the equation.
Even though she had confronted her past and got out of the mess standing, Clarisse still experiences the remnants of the trauma that she experienced as a young girl during the interrogation and the trial. Huge crowds cheering in chorus, chanting or sudden bright flashes act as trauma triggers for her, putting her in a sort of a trance and you can see cracks in her exterior when the triggers are too intense, ranging from blurry vison, inability to stand on her feet to knees buckling and a face pale from fear.
Her in-ring persona is similar to that of her persona outside of it, rarely flinching in the face of adversity and not giving anything away about her emotional state from her demeanor. Yeah, she does feel pain and hurts, but most of the reactions are muted and very rarely does a more dramatic response is elicitec out of her.
Character Bio
Early Days
Growing up in the Tower Hamlets area of London, a borough known for its rich diversity, international cuisine, and melding of cultures, but also infamous for being a dangerous part of the capital city; Clarisse had already been dealt a shitty hand in life from infancy. She never knew her mother and father, only in glimpses, and lived in a foster home. Her guardians took really good care of her and tried their best to at least mask the void that was left by her parents. Fortunately for them, Clarisse was a well-mannered kid and bedded into her new surroundings with ease. A real bundle of energy and a ray of sunshine, little Clarisse was a breath of fresh air around the house, taking to it like a duck to the water. The other kids with the foster parents also took a liking to her early and she quickly became a part of the family. Despite her outwardly cheerful demeanor, Clarisse still harboured some of the pain of not living with her parents deep inside her heart and continued to clung onto the hope that someday, they would return. Idly gazing into the sky without an expression, staying in bad the whole day, moody demeanors were all occasionally on display, but were thought of as natural by her guardians, given her far from happy circumstances. This continued well into her teenage, by when she would learn to better handle them, but the occasional slip-up did reveal that facet seldom shown from underneath the guise of a genuinely happy girl. The financial situation of their rag-tag family was tight, with the father doing grunt work in construction and the mother as a nurse; but it was never made known to the kids. But it did not mean that they were completely oblivious to the hardships of the parents, especially Clarisse.
The It Girl
She was a decent student in school — got good grades, did well in sports and sported a personality that other kids naturally gravitated towards. And these traits were further amplified the older she got. By the time she turned 17, big things were expected of of her, to escape the poverty and take her family out of the rut as well. Little did she know that her life would son turn upside down to something that she would never even imagine. A girl, named Briar, a big buff one at that and part of the wrestling team of their high-school, used to walk around the campus, like she owned it and to an extent it was true. Her father was a rather influential man and she made sure to use that perk for all its worth — getting away without punishment after being involved in scuffles, harassing the teachers, picking on the other 'weaker' kids. One day, she decided to have some fun with Clarisse, having been intrigued by her infectious persona and darling of the school. She blocked her path in a crowded corridor, to rough her up and trying to cause a commotion with a hope that Clarisse would break or beg at her feet to let her go. But Clarisse picked her apart with mere words and a charming smile, which caused the entire hallway to gasp out their heart, unable to believe that the big girl was humbled so easily.
Now Briar did use her father's influence to get what she wanted, but what the others knew about it only scratched the surface. She had psychopath tendencies, in the sense that whatever we would only think of doing, Briar would actually execute it. But till now, they were all containable and excusable. This time though, with her reputation in the mud, she would really do a long jump over the line of sanity. That year, a slew of kidnappings had been happening all around the Tower Hamlets area, with all the people on high alert and wary of anyone suspicious. Briar decided to pin all the kidnappings on Clarisse, portraying her as a willing accomplice to this crime. A week Clarisse was picked up from her home in handcuffs and interrogated brutally. Even though she would be classified as a juvenile, Briar made sure that she would be put into the adult bracket and treated as such. Every law-enforcement officer that would be associated with her case would be on her payroll. A Trail ensued. Fabricated Evidence, False Testimonies, Fake Recordings and Witnesses were presented, irrefutable and iron-clad. The Verdict — 15 years in Prison, which was too much considering that she was a minor! But Briar was sadistically enjoying Clarisse's wails and cries after the judgement and even smirked menacingly when they made eyes contact while Clarisse got arrested, all the while her screams echoing through the halls "I DIDN"T DO IT! I DIDN'T DO IT!!" was all she could utter as she was paraded outside the courthouse, with her face. Blinding flashes of cameras covered her sight and an angry mob had gathered around the entrance, trying to get a glimpse of the criminal that she was declared. Her family was nowhere in sight, probably locked up somewhere or taken away, rendering her all alone again, and this time, the hand dealt to her was the worst of the worst.
Her woes didn't end there. Briar made sure that she would suffer the maximum misery possible, thus throwing her in with the most dangerous and primal criminals, who had committed actual horrible crimes. Thus began a life that would break her down before build her into a new one. At first, she would be cowering and tearing up at the mere sight of these perpetrator, with the guards not offering much assistance. But as the year progressed, she was thrown into a world so foreign, that almost threatened to break Clarisse's mental balance. But she somehow managed to hang on. Brawls, Shanks, Smuggling, Escapes...Clarisse saw it all in the prison and was also knowingly and unknowingly got involved in some of these. The initial couple years were spent acting subservient to the other bigger members and doing their bidding, sometimes doing unspeakable activities. This slowly chipped away at her cheerful, full-of life persona and brought a side of her that was unlike her, a shell of her former self. Physically too changes started to become visible. What was once a slim, slender and petite frame transformed into a buff, ripped and shredded version of it, sculpted inside the unforgiving cells and yards. Also, combat, to which she was really averse before prison, now became second nature to her, getting involved in numerous scuffles and fistfights. Those would be some of the most messiest and bloodiest displays of combat, with the other prisoners cheering on and goading the fighters to spill blood, after which they would be left to tend to themselves. She was even the victim of a couple of shanks, although was saved timely before it took a life-threatening turn.
As the years passed by, Clarisse changed as a woman, a completely different woman from the one who went in. Gone were the days of the wide-eyed, sunshine and rainbows, grinning Clarisse. Instead of it was a woman, sculpted and chiseled, one of few words and a penchant for violence. She rose up the internal ranks between the prisoners and affiliated herself with the faction having most pull, becoming an indispensable part of their operations. Fights, Communication, Smuggling Contraband, all of these and more had her involved very closely and with her having surpassed many of the criminals in terms of combat, there wasn't much opposition against her. One code that she always followed was a "No Kill" rule, going only as far as to crippling them or send them to the intensive care.
Six Years passed this way. One Morning, as Clarisse was working out, she got called to the warden's office. The warden was as surprised as her when he uttered that she was now a free woman, due to her 'continued good behaviour'. At first Clarisse didn't believe it. Good Behaviour would have been the very last of reasons for her to be set free. But apparently she was free on that basis. Something was definitely fishy, but she didn't think too much of it; opting to get out of the prison first before contemplating what had happened.
Meeting an old friend
Six Years, six long years had passed. The World was now very different from before. Clarisse's life was now in tatters. No place to live, No job, and her family's house had been cleaned off and was occupied with other tenants. And she too was a shell of her former self. Getting herself a room in a nearby motel, Clarisse's mind started to go into overdrive from thinking about what Briar had done to her, anger and rage bubbling up. So, for the next few days, she would stalk the buff woman, who had gotten further shredded and bigger, and even seemed to have made it into wrestling. Finally finding an opportune moment, Clarisse confronted Briar in her own house, with Briar looking like she had seen a ghost. The confrontation quickly turned into a slugfest, with both of them throwing hands without care. Blood spilled like water everywhere, furniture was destroyed and the final act was Clarisse on top of a battered and bloodied Briar, hammering away at her face with all her might. The night after that, the local police were gifted with the sight of Briar in a wheelchair, unconscious and all the evidence of Clarisse's innocence and her guilt strapped to her. Coincidentally, Clarisse left town that day, to rebuild her life, from scratch.
Now that she had gotten out of jail, she needed to earn money and find a place to live. But with a criminal record like hers and Briar's trial probably being dragged on for long, Clarisse, had to find alternatives. She was still 23 and was a finely crafted specimen, so figured that she could use some of the skills she acquired when held in captive, to the test. She would join a local gang as an enforcer and get a cut out of their business and being as good as she was, they paid her more than others. But these gangs were incredibly short-sighted and more often than not, would be rounded up by the cops. So Clarisse kept jumping ships and accumulating whatever she earned for a rainy day. Soon, many parts of the region came to notice a woman, who referred to herself as a "Nobody" was offering her services to various underworld organizations and that she was very good at her job. Soon, she was hired by a rather large organized crime family as a bodyguard and it seemed to a long-term deal. As she continued to work with them, the head of the family, known as the Lady, started to treat her as her own and even offered to let her leave and do what she wanted, agreeing to finance her wants. But Clarisse always rejected the lady's offers. Until one day, almost two years since she began to work for them, the lady was about of take her last breath owing to some heart complications and before she passed away, she gave a ticket and some money to Clarisse to leave this life and start something, in another country, which in question was Japan.
A couple of months had passed since Clarisse left the enforcer job for good. The lady's funeral was also the first time in a very long time that she was genuinely pained and showed real emotion, even though it was a mere glimpse. But now, she was wrangling with herself about moving to Japan, a land very foreign and new to her and also what would she even do? But then she got to know about the wrestling scene of Japan and about a prestigious promotion taking in some of the best talents in the world. Wrestling was something that Clarisse had developed some interested when she got free and with some basic wrestling training combined with her already innate combat skills, she could make a decent living there. She spent about three to four months getting to grips with in-ring wrestling and its intricacies, the holds, slams and other jargon before feeling ready to turn a new leaf. Apparently, this promotion, LAW, was very lenient about the background of its employees and only focused on putting the best product for its global audience to watch. So Clarisse got her foot in the door with ease, earning a basic contract with a few add-ons, the final sum being a lot more than what she made when part of those little gangs (The lady paid her very well though). So now, she is about to begin a chapter of her life, a chapter hopefully detached from her past and one that would actually drag her out of the ordeal that was her present.
Growing up in the Tower Hamlets area of London, a borough known for its rich diversity, international cuisine, and melding of cultures, but also infamous for being a dangerous part of the capital city; Clarisse had already been dealt a shitty hand in life from infancy. She never knew her mother and father, only in glimpses, and lived in a foster home. Her guardians took really good care of her and tried their best to at least mask the void that was left by her parents. Fortunately for them, Clarisse was a well-mannered kid and bedded into her new surroundings with ease. A real bundle of energy and a ray of sunshine, little Clarisse was a breath of fresh air around the house, taking to it like a duck to the water. The other kids with the foster parents also took a liking to her early and she quickly became a part of the family. Despite her outwardly cheerful demeanor, Clarisse still harboured some of the pain of not living with her parents deep inside her heart and continued to clung onto the hope that someday, they would return. Idly gazing into the sky without an expression, staying in bad the whole day, moody demeanors were all occasionally on display, but were thought of as natural by her guardians, given her far from happy circumstances. This continued well into her teenage, by when she would learn to better handle them, but the occasional slip-up did reveal that facet seldom shown from underneath the guise of a genuinely happy girl. The financial situation of their rag-tag family was tight, with the father doing grunt work in construction and the mother as a nurse; but it was never made known to the kids. But it did not mean that they were completely oblivious to the hardships of the parents, especially Clarisse.
The It Girl
She was a decent student in school — got good grades, did well in sports and sported a personality that other kids naturally gravitated towards. And these traits were further amplified the older she got. By the time she turned 17, big things were expected of of her, to escape the poverty and take her family out of the rut as well. Little did she know that her life would son turn upside down to something that she would never even imagine. A girl, named Briar, a big buff one at that and part of the wrestling team of their high-school, used to walk around the campus, like she owned it and to an extent it was true. Her father was a rather influential man and she made sure to use that perk for all its worth — getting away without punishment after being involved in scuffles, harassing the teachers, picking on the other 'weaker' kids. One day, she decided to have some fun with Clarisse, having been intrigued by her infectious persona and darling of the school. She blocked her path in a crowded corridor, to rough her up and trying to cause a commotion with a hope that Clarisse would break or beg at her feet to let her go. But Clarisse picked her apart with mere words and a charming smile, which caused the entire hallway to gasp out their heart, unable to believe that the big girl was humbled so easily.
Now Briar did use her father's influence to get what she wanted, but what the others knew about it only scratched the surface. She had psychopath tendencies, in the sense that whatever we would only think of doing, Briar would actually execute it. But till now, they were all containable and excusable. This time though, with her reputation in the mud, she would really do a long jump over the line of sanity. That year, a slew of kidnappings had been happening all around the Tower Hamlets area, with all the people on high alert and wary of anyone suspicious. Briar decided to pin all the kidnappings on Clarisse, portraying her as a willing accomplice to this crime. A week Clarisse was picked up from her home in handcuffs and interrogated brutally. Even though she would be classified as a juvenile, Briar made sure that she would be put into the adult bracket and treated as such. Every law-enforcement officer that would be associated with her case would be on her payroll. A Trail ensued. Fabricated Evidence, False Testimonies, Fake Recordings and Witnesses were presented, irrefutable and iron-clad. The Verdict — 15 years in Prison, which was too much considering that she was a minor! But Briar was sadistically enjoying Clarisse's wails and cries after the judgement and even smirked menacingly when they made eyes contact while Clarisse got arrested, all the while her screams echoing through the halls "I DIDN"T DO IT! I DIDN'T DO IT!!" was all she could utter as she was paraded outside the courthouse, with her face. Blinding flashes of cameras covered her sight and an angry mob had gathered around the entrance, trying to get a glimpse of the criminal that she was declared. Her family was nowhere in sight, probably locked up somewhere or taken away, rendering her all alone again, and this time, the hand dealt to her was the worst of the worst.
Her woes didn't end there. Briar made sure that she would suffer the maximum misery possible, thus throwing her in with the most dangerous and primal criminals, who had committed actual horrible crimes. Thus began a life that would break her down before build her into a new one. At first, she would be cowering and tearing up at the mere sight of these perpetrator, with the guards not offering much assistance. But as the year progressed, she was thrown into a world so foreign, that almost threatened to break Clarisse's mental balance. But she somehow managed to hang on. Brawls, Shanks, Smuggling, Escapes...Clarisse saw it all in the prison and was also knowingly and unknowingly got involved in some of these. The initial couple years were spent acting subservient to the other bigger members and doing their bidding, sometimes doing unspeakable activities. This slowly chipped away at her cheerful, full-of life persona and brought a side of her that was unlike her, a shell of her former self. Physically too changes started to become visible. What was once a slim, slender and petite frame transformed into a buff, ripped and shredded version of it, sculpted inside the unforgiving cells and yards. Also, combat, to which she was really averse before prison, now became second nature to her, getting involved in numerous scuffles and fistfights. Those would be some of the most messiest and bloodiest displays of combat, with the other prisoners cheering on and goading the fighters to spill blood, after which they would be left to tend to themselves. She was even the victim of a couple of shanks, although was saved timely before it took a life-threatening turn.
As the years passed by, Clarisse changed as a woman, a completely different woman from the one who went in. Gone were the days of the wide-eyed, sunshine and rainbows, grinning Clarisse. Instead of it was a woman, sculpted and chiseled, one of few words and a penchant for violence. She rose up the internal ranks between the prisoners and affiliated herself with the faction having most pull, becoming an indispensable part of their operations. Fights, Communication, Smuggling Contraband, all of these and more had her involved very closely and with her having surpassed many of the criminals in terms of combat, there wasn't much opposition against her. One code that she always followed was a "No Kill" rule, going only as far as to crippling them or send them to the intensive care.
Six Years passed this way. One Morning, as Clarisse was working out, she got called to the warden's office. The warden was as surprised as her when he uttered that she was now a free woman, due to her 'continued good behaviour'. At first Clarisse didn't believe it. Good Behaviour would have been the very last of reasons for her to be set free. But apparently she was free on that basis. Something was definitely fishy, but she didn't think too much of it; opting to get out of the prison first before contemplating what had happened.
Meeting an old friend
Six Years, six long years had passed. The World was now very different from before. Clarisse's life was now in tatters. No place to live, No job, and her family's house had been cleaned off and was occupied with other tenants. And she too was a shell of her former self. Getting herself a room in a nearby motel, Clarisse's mind started to go into overdrive from thinking about what Briar had done to her, anger and rage bubbling up. So, for the next few days, she would stalk the buff woman, who had gotten further shredded and bigger, and even seemed to have made it into wrestling. Finally finding an opportune moment, Clarisse confronted Briar in her own house, with Briar looking like she had seen a ghost. The confrontation quickly turned into a slugfest, with both of them throwing hands without care. Blood spilled like water everywhere, furniture was destroyed and the final act was Clarisse on top of a battered and bloodied Briar, hammering away at her face with all her might. The night after that, the local police were gifted with the sight of Briar in a wheelchair, unconscious and all the evidence of Clarisse's innocence and her guilt strapped to her. Coincidentally, Clarisse left town that day, to rebuild her life, from scratch.
Now that she had gotten out of jail, she needed to earn money and find a place to live. But with a criminal record like hers and Briar's trial probably being dragged on for long, Clarisse, had to find alternatives. She was still 23 and was a finely crafted specimen, so figured that she could use some of the skills she acquired when held in captive, to the test. She would join a local gang as an enforcer and get a cut out of their business and being as good as she was, they paid her more than others. But these gangs were incredibly short-sighted and more often than not, would be rounded up by the cops. So Clarisse kept jumping ships and accumulating whatever she earned for a rainy day. Soon, many parts of the region came to notice a woman, who referred to herself as a "Nobody" was offering her services to various underworld organizations and that she was very good at her job. Soon, she was hired by a rather large organized crime family as a bodyguard and it seemed to a long-term deal. As she continued to work with them, the head of the family, known as the Lady, started to treat her as her own and even offered to let her leave and do what she wanted, agreeing to finance her wants. But Clarisse always rejected the lady's offers. Until one day, almost two years since she began to work for them, the lady was about of take her last breath owing to some heart complications and before she passed away, she gave a ticket and some money to Clarisse to leave this life and start something, in another country, which in question was Japan.
A couple of months had passed since Clarisse left the enforcer job for good. The lady's funeral was also the first time in a very long time that she was genuinely pained and showed real emotion, even though it was a mere glimpse. But now, she was wrangling with herself about moving to Japan, a land very foreign and new to her and also what would she even do? But then she got to know about the wrestling scene of Japan and about a prestigious promotion taking in some of the best talents in the world. Wrestling was something that Clarisse had developed some interested when she got free and with some basic wrestling training combined with her already innate combat skills, she could make a decent living there. She spent about three to four months getting to grips with in-ring wrestling and its intricacies, the holds, slams and other jargon before feeling ready to turn a new leaf. Apparently, this promotion, LAW, was very lenient about the background of its employees and only focused on putting the best product for its global audience to watch. So Clarisse got her foot in the door with ease, earning a basic contract with a few add-ons, the final sum being a lot more than what she made when part of those little gangs (The lady paid her very well though). So now, she is about to begin a chapter of her life, a chapter hopefully detached from her past and one that would actually drag her out of the ordeal that was her present.
Wrestling Information
Strategy and Style:
Tank hits and Hit back hard. That's her style condensed to a few words. She does block hits and dodges, but mostly she takes the blow without hesitation before hitting back. Having slugged it out with some of the most meanest and brutal people in the penetentiary and then again in the years after her release, Clarisse relies mostly on strikes to inflict damage and submission maneuvers, which are simple but effective to wear her opponents down. Having done some basic wrestling training before joining LAW, Clarisse can perform simple throws and maneuvers.
Preferred Matches: She doesn't mind the about the type of match, but KO matches are her bread and butter
Attitude To Hentai:
"Fighting and Fucking always follow each other, so it doesn't matter which happens first and where it happens"
General Statistics
Endurance 10/10 - Shaped up in in prison meant that she is able to withstand the toughest of blows and can take a lot of punishment. Because if you
wanted to survive there, you gotta get sturdy, toughen up, which she did with aplomb
Strength 9/10 - Clarisse built up her strength,which was reflected in the crazy impact her strikes dealt and the aftereffects of the blows. Power-wise, she can hold her own, able to lift her opponents for most of her grapple moves.
Defence 7/10 - The Londoner preferred to tank hits, but it didn't mean that she couldn't defend.
Speed 8/10 - For someone her size, speed was a definite advantage and a necessity when facing off against foes, especially ones bigger and burlier than
her. This also extended to her reflexes as well.
Technique 8/10 - Being involved in combat for so long, where sometimes the survival was at stake, forced Clarisse to constantly work and hone her skills,
evolving and adding to her repertoire. So while her grappling arsenal is limited, she is devastating with strikes and submissions, able to
easily mix it up and adjust
Aerials 4/10 - Nothing too fancy. Only last resort.
Preferred Moves
- Clothesline
- Superkick
- Powerbomb
- Elbow-Drop
- Armbars
- Kneebars
- Chokes
- German-Suplex
- Spear
- Spinebuster
- Double-Foot Stomp
- Boxing Combos
- European Uppercut
- Bionic Elbow
- Strike Combos
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves:
The Cleaver


Finishing Moves:
Null and Void


Jab, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross to the body, Uppercut to the chin
Spinebuster followed by hammering away at the face repeatedly. Clarisse will use it only when she is truly unhinged
Wrestling Attire






lounging in beach chair


sunny day

can i help you?


Street Attire




Friends: NA
Allies: NA
Rivals: NA
Crushes/Lovers: NA
Enemies: NA
- Clarisse still endures the remnants of her past trauma, which spring up on her due to certain "Trauma Triggers", like large crowds chanting in sync, chorus, blinding flashes of lights,etc.
- The moniker "Nobody" comes from her enforcer days, where she would be affiliated with gangs and just called herself "A Nobody" to keep a low-profile, but due to her exploits, that name is now well-known in the Deepest parts of Tower Hamlets and London and parts of Britain.
- Also, she is addressed by the same name, "Nobody" by people speaking various other languages as well, like "Ottis" in Greek, "Nadie" in Spanish, "Ninguem" in Portuguese, "La' Ahad" in Arabic.
- She had three siblings in her foster home. An brother, same age as her; younger brother and a younger sister.
- Her favourite weather is dark clouds accompanied with a light drizzle, in which she likes to go out
- Prison really took a lot out of her. She was the victim of multiple ambushes in her cell, with twice being shanked, but fortunately escaped alive.
- Straps a custom-made shiv in the inner lining of her left combat-boot.
- Currently lives in a one-bedroom flat nearby the LAW main arena area, a cozy and decent place till she is fully on her feet
- Having been affiliated with many gangs and also having grown up in a more multi-cultural environment, Clarisse can speak fluent English, Arabic, with intermediate grasp of Spanish and Portuguese and a Basic grasp of Japanese as she continues to learn the language...
< This section will be occassionally updated >