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Ciara Ward - The Chicago Cobra

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:25 am
by Sigma Morgan
Ciara Ward

Nationality: American

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Age: 25

Height: 5'8

Weight: 152 lbs.

Alignment: Tweener

Orientation: Bisexual

Nickname: The Chicago Cobra

Social Media:

Personality: Outside the ring, she's pretty quite, keeps to herself doesn't want to cause much trouble, doesn't mind taking photos with polite fans as long as they are not rude or annoying. Inside the ring, she is unrelenting, not caring what it takes to win as long as she does. She doesn't care much for the rules, especially against opponent she doesn't like.

Favored Matches: Anything

Attitude towards hentai: "This shit? Really? Fuck off"


Likes: Quite nights, music, violent movies and sports. Flowers, Snakes.

Dislikes: Overly Judgmental people, Hornets, Loud and annoying people outside of crowds.


Ciara had always been a bit of an unruly person often throwing violent tantrums as a child that her mom never truly figured out how to deal with and was on her own after giving birth to Ciara with her father never being in the picture outside of child support payments. Growing up Ciara kept to herself though her anger would often get her in trouble once way or another, whether that was starting fights in an alley, vandalizing someone else property, or trashing the apartment before he mom was home from work. Her outburst would often lead to an argument with her mom which lead to Ciara disappearing for a day or two at the time before coming back home or her getting detained by the police.

Turning eighteen her mom was beginning to have enough of her anger and outburst, one night after a particularly nasty argument Ciara stormed out into the thunderstorm, eventually, she ended up breaking into a gym in order to get out of the rain before taking her anger out on a punching bag she found set up. Unknowing to her the gym owner and Mixed Martial artist owned the gym and was in the building watching from a distance studying Ciara's form for a few moments before approaching her calmly and confronting her, she was impressed by how harder her punches and kicks were but wasn't too pleased with having someone breaking into her gym in the middle of the night.

Realizing she was caught Ciara calmed down and realized she could be in deep trouble, unsure what to say until the gym owner spoke up and complimented her form but reprimanded Clara for breaking in. Hoping she could at least talk her way out of this Ciara smiled at the woman's praise before swiftly apologizing for breaking in and tried to see herself out. The gym owner then introduced herself and told Ciara to stay and watch before approaching the punching bag herself and doing a harder kick with even better form and power before repeating it a few times and turning her attention back to Ciara telling her to try it again. Wanting to avoid and argument or trouble Ciara did so, clearly not as experienced but still impressive for a novice. Smiling the gym owner asked if she had interest in any combat sports. Truthfully Ciara didn't have much interest at the time but faked interest hoping it would get her off the hook. The gym owner then challenged her to a spar, if she won Ciara would have to clean the entire gym for a week or she would be in big trouble, if she lost Ciara was free to go. Not wanting to be stuck here or in trouble Ciara accepted. The spar didn't go well for Ciara at all, getting put on her ass repeatedly and only landing a few good its on the veteran before tapping out to an armbar.

Losing the challenge Ciara sighed ready to do her part but instead the owner offered to teach her more at night instead seeing potential in her. Growing a fondness for this kind of fighting Ciara accepted nervously and was allowed to go home if she came back the next time though this time she was given a key so she wouldn't have to break in. Going back every night for a year Ciara learned, submissions, how to study an opponent, how to block and protect herself. The gym leader then informed her she was hosting a few matches in the gym at night, a fight club of sorts and with the offer obviously on the table Ciara accepted and fought her first unofficial match against a fellow rookie who she ended up knocking out in a minute an fifteens seconds with a hard kick. With smaller promoters watching this match Ciara's career in the local MMA scene began with her participating in matches all the time after this racking up a record of six and one, her first match coming when her anger got the better of her when she continue to punch an opponent after the round had ended, this could have ended her career with promoters not wanting to work with her, but the fans liked her so much they really had no choice but to let her off with a warning. She began to morph into The Chicago Cobra, a name she got from her aggressive strikes and tattoo's she began to get. Before too long she met a friend of her mentors who began to teach her wrestling to add to her arsenal and also aid in grappling and overpowering opponents. With the tools in her hand and a reputation Ciara began to participate in higher profile matches that grew her following, fanbase, and infamy, one time continuing to punch her opponent's face long after the match ended just because the woman talked trash about Ciara only ever having on parent in the picture.

Continuing her MMA career for a few years it wasn't long until a large company like LAW approached her, granted she liked all violent sports, she wasn't sure about a career in professional wrestling initially turning it down to focus purely on MMA and adding more martial arts to her skillset for a few years until once again her anger got her in trouble when she refused to release an opponent from a submission leading her to being disqualified and kicked out from the MMA premotion and blacklisted from several others. Seeing she was out of work LAW came knocking again and this time Ciara accepted seeing it as the only way forward.
Fun facts

-Really likes flowers and gardening, using it as a way to manage her temper

-Ended up blocking her mom out of her life after an argument over her choosing MMA as a career

-Has never met or spoken to her Father.

Old Look
MMA Gear
Alternate Attire
Street Clothes

Chicago Sunset
Windy City Handshake
Cobra's Burrow

Cobra Strike!
Second City Venom

General Statistics
Endurance: 8/10
Strength: 8/10
Speed: 7/10
Defense: 7/10
Technique: 7/10

Wrestling Statistics
Strikes: 10/10
Submissions: 8/10
Powerhouse: 6/10
Aerials: 2/10
Counters: 7/10

Friends and Foes:





Re: Ciara Ward - The Chicago Cobra

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2024 6:33 pm
by Sigma Morgan
Patch notes 8/15

Updated moveset :P