Ramen Lover - Naruko Nori

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Ramen Lover - Naruko Nori

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Name: Naruko Nori
Age: 20
Eyes: green
Hair: blond
Height: 5,4
Weight: 140
Nationality: Japan
Twitter Handle: @RamenCookNaruko
Entrance Music:Ramen Bowl

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Just have fun , and get dirty
Style: Messy Wrestling
Preferred Attacks: Headlock , Various Scissorholds , Breastsmother , Stinkface , Bearhug , Spanking , Wedgie , Double Leg Takedown
Preferred Matches:oprn to all, but prefer messy wrestling 


Endurance: 2/5
Strength: 2/5
Speed: 5/5

Finishing Moves

Ramen Twister
Let's eat some ramen
Working Out
Street Wear
Face Off
Wrestling Attire

Naruko is an friendly, honest, kind hearted and rather helpful person. 

Also she can't seem to stop talking about Ramen as it seems to be an big passion on her. 


Naruko grew up the single child of parents who owned an small ramen restaurant. As she helped out when she was old enough by doing some chores whenever she had the time. 

As she grew older she wanted to help out with the business. However her parents started to struggle about two years ago. Which was not strange especially considering what was happened in the world at the time. So with money tight the young woman tried to find ways to help out. 

Then one day after she turned 18 someone approached her. Telling her that they had heard about the financial problems she and her parents were having, and was willing to help. 

All she would have to do was do something in return for him. With not an lot of options, and after being reassure it was not illegal, Naruko decided to see what it was he wanted her to do. Well in hindsight she was glad that she had taken the man up on his offer as if he had to explained it she would likely have either laughed at him or screamed for the cops to arrive. 

As she would be told to arrive at an rather shady building, and be told to bring an bikini. Which caused the blond to get angry at first as she made it clear that if she was asked to do porn that she would kill him. However she was assured that was not the case as she walked in to find an well underground fight ring as nobody was there besides other girls as she noticed two girls fighting in what she was later told was jello. There she was told that in order to repay the man she would have to wrestle one of the other girl's in the wrestling pit that would be filled with an type of food. This could range from jello to pudding. She was even told she could one day be asked to wrestle in ramen broth. 

Her first instinct was to ran out the building, but then she was told what she would make. Depending on what kind of stipulation she would agree to she would walk away with between 600 to 1600 usd per match if she lost. Should she win then she would double that as the young woman did not have to think twice. Now the more erotic stipulations as she later found out paid better then the more tame ones.

However it helped her pay the bills and allowed her to help her parents out. As she would compete in those matches for 18 months. As about an month or two before her birthday she was once again approached by someone. This time someone working for Law who were interested in signing her up if she were to first be trained with the other young lions for an while to get her skill up to speed. Thinking it over she would accept the over as she could make some extra cash while she worked there, and once she was done she could take over the restaurant was her thinking 

Fun Fact:


LAW Information
Number of matches:
Wins: 0
Loses: 0
Draws: 0

Match History

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