Ochaco Uraraka AKA URAVITY

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Ochaco Uraraka AKA URAVITY

Unread post by Ultima »

Made with permission from Winner3

Name: Ochaco Uraraka
Hair Color: Auburn Brown
Eye Color: Auburn Brown
Height: 5’8
Weight: 160
Alignment: Baby Face
Entrance Music
Peace Sign
Many have described Ochaco as "the most laid back girl they’ve ever met" being very bubbly and kind of an airhead at times. She is often incredibly blunt without being aware of it. Often at times Ochaco's reactions can be overexaggerated. She often becomes amused at certain personality traits bursting into laughter at times, which she tries to suppress. Despite her usually cheery and sometimes ditzy demeanor, Ochaco can take on an extremely determined, focused, and somewhat intimidating attitude when the situation calls for it. Because of this Ochaco, is not above making some impulsive or reckless decisions. Above all else Ochaco wants to be someone that people can look up to. Just as some wrestlers were for her growing up.
Ochaco was never particularly blessed. If anything many around Ochaco can argue that she has faced more hardships than she should. Regardless of that fact, Ochaco still tries her best. Coming from a poor household, Ochaco tends to become easily excited or surprised over little things, even losing her composure when faced with actual luxury. Her parents own a real estate business that has not gotten a significant amount of business in years. Being more specific, they have gotten what they needed to get by. Nothing more, nothing less, which affected their lifestyle. Still Ochaco never complained. She knew deep down that her parents were doing whatever they could for her. Many kids would have complained about their situation. Not Ochaco though, she would make the best of her situations. If kids were buying the newest toys, Ochaco would end up making her own toys to play with. Ochaco never minded being made fun of for being poor. Yet she would always come to defense of other kids that would get bullied. Even if the kids getting bullied were the ones that made fun of her. Ochaco believed that no one deserved to be bullied and made fun of. That everyone has a hero looking out for them. Just as how her parents looked out for her. Ochaco’s biggest heroes were her parents as no matter how bad their situation got. Still they worse smile on their faces. Even as they wore smiles on their faces. Ochaco knew the truth, and it hurt that she could not help her parents.

Admittedly Ochaco was always more outgoing compared to other kids. Prefering to play sports and more physically demanding games. That way money would not be something she would have to worry about. Due to this Ochaco would find herself around more boys than girls. Yet because she was girl, Ochaco would more often than not being the last pick in any game. That or being the player that was wanted the least. Still, she would make the most of her situation. Ironically Ochaco’s favorite game they would play would be wrestling. At least that is what she viewed it as, most parents would see it as simply rough housing.

Wanting to be better at the game, Ochaco would tune any wrestling shows she could find. Though what started as simple research, became a fascination then a hobby. It did not take long for Ochaco to fall in love with the wrestling shows. Watching the larger than life personalities, clash with other wrestlers in amazing story lines. Ochaco would always find herself cheering for the hero. Even if the hero was not the most popular choice in the given match or story. The hero wrestlers would remind Ochaco of her parents. Still wearing smiles and doing the good thing. Even if it meant something bad would happen to them. Ochaco’s parents could not miss this love of wrestling she had. Ochaco wore this love on her sleeves. So as a early birthday gift, despite the funds not agreeing with it. Ochaco was taken to her favorite wrestling show. Where she would meet the same stars she met on television. Wrestlers like Ms.Midnight in their prime. This would be a gift that Ochaco would forever hold dear to her. This match being the catalyst that lit a fire inside Ochaco.

A fire that wanted Ochaco to compete in the same ring as her heroes. This would be the first time that Ochaco would be open with something she enjoyed. She simply couldn’t contain her enjoyment for wrestling. Before Ochaco would keep things to herself as she did not want her parents to feed into her. This was different, Ochaco would do everything she could to become a wrestler. Though something very early on would try to stomp out this fire. Ochaco’s family could not possibly back her dream financially. Knowing that Ochaco had this dream to become a wrestler. Ochaco’s parents refused to have their daughters dream die due to financial issues. Because of that they would give Ochaco everything she needed. The proper training equipment and a gym membership. At least with this Ochaco would be able to build her body to what she wanted.

But having a body would not be enough, going a step forward Ochaco’s parents would sign her up for a wrestling school. Not just any wrestling school, but a school ran by Ms.Midnight. Ochaco was beyond overjoyed when she had the opportunity to work with Ms.Midnight. Though even at first Ms.Midnight pointed out that Ochaco no talent whatsoever. Ochaco would be crushed hearing this, but she still took it as a challenge from Ms.Midnight. If she had no talent, then she would work so hard that she wouldn’t need talent. Ochaco would work harder than the hardest working person Ms.Midnight knew.

At the end of their first session. Ochaco was able impress Ms.Midnight with her work ethic. Though despite that it was only one session Ochaco’s parents could afford. Ochaco would be heavily against continuing training with Ms.Midnight as it would be very expensive. Which brough Ochaco to another dilemma, she wanted to help her parents financially. Not wanting them to worry about money anymore. Wanting to be their hero for a change. Just as Ochaco was going to drop wrestling as a whole, Ms.Midnight would simply suggest Ochaco taking wrestling as a full time job.

How did Ochaco not think of this! Of course this would be a well paying job. Certainly more than enough to support herself and her family. But that would bring about the issue of affording Ms.Midnight’s school. Ms.Midnight would tell Ochaco to not worry about the payment. To simply pay her back once she has secured the job. Being brought to tears by this Ochaco would work herself to the bone to be able to be the best wrestler.

Ms.Midnight’s investment would be very well made, as Ochaco would become her top student. Arriving first and leaving last. Ochaco was able to close the gap of talent with her hard work. It was good that this was the case as Ms.Midnight would announce a tournament. In which the top three would receive full salaries and be invited into a promotion. Seeing this as her best chance to become a wrestler, Ochaco was ready to do her best.

Moving on to the tournament, Ochaco thought that she would lose rather early on. Instead the opposite was true, she would go thorugh her matches with relative ease. Finally seeing the benefits of her hardwork. She was the strongest wrestler in the tournament. It did not take long but Ochaco would find herself in the finals against Tsuyu Asui. Someone who anyone else would say had more talent than Ochaco. But this did not deter her from trying her best.

It was a hard fought match. But Ochaco was able to beat Tsuyu and be the winner of the tournament. So her rewards would be the best salary of the three and being invited to the promotion. Finally…Finally Ochaco could be her parent’s hero financially. Now she could also be a hero to everyone else, looking at Ochaco and knowing that all you need is hard work to achieve your dreams.

Various Images
Proper Combat Attire
ImageImage Image
You wanna go?!?
Image Image Image Image
Something Casual
Image Image
Yeah sure, I can work out a bit
Some Not Good Fights
Some Good Fights
Ochaco Combat Information
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★★ – Ochaco has worked herself to the bone to make sure her body would not give up on her
Strength ★★★★ – The easiest thing she could work on. Ochaco found herself being more of a powerhouse to begin with
Speed ★★★ – Average speed, though will lose to certain speedsters
Defense ★★★ – Average defense that is bolstered by her above average endurance
Technique ★- Technique?

Combat Statistics
Strikes ★★★★ – This would naturally come with Ochaco and her strength training
Submissions ★★★ – Ochaco does not know much outside of the basics. Though her strength keeps her submissions strong
Powerhouse ★★★★★ – Ochaco would refuse to anyone in this aspect. Can lift even the biggest heavyweights
Aerials ★★ – If the move is called a splash, Ochaco is able to preform it. Anything more complicated is almost impossble for her
Counters ★★ – Ochaco’s best idea for a counter is taking and powering through a hit.

Ochaco is more of a all rounder, though she does lean into more power than anything else. Yet it is particularly hard to find a weakness for Ochaco. Ochaco’s idea is to push the match into a strike slam fest. That is what she feels the most comfortable inInstead it would be better to out do Ochaco in one of her lesser stats.
Preferred Matches Ordered
Unorthodox matches (I.E Boxing, mma, Karate)
Special Condition matches
Hentai (Maybe, ask me personally for details)

Favorite Attacks
1) All manner of punches
2) All manner of throws
3) German Suplex
4) Pop up Power Bomb
5) Torture Rack

Signature Moves
Meteor Storm
Gravity Falls
Zero Gravity
Comet Home Run
Zero Satelites
Friends: Ms.Midnight is Ochaco’s greatest teacher. Always pushing her strive for more. Being the first person to push Ochaco to where she is today

Allies: Mina Ashido, Tsuyu Asui. Both students under Ms.Midnight, these three always look out for each other.
Rivals: Vacant
Enemies: Vacant
Lovers : Vacant

Interesting Facts:
1) Despite making a great amount of money. Ochaco at times can still be very frugal
2) Her favorite meal is steak.
3) Ochaco has silently turned herself into a gym rat
4) Ochaco has a hard time saying no if it is phrased into a challenge.
5) Ochaco is trying to pick up a third language to learn
6) The first Ochaco purchased with her check was a house for her parents.
7) Ochaco doesn’t make the first move when it comes to romance
Last edited by Ultima on Tue May 24, 2022 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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