Nickname: The Bestial Huntress
A high-flying grappler that will damage you with athletic leaps and end the match with fearsome submissions!
Age: 25
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 135 lbs
Entrance Music:
Alignment: Tweener
Nationality: Indian
Appearance: A dark-skinned, average-height woman with long legs and long black hair. She is lithe and toned, and more muscular than her slim body suggests. Nidalee is stoic and serious and can take you down just as fast as her cougar counterpart
Personality: Nidalee is generally stoic and serious but will really let loose if she finds her opponent a challenge. You can expect excessive force from her if she does so, and while it won't end in death, the opponent will probably wish it did for an hour or so afterwards at least.
Wrestling Information:
Strategy: Nidalee aims to sevverely damage her opponents by utilizing her cougar-like athleticism to strike opponents. She'll quickly and furiously wear her opponents down with fast strikes or grappling moves and aim to end the match with a submission or pin if she sees fit.
Style: High-Flying Grappler
Type: Technical Powerhouse
Preferred Attacks: Nidalee will do literally anything but prefers aerial strikes and submissions to grounded strikes and pins. She doesn't mind doing what she has to though.
Preferred Matches: All except hentai
Attitude Towards Hentai: "... What is this?!"
Endurance: 2/5 - Nidalee can take some hits but her lithe frame often leaves her lacking after too many big hits.
Strength: 4/5 - Nidalee deals lots of damage very quickly, and can and will end the match in a hurry if allowed to.
Speed: 5/5 - This is where Nidalee shines the most. She uses her speed and athleticism to dominate and quickly end matches.
Defence: 2/5 - Huge, quick strikes don't leave Nidalee the most space to keep her guard up.
Technique: 5/5 - The jungle has taught Nidalee some very quick and painful ways to end fights.
Strikes: 5/5 - Nidalee is adept at dealing massive hits with aerial strikes.
Submissions: 4/5 - Fighting cougars daily teaches you a lot of things about how to subdue without major injury, although the opponent will definitely be majorly injured if they don't tap out.
Powerhouse: 2/5
Aerials: 5/5 - Leaping with cougars does a lot for your legs.
Counters: 1/5 - Nidalee's high-flying, massive attack approach doesn't leave much space for counters or defence. She prefers dodging.
Favorite Moves:
- Aerial Strikes
- Headscissors
- Bodyscissors
- Breast Smothers
- Figure-Four Leg Locks
- Grapevine Pins
- Standing Submissions (Standing Headscissors, Bodyscissors, etc)
- Heart Of The Jungle (Nidalee trips her opponent with a leg sweep and then smothers them with her breasts.)
- Boa's Grip (Nidalee traps her opponent in a Figure-Four Head-Scissors.)
- Anaconda Kill (Nidalee traps her opponent in a Figure-Four Body-Scissors.)
- Vine Lock (Nidalee wraps her opponent's legs in a Figure-Four Leg Lock.)
- Takedown (Nidalee leaps into the air and throws her opponent with a headscissors takedown)=
- Pounce (Nidalee jumps onto an opponent's shoulders and puts them in a standing figure-four headscissors)
- Serpent's Wrap (Nidalee puts her opponent in a Octopus Stretch, or a Cobra Twist if on the floor.)
- Jungle's Wrath (Nidalee ensnares her opponent like vines with a grapevine pin.)
Past: Nidalee was a normal girl who lived most of her life normally. She lived in a small village in India, where despite electricity and other modern necessities being available, the jungle was her backyard. She formed a deep attachment to animals and nature, spending as much of her time with them as with humans. This village practiced an exclusive fighting style similar to BJJ but with its own acrobatic twists and so Nidalee learned this too. When a company looking to create a new factory attempted to evict Nidalee's whole village from their homes when she was 18, she decided to fight back. She went undercover and assassinated multiple members of the company's board, stopping them from taking her village. When Nidalee was 24, she tried to finish it by attacking the company's head honcho, who was in fact the traitor chief of her village. She tried to take him down but could not, and so joined LAW to take down some of her targets, who are wrestlers that double as new members of the company's board. She hopes to use LAW to grow strong enough to eventually defeat the chief and prevent her home from ever being taken.
Fight Record: 0-0-0
Debut vs Vio Torres: In Progress
Discord Fight Record (To be uploaded to LAW forums): 4-0-0
vs Daisuke Takeuchi - Win via FIgure-Four Headscissors Submission
vs Rin Hoshizori - Win via Reverse Headscissors Submission
vs Olivia - Win via Grapevine Pin/Breast Smother Humiliation Submission
vs Nadia - Win via Headscissor/Crotch Smother Knockout
vs Kim Robinson - In Progress
vs Shihiro Botan - In Progress
vs Aziza - In Progress
Unofficial Matches: 1-1-0
Boxing Match vs Lyra Heartfield - Loss via Knockout
Bed Bikini Match vs Lyra Heartfield - Win via Submission
Standard Attire:



