Lunara «Jaguarundi» Ashmore

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Lunara «Jaguarundi» Ashmore

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I dedicate this character to my friend, LunarWolf, who has supported and continues to support me since the first day we met.
Lunara Ashmore
Personal information
    Name: Lunara Ashmore

    Alias: Jaguarundi

    Sex: Female

    Sexual orientation: Bisexual

    Age: 25

    Birthday: 16 April

    Eye color: Light blue with turquoise tint

    Hair color: Blond

    Height: 175 cm // 5’9’’

    Weight: 67 kg // 148 pounds

    Nationality: American

    Alignment: True Neutral

    Entrance Music: Silverberg - Paradise

    Twitter: Lunara Ashmore - @LAWSexyPredator

    Lunara has an elegant and refined appearance, however, along with this, her athletic training is clearly noticeable.
    She is quite average in height, one hundred and seventy-five centimeters or five feet and nine inches. She has a direct and strict posture, which is especially noticeable with her gait. Lunara has a good height-to-weight ratio, her weight is sixty-seven kilograms or one hundred and forty-seven whole and seven-tenths pounds.
    The woman is well developed in physical terms, especially the muscles of her legs. Lunara has a fairly large rounded chest, D size.
    The American woman has a pretty, narrow, triangular-shaped face, pointed to the chin. She has narrow cheekbones, thin lips, long eyelashes and thin eyebrows. The woman has expressive eyes of light blue with turquoise tint. Like her sister, Lunara has two symmetrical moles under her eyes.
    Lunara has quite long hair, the length of which almost reaches the middle of the back. The woman has a natural blonde hair color and usually she ties them into two fluffy tails.
    In a relaxed atmosphere, Lunara has a rather lively facial expression, she often laughs and smiles. However, in a serious situation, the woman can turn into a real statue, in which there will not be a single emotion on her face. She has a high, but at the same time quite smooth voice (like Stela Cole). Playing with different tonalities, she gives her voice a special charm.
    In clothes, Lunara prefers a variety of bright colors. Style takes a very significant role in her life. Despite the fact that attracting attention is not her goal, she always stands out thanks to the bright and unusual clothes.

Standard wrestling attire
Lunara Ashmore vs Mary Clarison
    Lunara has a quite bright and memorable temper.
    Despite the fact that she never wanted this, she has excellent leadership qualities. People always aspired to her and were ready to follow her.
    By nature, She's bossy and she enjoys everyone's attention. Realizing that the people around her believe in her and follow her, she is ready to do everything necessary to protect them. She especially cares about her sister, despite all her flaws. The woman believes that family is the most important thing in life.
    In everyday life, Lunara is a light social butterfly. She easily makes contact with people and, thanks to her natural oratory, quickly finds a common language with almost any person, gaining the trust of others.
    However, appearances can be deceiving. If someone crossed the road to her or to someone from her friends, then she is ready to become the most cruel person in the world, and person will regret that he has met with her.
    Lunara does not believe in true love. She believes that this limits the individual’s personal freedom. The woman has nothing against a permanent partner, but so far she does not see herself with anyone on an ongoing basis in the future. She loves sex and enjoys every pleasant moment, but she does not believe that she needs a person next to her.
    It is worth noting that the woman has a very diverse view of sex. She is not only a bisexual, but also loves to experiment. She is ready to try everything that her partner is ready for, whether it is group sex, role-playing games or BDSM. More than anything, Lunara loves to enjoy the blissful moans of her partner. She gets true pleasure only when a woman or a man melts because of her touch.
    She perceives any sex as a competition. And she can't stand it when someone thinks they're better than her. Lunara considers herself a real predator and therefore she will never allow her prey to take up. She is always ready to plunge into the ocean of passion because this is her life.
    Being the leader of the school gang, then university gang, and now the city gang, Lunara has repeatedly shown real cruelty. If someone was ready to go against her and her friends, then the woman , in turn, was ready for any methods of struggle. Including blackmail, corruption, fraud, and more. And even now, nothing has changed. She has a huge number of connections. If necessary, she can take advantage of the best lawyers, dirty cops or even the black market. The woman fully uses her power and authority, if necessary.
    She is respected in certain circles. Often they look at her askance in bars if members of other gangs find themselves there. But they fear her because I know that it’s better not to mess with Jaguarundi.
    Her relationship with her sister deserves a separate book. Lunara loves Sintharia very much and Sintharia also loves her sister. But due to the complex nature of Sintharia, there are often clashes between them. Sintharia considers most of the things and people in her life to be her property, including Lunara. This extremely upsets the woman, but even so, she is ready to do everything for her beloved sister.
    Despite the fact that Sintharia has a much greater potential as a strategist, Lunara also shows this skill. She can come up with a sophisticated scheme of deception or fraud. And the same trait is reflected in her fighting style.
    If you are not her enemy, you can be sure that you have got a reliable friend, well, or a very passionate lover. But if you are on the list of her enemies, beware. It is possible that in the near future you will wake up with a horse's head cut off in your bed.

    Stage personality:
    Lunara always remains herself.
    She never holds back her desires. In the ring, she is a real predator who enjoys every moment. She doesn't care who her opponent is. It is only important for her to hear blissful moans.
    Sometimes she can get a little carried away and do more than necessary. But who says it's bad?

            Sintharia Ashmore – Despite the fact that Sintharia has a very complex temper, Lunara loves her sister and is ready to do anything for her. Both of them are responsible for the gang, and they share absolutely everything with each other. When both sisters are together, no one can stop them, they act as a one whole.
        Friends: nope
        Ex-Friends: nope
        Allies: nope
        Rivals: nope
        Ex-Rivals: nope
        Enemies: nope
        Lovers: nope
        Ex-Lovers: nope

    Lunara was born in America, the city of New York. Her mother, Cassandra Ashmore, is a psychotherapist. And her father, Brian Ashmore, is a captain in a private security service.
    Lunara’s childhood was unremarkable, she was brought up as an ordinary child, surrounded by the care of her parents. When she was three years old, her sister, Sintharia, was born. Their unusual names are explained by their parents' passion for exoticism.
    When Lunara went to school, over time, she began to show talent, which later had a great influence on her life. The girl showed real mastery of oratory, she knew how to talk with teachers, how to calm an exuberant peer and how to convince a friend to do her a free favor. With each new school year, other students began to gather around Lunara. Even her sister. Despite the difference in age, Sintharia had the mind of a real genius, so they did not have problems with communication and mutual understanding.
    When Lunara became the leader of the school gang, Sintharia became her faithful assistant. But not everyone liked the fact that the Ashmore sisters received such an influence. One day a member of their gang came to them and told them that the sisters needed to come to a meeting. Lunara was not stupid, and Sintharia developed a simple but effective plan. When they came to the meeting and were about to be beaten, cops came out from everywhere, who took everyone who wanted to harm defenseless girls. Thus, Lunara and Sintharia got rid of ill-wishers and came out of the water dry.
    However, since then, the girl decided to do martial arts. And her sister did the same. They both had very outstanding data and in physical, the rest of the girls envied their beautiful and strong bodies. Both girls devoted themselves to different approaches, but each of them made progress and in time they both were sure that if necessary they would be ready to kick any bastard's ass.
    But the school years were drawing to a close. It was a time to think about the future. Lunara and Sintharia have long dreamed of a trip to Japan. Both of them were smart and ambitious, in the same time both learned Japanese in their free time. And their parents decided to give a present to their daughters, allowing them to go to Tokyo University and fully pay for their studies.
    With the beginning of studies at the university, the sisters began a different life. In Japan, the relations between the students are quite tough. And almost from the first day she and her sister were under pressure. However, her charisma and Sintharia's intellect played into their hands. The simple scheme that Sintharia came up with allowed them to permanently get rid of the girl who wanted an evil for them. The police were very interested in the video on which this girl was taking drugs. Thus, both sisters reliably settled in a new place.
    As in school years, Lunara gained great popularity. Although this time the sisters had real competitors, now their life has become truly dangerous. However, Lunara and Sintharia held each other and together they were invincible. They had to use more stringent methods in order to maintain the power they received. Previously, they did not have to get their hands dirty, but now bloody fights have become commonplace for them. However, each time they not only won, but also relieved themselves of all responsibility.
    At the same time, Sintharia began to want more. She became the real owner. If she want something, then she receive it, and she did not share it with anyone. Lunara noticed that her sister considered her as property, not letting anyone close to her. This order of things did not suit Lunara. She wanted a free life, because recently she discovered sex. There was no love here, but the woman realized that this is the best pleasure a person can get. She had to speak rudely with her sister and make her understand that she could consider anything but Lunara as her property. It even ended in a fight in which Lunara emerged victorious. And despite the fact that there were no offenses between them, and that Sintharia promised not to consider her sister as property, her sister to this day has not completely abandoned this idea.
    After graduation, the sisters decided to stay in Tokyo. They began to look for work that would appeal to every sister. However, here and there was some kind of shit. That is too small a salary. That boss is a complete idiot. That colleagues are just a flock of sheep. And with such disappointing results, the sisters noticed that they were running out of money. They could no longer ask their parents, their patience was already at their limit. Continuing her job search, Lunara heard that some of Tokyo’s gangs periodically organize underground fights in which good money can be earned. Sintharia, who agreed on everything where it was necessary to hurt people, agreed without hesitation. Using their excellent training, both women showed themselves in the ring and earned attention in addition to money.
    The gang that organized the fights offered Lunara and Sintharia membership in their ranks. It was not a very large gang, however, they controlled several areas of Tokyo. But the most outstanding achievement of this gang was that they were under the wing of the Yakuza, which allowed them to operate in free territories in exchange for a percentage and help if necessary. Because the sisters were desperate for money, they agreed.
    Since then, their life has gone on a dark path. Membership in this gang was a completely different level. School and university now seemed like some kind of kindergarten. The women had to go to the gang's meetings, transport large amounts of money, and even several times to participate in skirmishes. However, over time, they began to notice that their leader is more and more inclined to too hard criminal directions. Rumors circulated that soon the gang would deal with weapons and drugs. This did not suit not only Lunara and Sintharia, but also many others. Using their talents, the sisters gathered people around them and organized a coup, during which they became the new leaders of the gang.
    Then Lunara announced that from now on the gang is taking a new course. The Spooky Gang is now engaged in the exclusively least dangerous criminal business: protection racket, underground casino, sale ofcontraband. Not everyone was happy that Lunara and her sister became the new leaders. They had to explain the need for a change of power in person to the Yakuza representatives. However, the arguments of the women were convincing and they were allowed to continue their activities, despite the fact that profits decreased markedly. However, along with this, the risks decreased. Skirmishes ceased, and state authorities became a much smaller problem. Over time, the sisters were able to bring the system of their gang almost to automatism. Everything worked like a clock and now they had to devote less personal time to solving certain issues.
    Having firmly settled in Tokyo, the sisters found for themselves the fact that they lack something in life. The gang has become like a job for them. But every person needs a rest. And then they decided that their path lies with LAW. Possessing outstanding combat skills, and also thanks to their unique and specific talents, they were sure that this would be the very place where they could get what they wanted.
In addition, Lunara bought a huge nightclub, which she called Wonderland. Now she leads a triple life. She's still the leader of a major urban gang. And she's the owner of a popular nightclub. But first of all, she is a fighter who is looking for not only a fight in the ring, but also great sex.
The predator is ready to start hunting.

    Interesting facts:
    1) Lunara is fluent in English, Swedish and Japanese. At a basic conversational level, the woman speaks Italian and Chinese
    2) She has permission to wear a stun gun
    3) The woman always carries a stun gun and two telescopic batons
    4) Due to her status, as well as the ability to avoid punishment, the woman often carries HK VP9
    5) Lunara is a great shooter
    6) Due to her status as a street gang leader, she has a large number of connections with a wide variety of segments of the population: police, lawyers, informants... even the Yakuza
    7) She can adapt to any fetish of her partner, but her personal fetish is a foot fetish, and very strong
    8) Lunara owns the black and red motorcycle Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R

    Lunara lives in a luxury penthouse, she personally selected the design and it's really a great place. Panoramic windows overlooking the whole of Tokyo. A large library. Her living room is equipped with everything necessary for a fun pastime. In the bedroom she has a large number of wardrobes with clothes. Another room is represented by a gym, where there is even the ring. In the bath there is both a shower cabin and a spacious jacuzzi. And, of course, a separate room for sex games.

    Right under the penthouse is the Wonderland nightclub. Two huge dance floors. Three bars. Scene. The piano. Everything you need for a beautiful night.
Wrestling information
    Lunara relies on several things in her martial style.
    Firstly, she uses all her strengths. She tries to keep tempo in order to take advantage of her stamina and exhaust the opponent. At the right moments, the woman uses her excellent acrobatics skills in order to weaken the opponent as much as possible with powerful throws and blows. And, when the opponent is weakened enough, Lunara finishes  themwith the help of her most powerful air attacks.
    Secondly, using her intellect and natural strategic skills, Lunara is able to develop a strategy against each individual opponent. Using their weakness and manipulating what is happening, the woman forces things to go according to her scenario, even if the opponent thinks that the match is under their control. Despite the fact that Lunara is significantly inferior to her sister in this aspect, she is confident in her abilities.

    Muay thai, wushu, brazilian jiu-jitsu, pro-wrestling

    Preferred Matches:
        Standard - full ahead
        Hardcore - I think yes
        Hentai - full ahead
        Special conditions - full ahead

    Physical characteristics:
        Endurance: 9/10 – Lunara devoted a lot of time to working on her endurance, the woman constantly makes long-distance runs and she knows how to control her breathing, so she is able to maintain her powers for a long enough time
        Stamina: 9/10 – possessing great willpower, as well as a well-trained body, the woman is able to withstand powerful blows and not succumb to submission holds, ignoring the pain
        Strength: 8/10 – despite the fact that outwardly Lunara does not seem too strong, in fact she is able to lift significant weight, and the strength of her blow is great enough to make even the most impressive opponent stagger
        Speed: 8/10 – using her natural grace, the woman is able to move extremely quickly and deftly
        Defense: 6/10 – Lunara firmly believes in the principle that attack is the best defense, so she doesn't devote too much time to dead defense techniques
        Technique: 8/10 – having honed her skills, Lunara is confident in her every action, her intellect also helps her, she is able to analyze the opponent’s movements and find weaknesses

    Favorite attacks:
    1) Almost all sorts of punches
    2) Almost all sorts of kicks
    3) German Suplex
    4) Dragon Suplex
    5) Leg Drop
    6) Elbow Drop
    7) Sitout Facebuster
    8) Diving Leg Lariat
    9) Diving Hurricanrana
    10) Diving DDT

    Signature attacks:
    1) Jaguarundi's Attack (Left jab + Right Cross + Left Roundhouse Kick): when the necessary moment comes, Lunara throws a quick left jab to her opponent's head, then she throw a right cross and then she finishes the combo with a hard roundhouse kick.
Jaguarundi's Attack
    2) Daytime Predator (Diving Neckbreaker): when the necessary moment comes, Lunara climbs the second or third rope, and then jumps forward her opponent, who faces her, she wraps their neck in order to fall on her back, sending the opponent's head and back to the mat.
Daytime Predator
    3) Nighttime Predator (Diving Bulldog): when the necessary moment comes, Lunara climbs the second or third rope, and then jumps forward her opponent, who stands with their back to her, she wraps their neck in order to fall on her back, sending the opponent's face and front of the body into the mat.
Nighttime Predator
    4) Cat's Eye (Sitout Full Nelson Atomic Drop): when the necessary moment comes, Lunara grabs the opponent’s hands in a double nelson hold, after which the woman jumps up, forcing the opponent to rise in the air too, and then she falls into a sitting position, dragging the opponent down, causing their hands and spine to suffer from resonance.
Cat's Eye
    5) You Are My Prey (Code of Silence/Inverted Figure-Four Headlock): when the necessary moment comes, Lunara wraps her opponent's neck with her legs, closing the figure-four headscissors, then she stands in a push-up position and holds her weight on one arm, while she uses her free hand to securely locking the hold.
You Are My Prey
    Hentai signature attacks:
    1) Estrous cycle (Single Leg Boston Crab + penetrating a pussy or jerking a dick): when the necessary moment comes, Lunara sits on the opponent's back, who is lying on their stomach, facing their legs, and locks one of their ankles under her armpit while grabbing their knee in a Single leg Boston crab hold. Using her free hand, Lunara begins to penetrate their pussy or jerk their dick at high speed in order to bring them to orgasm.

    1) Sharp Claw (Inverted Leg Drop Bulldog): when the necessary moment comes, Lunara grabs her opponent in an inverted facelock, then she lifts her far leg and turns to the opponent, putting the leg on their chest, after which Lunara falls into a sitting position, sending the opponent’s head and back to the mat.
Sharp Claw
    2) Cat On The Tree (Shooting Star Elbow Drop): when the necessary moment comes, Lunara climbs to the top ropes and turns to face the opponent, after which she jumps forward, performing a back flip, she puts her elbow to the side in order to drop the destructive accelerated weight on the opponent’s body.
Cat On The Tree
    3) Survival Instinct (Corkscrew Shooting Star Press): when the necessary moment comes, Lunara climbs to the top ropes and turns to face the opponent, after which she jumps forward, turning 360 degrees around and performing a back flip, gaining incredible acceleration, Lunara falls on the opponent, crushing them with her body.
Survival Instinct
    Submission finishers:
    1) Matrimonial Games (Fujiwara Armbar): when the necessary moment comes, Lunara lies on her back across the lying opponent, she grabs their ar, and starts to pull it up, pressing the opponent to the mat.
Matrimonial Games
    Hentai finishers:
    1) Mating Season (Reverse Headscissiors + licking a pussy or sucking a dick): when the necessary moment comes, Lunara sits on the opponent's chest, who is lying on their back, facing their legs, she wraps their head with her hips, closing them in a headscissors. After that, she leans down, wraps the opponent's hips with her arms and spreads their legs to the sides. Next, Lunara starts licking pussy if her opponent is a woman, or starts sucking dick if her opponent is a man. She uses the pressure of her legs in order to reduce the amount of oxygen for her opponent, thereby increasing their sexual arousal and sensitivity.

    Critical finishers:
    1) Wild Animal (Corkscrew 450 Splash): when the necessary moment comes, Lunara climbs onto the third turnbuckle and stands with her back to the opponent, then she jumps backwards, performing a 180 degree corkscrew rotation and 450 somersault before falling on the opponent.
Wild Animal
Last edited by skip-stop on Tue Jun 06, 2023 7:47 am, edited 18 times in total.

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Re: Lunara «Jaguarundi» Ashmore

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Matches information
    Score of matches:
    Wins: 3 / Losses: 0 / Draws: 0

    1) vs Angelina Tarrant by orgasm
    3) vs Anna Nova by orgasm
    5) vs Lexi Morgan by making the opponent to say "I'm your bitch"



    Championship belts and achievements:

    1) Lunara Ashmore vs Angelina Tarrant. Debut Match. The mouth slowly fills with saliva. Lunara is really in anticipation before her first match. And she intends to make sure that no one will forget it. Neither the audience nor her rival. Finished.
    2) Lunara Ashmore and Claudia Augustina. Backstage. Lunara and Claudia in the Multiverse of Lewdness. Prologue. After talking to the manager, Lunara decided to take a shower before going to perform other duties. But who said that taking a shower can't be the beginning of something truly beautiful and lewd? Finished.
    3) Lunara Ashmore vs Anna Nova. Match. Imagine that you desperately want to scratch, but you can't. This is exactly what Lunara began to feel every day after the match with Angelina and meeting with Claudia. But finally her waiting has come to an end, because today a new match with a hot girl is waiting for her. Finished.
    4) Lunara Ashmore vs Claudia Augustina. Match. Lunara and Claudia in the Multiverse of Lewdness. Part 1. Finally. The itch that Lunara was experiencing on the eve of this match was impossible to calm down. Now she intends to face Claudia in a real match and let her know which one of them is a real woman. Ongoing.
    5) Lunara Ashmore vs Lexi Morgan. Match. Some might say that their Twitter spat had gone too far, but Lunara couldn't contain her anticipation for this match, she was determined that Lexi should be hers at least for a while. Finished.
    6) Lunara Ashmore vs Sunny Soule. Match. Finally, Lunara got the opportunity to take part in a match where she will have to show not only her charms, but also her fighting skills, besides, her opponent will be a damn hot blonde. Ongoing.
    7) Lunara Ashmore/Victoria Palmer and Clara Gaster. Backstage. After the last match, Lunara became convinced that the audience thought she was only fit for sex in the ring. This made her so angry that she went to Victoria to ask for a match without hentai. And who would have thought that her future rival was already in her manager's office? Finished.
    8) Lunara Ashmore vs Clara Gaster. Match. Probably the best opponent possible. Luna considered Clara not only damn beautiful, but also an incredibly skilled fighter. Defeating this woman will prove that Lunara is not just a hentai doll, but a real fighter like the rest in this federation. Ongoing.
Last edited by skip-stop on Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:07 am, edited 15 times in total.

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Re: Lunara «Jaguarundi» Ashmore

Unread post by skip-stop »

Updated on 12/11/2022
    Profile's main image has been updated
    New wrestling attire image has been added
    Underwear image has been added

Updated on 01/31/2025
    Timeline section has been updated
Last edited by skip-stop on Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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