Black Leg
Real Name: Seras Quinoa
Nicknames: Blondie, shitty little brat
Age: 19
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Yellow
Height: 5’3
Weight: 131lbs
Nationality: French
Alignment: Tweener (Can be rude as fuck but has a good heart.)
Seras is pretty much a calm girl, who’s all sweet and cu-.. or not. She’s a fiery girl with a short fuse and a tendency to blow up. She has a burning desire to prove herself which is quite unhealthy. But if unprovoked she’s pretty nice and will feed you. She hates seeing someone going hungry, and adores being complimented for it.. but she’s too much of a tsundere to admit it.
She adores fashion and you’ll rarely see her out of a dress shirt, and if you do? You’re a lucky person.
She’s also somewhat of a weeb and just loves watching her favourite show about some colourful superheroes. She has a cosplay to prove it too! But if teased about it, be warned, she will not hesitate to plant a foot in your face.
Seras is a typical blonde girl, short hair with bangs covering her face, decently busty, with some nice hips. Her main assets are her well built and frankly, rather thicc legs. At times she coats them with ashes to give them a charred and cool look, or so she thinks, giving her the moniker of “Black Leg”.
Her wrists and waist, practically most of her body is littered with scars, most are minor and can’t be seen until close up, but she has one big one on her left leg, two around her wrists, and while her face is mostly pristine, she sports one on her forehead which she covers with her bangs, another reason why she prefers suits to cover up her scars.
Wrestling Information
As a wrestler, or a fighter in general, she uses her legs. She’s skilled enough with her hands, but her legs are her specialty, a leg lock from those would even have a heavyweight struggling. She likes strikes and blows to the head, which aren’t usually fun in regular matches.. so she goes for hardcore to do her worst!
Now in regular ones? She adores taking to the skies and tosses them into it using her legs. Hurricanas, chokes, flying knees, you name it. With her hands, she’s okay but using her hips is what she’s born for. She’s very agile, good amount of endurance too.. and she can definitely twist her body and legs any way she wants, almost inhumanly.
Preferred Matches: Hardcore! But she’s open for anything.
Attitude To Hentai: “.. hehehe..of course! I wouldn’t mind facing lovely people in the ring with an intent for stuff to get down and dirty..”
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★
Strength ★★★
Speed ★★★★
Defence ★★★
Technique ★★★★
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★★
Submissions ★★★
Powerhouse ★★
Aerials ★★★★★
Counters ★★
Signature Moves
A powerful but basic kick, reaching high up and driving into her opponents jaw for a stunning blow! It can be followed up by an assortment or kicks, or if her opponent is downed, a hip attack!
A quick kick, slamming across the jaw! However it seems misleading at first where it’s coming from, before snapping upwards!

She goes for a headscissor, or a triangle choke hold while latched on top of an opponent. If it’s an heavyweight, she’s gonna ride them and not let go until they’re out of it!
Kick Course:
Double drop kick from the ropes or hell, from a standing position. Ouch
Finishing Moves
High flying footwork indeed. She leaps from the top rope, does a complete 360 in the air and slams her foot down onto her enemy, preferably their head for a knockout blow!
Another flying one, a hurricanara slam, transitioned into a choke hold!
As a child, Seras wasn’t exactly raised in loving environments. Her and her elder sister were both children her father had sired in cheating, which made him want nothing to do with them.
But when their mother passed at an early age, she was taken in by her dad.. and her step mom. To both Seras and her sister, Evelyn, she was basically supermom. Step mom ruled, she taught them never to take shit from anyone and was basically their only maternal figure. She used to be a pro wrestler, and entertained the sisters by her stories of matches and videos. But as time grew, her father became more and.. attuned to the bottle and used to beat Seras and her sister, cursing them for being born. Their mother had lost all love for their father, as the woman always cheered the kids up and patched them up, but the damage had been done in forms of scars. For four months this happened.. until one day.. her ma brought home another man to help them.
A friend of hers. That man took all 3 of them away, a former friend and retired kick-boxer. He taught the girls to defend themselves, and Seras divulged into her passions, fighting and making food.. and had picked up a bad habit of smoking from the old man. She used to sneak off to fight underground matches, but always came back in tatters, victorious or not, danger being fun for her.
One day, there was an offer for LAW announced, and Seras took it with her new parents consent, finally starting off in an official league!
But when their mother passed at an early age, she was taken in by her dad.. and her step mom. To both Seras and her sister, Evelyn, she was basically supermom. Step mom ruled, she taught them never to take shit from anyone and was basically their only maternal figure. She used to be a pro wrestler, and entertained the sisters by her stories of matches and videos. But as time grew, her father became more and.. attuned to the bottle and used to beat Seras and her sister, cursing them for being born. Their mother had lost all love for their father, as the woman always cheered the kids up and patched them up, but the damage had been done in forms of scars. For four months this happened.. until one day.. her ma brought home another man to help them.
A friend of hers. That man took all 3 of them away, a former friend and retired kick-boxer. He taught the girls to defend themselves, and Seras divulged into her passions, fighting and making food.. and had picked up a bad habit of smoking from the old man. She used to sneak off to fight underground matches, but always came back in tatters, victorious or not, danger being fun for her.
One day, there was an offer for LAW announced, and Seras took it with her new parents consent, finally starting off in an official league!
Casual Wear 1

Casual Wear 2


“Grown out my hair.”

“My sweater outfit.. I blame Eve.”

“That time I cosplayed as a mermaid!”

“I can be a show off.. so beat this.”

———— Villainess in the Ring? ————
“Dark Rouge!”

Seras, being inspired by her favourite shows villain and realising that LAW has a decent amount of heroes filling its ranks, decided to craft a persona for herself in the ring! It showboats her more flashy side and as a fairly good actress, Seras takes absolute joy in spewing cheesy villain dialogue. Referring to herself as her villain name only in the ring, she will bust out the outfit if requested or if she sees fit. While in the villain persona, she will vehemently deny any connections to Seras whatsoever, as if Rouge is a new person altogether.
Now as a villain, she’s more a heel than a tweener. She will not hesitate to do what’s necessary and has no qualms with cheating and playing more than a bit dirty to cash in a victory or two, although she rarely keeps up the villain person out of the sight of the crowds.