Name: Edelgard Von Hresvelg
Height: 5’3 but 5’5 in “combat shoes”
Weight: 140
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Purple
Alignment: Tweener (Though she considers herself a face)
Black Eagles
Theme Song:
Black Eagle Rule





Personality:Edelgard holds herself to a high standard. Most people feeling a dignified air but full of melancholy around her. As heir of the Hresvelg family, she is a natural leader. She keeps a modest front, rarely cutting loose, and maintains formality. Her colleagues express great surprise whenever she does relax. While generally a private person, she recognizes the importance of her duties and conveys confidence and faith in her allies' abilities. A less non-fact is her above-average dancing. She was teaching many of her friends. Also not known well is her talent for drawing. Something she finds therapeutic does pass the time. Only the closest of people that can crack her shell can call her El. Others who do so anger her. As for her fears, try as she might hide them. Edelgard is terrified of rats and the ocean. The ocean mainly because she can't swim. Sadly suffering from insomnia and nightmares. Probably because of how stress she is. Not that she will admit it, though. She wants to keep that strong face up to people.
Backstory: Edelgard was born as the second youngest of 10 to her father. Her family being royal and very prominent in Europe. Constantly roped to many affairs to count, despite not having a country of their own. Many looked that her family as the symbol of strength. If only they knew the internal strife within that "strong" family. However, some in the family were less than happy with how things were being run. Leading into a coup, Edelgard being taken away by her uncle somewhere safe and away from the carnage. She did not know though the uncle that did save her was the one that incited the coup with the idea in mind to install Edelgard as head and run everything through her like a puppet. Edelgard herself could not remember her siblings after the coup. But as she grew older, she could make a good guess as to what happened to them. Now back home, though, Edelgard had her position of heir forced down her throat.
Everything she ever did was to make her competent. Putting her through sleepless nights because of her extensive education or the pain she felt from combat training. Because, of course, a child needs to know the basics and advanced parts of combat. Despite all of the manipulation and torture, Edelgard was put through. Edelgard was unique in that she was able to withstand all of it. She was still keeping her sanity and sense of self. Although all of that, Edelgard's face wouldn't seem like someone who went through all that doom and gloom. Somehow finding the time to be alone and learn the things she wanted. Time would pass, and Edelgard would grow older. She was learning more and more about the truth of her family. One thing she did know is that they are not "family" in the usual sense. They only see each other as acquaintances needed to move forward in life. She hated all of it, Edelgard and the same system of nobility. Regardless of what anyone else wants. In doing so and with the influence her family has, would change so much in the royal community. Many would come to hate Edelgard for it, but she was still resolute in her decision. Now, if she was to dismantle this system, one thing she would have to do is lower the bar for nobles. That would mean taking part in things nobles wouldn't normally do. Listing a few things off, Edelgard would cross out the ones she would not find very enjoyable. That's when wrestling came to be one of the leading contenders. Sure it was out of her wheelhouse, per se. But she could come to enjoy it. Giving it a test run, she would schedule a practice session with a teacher. One who would show Edelgard the ropes. Little did she know she would be engrossed in the world of wrestling. Her teacher for the session was none other than Byleth Eisner. Not known for her teaching, but no one else seemed available. Edelgard was quick to notice Byleth's blank, well, everything.
Yet, for some reason, all of her demonstrations and instructions seemed to be flawless. Sure, Edelgard was an exceptional student, but surely anyone could pick up Byleth's teachings. So much so that in passing, Byleth mentioned she was having a bout later in the week. Edelgard didn't skip a beat in asking for attendance. Byleth's response was, "Not like I can stop you, it's public," Leaving Edelgard somewhat shocked as it was more of a courtesy thing than anything else. Onto Byleth's match, she was up against some other hotshot. It seemed that competition was more for him than Byleth. Yet it did not matter much in the grand scheme of things as they were promptly put away. What followed was something that Byleth, and to a much larger extent, the world of nobles would never see coming. Edelgard was going to wrestle. She was able to find something more than just bodies flying around in a squared arena. Something about it just seemed liberating, and that was enough. Now she looks to change the world of nobility and royals alike while also putting people down for the three count.
General statistics
Endurance: 4 - Edelgard can hold her own against even the most stubborn. Her body will give out before her mind
Strength: 4+ - Edelgard is very strong, but will struggle for example lifting the heavier heavyweights
Speed: 3 - Average speed. Nothing impressive.
Defense: 4 - Solid defense having a keen eye for counters
Technique: 3 - Edelgard knows how to fight, wrestling? A different story
Attire 1













