Age: 22
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Green
Weight: 140
Nationality: , China
Twitter Handle: @PsychicMei
Entrance Music: Taoism mystic
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Mess with her opponent's heads during an match
Style: None
Preferred Attacks:Slaps , Kicks , Punches , Headlock , Superkick , Bodysplash , Stinkface
Preferred Matches:Whatever pays the most to help pay her debt
Endurance: 2/5
Strength: 2/5
Speed: 1'5/5
Finishing Moves
Accept your faith (Mei has learned how to do an axe kick .Since A people will find it hot , and B everyone stays down after an kick to the head)
Wanna see an tag

her favorite dress

Let's see what's in your future

her favorite dress

Let's see what's in your future

wrestling gear







Mei lives screwing with people's minds so can best be described as being manipulative, mischievous and devious.
However she is also observing and intelligent as she can quickly figure out what buttons to push to mess with people's heads.
As an young girl, Mei began observing other people. As she quickly began to notice that especially adults would talk about things they should not do when she was around.
Most of the stuff was innocent things that teens like to hide from their parents like that they smoke or skipped class. Now this pretty worthless info, but for kids or teens who wanted to keep it an secret the info was almost worth anything to keep hidden.
Still as she began to turn 15 she began to learn the secrets of adults or that what she planned to do. However she began to notice people were at their most vulnerable, and as an result easiest to trick when they lost an loved one.
By listen to them talk about them while they thought they were along she learned what the liked and worthless stuff like what they enjoyed and hated when they were alive.
So feeling bold one day she pretended she could see the death, and with the info she acquired managed to trick them. This led to her becoming an popular psychic medium as she began to study Taoism to help give more credibility to the act.
It worked well until she got greedy as she tried to trick a rich widow into giving her almost half of her estate. Unfortunately she was caught by the woman's daughter, and this led to a very public and humiliating fight. As the Widow and all in her family were into different sports , and sadly the daughter was into wrestling.
Getting your butt handed to you when your suppose to be able to see the future let to her reputation being destroyed. As for the first time the greenette was unable to mess with her opponent's mind , and in the end was forced to accept into paying the family back.
Unfortunately Mei was broke at the time , and had hoped to leave town without paying the family back. This however proved to be impossible as the old woman's family refused to let her leave the house until she paid them back. So she had no choice , but to be honest as the bitch who beat her just began to laugh as she knew a way for Mei to make money.
Since the woman was expecting to join an organisation called LAW , and called them with an offer. As she would be bringing someone with her that they could build from the ground up as half of what Mei would earn would go to the family she had tried to trick into giving her money as she was about to be thrown into an world she knew nothing about , and could only hope that wrestlers were as easy to trick as her former victims were or else she would be doomed.
Fun Fact:
LAW Information
Number of matches:3
Wins: 0
Loses: 1
Draws: 0
Match History
4 Mei vs Eula Lawrence as she hoped to finally be ride of her losing streak.ongoing
3 Mei vs Cassandra Selinofoto.Ongoing
2 Mei vs Sachiko kanda.ongoing
1 Mei makes her debut facing some Sumo wrestler , and assume it will be an walk in the park to win against one of these fakers. Result an painful defeat