Gender: Female
Age: 20
Eyes: Pink
Hair: Pink
Height: 5'5''
Weight: 135lbs
Nationality: Japanese-American
Alignment: Face
Entrance Music: Warrant - Cherry Pie
"You like my finisher? Smile for the camera, sweetie!"

Ring Outfit

Bikini/Hentai Outfit

Sumo Outfit

Nude Gravure

Wrestling Information
Style: Grappler/submissionist. Cherry prides herself on knowing a vast array of wrestling moves, particularly submission holds borrowed from BJJ and lucha libre. Her typical style is to to display all her abilities to the crowd and entertain them at the opponent's expense. If unnopposed, she will put on a submission clinic of chokes, joint locks, body locks and even humiliating holds. However, she does not do this out of any particular malice or sadism - she simply expects her opponents to also use 100% of their skills and treat her in kind.
Type: All-rounder. Cherry has no great physical weaknesses, so her athletic body boasts strength, agility and endurance in equal shares. This does leave her outmatched by opponents with more focused training in one area, so she has to use her wits and technique to overcome them.
Preferred Attacks: Kicks, hip throws, suplexes, wedgies, smothers, submission holds of all kinds
Preferred Matches: Regular, Submission Only, "I Quit", Humiliation
Attitude To Hentai: "What? You're not going to complain if we press into each other in a middle of a wrestling match, right? It's just natural!"
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
Cherry Bomb: Cherry charges in with a jump, turns around in mid-air, and barrels butt-first into the opponent, in a surprise hip attack! If they fall near the ropes or turnbuckles (or if they were already sitting there in the first place), Cherry then follows up with a stinkface to smother and disorient them. Good luck escaping from under her butt!
Cherry Blossom: A textbook La Magistral pin. After bringing the opponent to their knees, Cherry uses one leg to lock one of their arms, then quickly rolls over and uses the armbar to force them to roll as well, planting them onto their back - head down, ass up! She finishes by grabbing behind one knee and spreading their legs open in the air, completing the pin before they even know what hit them.
Cherry Pretzel: Cherry's number one girl-tamer is a standing octopus hold, modified to trap both arms (see image above). Once Cherry twists herself around the victim's body, all she has to do is wrench them apart until they cry uncle! There is little hope of a rope break, as she will promptly roll back and take the hold to the ground if the victim reaches too close to the ropes. Of course, if they refuse to surrender, her left hand remains free to wander down and toy with their exposed lower regions...
Cherry On Top: Cherry jumps into the air and catches the opponent's face between her thighs (kinky!)... before swinging back and slamming them head-first into the mat in a hurricanrana! Cherry lands right on top of them, with her hips pinning their neck and shoulders, both of their legs trapped under her arms - and she will often try to seize both arms as well. This is the deadliest way to find yourself buried underneath her pussy~!

Background: Cherry was born and raised in California, with a Japanese father and an American mother. Back in his youth, her father had lived in Japan and fought as a high-ranked professional sumo wrestler - a fact that impressed Cherry so much that, for a good part of her childhood, she wanted to learn from him and become a sumo wrestler as well. He taught her a few things to sate her curiosity, but at some point he had to break it to her: women weren't allowed into traditional sumo rings, and there was nowhere in their city to train anyway.
However, far from dissuading her, this conversation made Cherry somehow even more motivated. Her one dream was to become a fighting champion like her father, and the style or sport itself mattered little to her. Thus she started practicing and experimenting with whatever martial arts she could find, taking a particular liking for grappling sports like BJJ and wrestling. Once she graduated from high school, she started practicing right away to enter the pro wrestling world.