Age: 19
Hair Color: Light Blue
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 123 lbs - Middleweight
Entrance music:
Alignment: Face
Nationality: Russian/Japanese
Casual Clothing:
Endurance: ★★
Strength: ★★★
Speed: ★★★★★
Defense: ★★★★
Technique: ★★★★★
Finishing move/s:
It is common to suppose that the ninjas are cold-blooded and unfriendly. Azure is not your typical ninja girl. Despite having trained in such stern and disciplinary environment, she is a cheerful and charming lady. She is ambitious in fighting and aims for the high.
Azure was born into a very conservative and traditional family. She and her family lived in isolation inside a Dojo inside a forest in Japan. From a really early age, she was forced to become a ninjutsu master and was trained in a very strict way. Even though her mother was alive, she was not allowed to see her often and she was under supervision of her grandmother who was the head of the Dojo. From birth, because of her father being a foreigner, her grandmother was extra hard on Azure and her mother. Her grandmother had never approved of her father as he was an outsider and transferred foreign blood to their family. Azure was fond of her heritage and ninjustu art itself but she despised the strictness of the training and hated her grandmother for going hard on her. She encountered wrestling during this long training period and decided to cut her training short in order become a wrestler. She fled from her grandmother's Dojo in order to start a new life as a wrestler.
Fighting Style:
Azure has been mastering ninjutsu since she was a little girl. She never finished his long training in the ninja arts however, the unending training came with a lot of benefits. She moves swift as a jaguar and hits like a boar. She has the knowledge of her body and can feel every muscle on her body. During the ninjutsu training in the Dojo, she studied human anatomy and therefore, know where to hit and when to hit. She aims for the most damage while securing herself with a great defense. She is ambitious but despite being associated with ninja cult, she can be hot tempered and inconsidarate sometimes.
Preferred matches:
Open for everything except Hentai matches