Sex: Female
Age: 22
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Reddish-Black
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 138
Nationality: American
Alignment: Heel
Entrance music: : : Assembly Line
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Advance, locate the enemy’s weakness, move in, and destroy them completely! Stacy uses her destructive blows to break down her foes, treating them like mobile punching bags while cackling like a loon until she wins or gets put down herself.
Style: Powerful Brawler
Preferred Attacks: Jabs, Hooks, Haymakers, Knee Strikes, Arm counters, Power blows, Rib Busters, Open Hand Slaps.
Preferred Matches: Any
Stacy “Major” Hazard

Strength: ★ ★ ★ ★- Stacy is deceitfully strong, packing more than enough power behind her punches to break down some of the strongest defenses and toss around some of the sturdiest of foes.
Speed: ★ ★ ★- Quick enough to catch an opponent if they are rather slow, Stacy is clearly more interested in beating her foes down rather than chasing them down.
Defense: ★ ★- Stacy holds little concern for her own safety, so smug and self-assured that she can take whatever her foes decide to dish out that she will willingly take a hit if it means her opponent’s defense will open up
Technique: ★ ★ ★- While decent when throwing a punch, Stacy skill can be somewhat shaky when attempting to pull off a hold she is inexperienced with. She tends to try and copy her foes move if it has enough flare, but tends to fail miserably the first few times.
Favored moves:
Rear Chokehold
Head scissors
German Suplex
Running Knee Smash
Face Rake
Rear Bulldog
Finishing moves:
Villains Victory! – A two handed Chokeslam, wherein Stacy lifts up her foe and chokes them mercilessly, just before slamming them to the floor with all her might!

Stacy is a lean, but powerful woman. Her eyes are piercing, though they can soften considerably when out of her villain persona. She likes to keep her long black hair down, letting it flow freely as she walks with her confident professional stride. Stacy seems to wear her military cap every where she goes, both in and out of the ring.
Her wardrobe is vast and varied, usually wearing a jacket paired with a television show shirt. When out in public, she tends to wear outfits that fit in with her fantasies.
The Major’s wrestling attire seems to consist of a demonic, military-like outfit! She always wears a military cap with a rigid, shark tooth pattern embroidered in the middle, along with a similar jacket with demonic eyes patched along the shoulders and more snaggle toothed grin designs along the arms.
Loud, explosive, and with an odd sense of showmanship, Stacy adores playing the villain in everything, whether it be in a match or out in the real world. She is actually very immature, daydreaming about being a vile villain and letting her fantasies cross over into her real life, causing multiple misunderstandings and strange scenarios to form around her personal life.
Stacy is fairly good with children despite playing the villain, and tends to be friendlier towards youngsters. Her scary demeanor softens quite a bit when around children, and tends to take things much more seriously than normal.
Stacy has always lived in a world of her own creation. Pushing away the harsh realities of real life with child like imagination and joy. Ever since she was young, everything was just a game to her. When she sat in her classes, bored, staring at a test with no answers filled out, she would be day dreaming about a romantic hero defeating a dastardly villain in an exciting, pulse pounding adventure that would make her squirm in her seat and doodle on her paper. She often got into trouble for her constant day dreaming, and had trouble maintaining any kind of positive grades because of her askew priorities, earning her parent’s indignation.
Of course, this hardly deterred the hopeless romantic. She lived in a whole other world created by herself, and the real world was just a playground to act upon. Jungle gyms were her castle, grocery stores and shopping malls became battlefields, and her desk at school became a prison. Stacy was constantly acting out her fantasies, making many think of her as odd. What friends she had were few, but tightly knit.
As she grew older, she matured ever so slightly, but then…so did her fantasies. She no longer acted out her delusions every chance she got when out in public, able to keep most of it to herself and blend in as a normal adult in the real world. She had a steady stream of part time jobs working at fast food restaurants, retail, even a gym at one point, all of which paid minimum wage. Stacy still had day dreaming problems, and was often chastised for standing in aisle or hallways staring blankly at a wall when she was supposed to be working. Her imagination still ran wild, and keeping it under wraps was beginning to grow difficult for her.
It was not until she was leaving one of her many part time jobs that she noticed a recruitment flyer for a wrestling federation. The many colorful costumes on the poster let her imagination run absolutely wild, coming with all sorts of stories for the wrestlers on the poster, letting her get excited and think of herself in those stories and meeting some of the colorful characters in person. It was like a bomb went off in her head, and she had finally found something that felt like the perfect fit for her.
Suddenly, Stacy had a goal, and her productivity at her part time jobs shot through the roof. She began to save up her cash, and spend all of her free time at the gym that she worked with. After working herself raw for the day, she would go home and work on a multitude of stories that she thought could be fun and interesting should she gather her courage and join the federation. She debated and kicked around many different styles, finally settling on a Villain/Military, with her thought process being she would meet more heroic types of people if she played the bad guy, and could get closer to them in a subtle way of being enemies.
It would be months of just saving cash and working out before Stacy would finally build up enough courage to submit an application form. She had hardly any experience with the sport, and only an extreme willingness to learn and do just short of anything to get the job in her corner. Funny enough, she was called into an interview and got one of the positions. It seems not many people were looking to be a wrestler where she was from.
The federation taught her all types of moves and how to take an attack, letting her experience a multitude of slams and blows, helping her extend her endurance and teaching her how best to use the muscles she had developed at the gym. She found her best bet was tossing out punches and strikes, then following them up with a slam of power move of some sort.
It would not be long until she began to steadily get matches, learning the ropes in real time all while developing her character each and every match. She began to use her saved cash to create a costume to her liking, adding on to it each and every match until she was completely satisfied with it. Each match was like she was leveling up, becoming smarter, stronger, and becoming more formidable in the ring.
It would be a fun few months, but eventually the federation would split apart and fracture, losing many of its competitors and employees. Stacy was sad to see it go, but still wanted to play out her fun fantasies, practically addicted to the sport at that point.
She would send applications all over the place, but few desired someone with such little name in the circuit. Stacy would finally luck out at LAW, where they seemed willing to give the youngster a chance to battle against fierce competitors and see if she was willing to stick with it.
Having gotten a second chance, Stacy is determined to take the bull by the horns and enjoy her time at LAW, making sure they not regret her recruitment by earning them as much money as she could for them.
Fun Facts:
Stacy actually made her costume herself.
Has a naturally sinister smile, which works to her advantage as a villain.
Her villain persona is a mish-mash of all sorts of her favorite villain tropes, though she leans more towards a “Evil General” type.