Arianne Luppen

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Arianne Luppen

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »


Name: Arianne Luppen
Age: 26
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Silver
Height: 4"11'
Weight: 139 lbs
Nationality: French/American
Alignment: Heel

Personality & Past
Arianne Luppen was a relatively normal girl growing up, doing alright in school, playing sports like most other girls, and keeping out of trouble. That was until she entered high school, meeting someone who would change her life forever! ...A completely normal teacher, who Arianne wouldn't be able to remember the name of. However, what was more important about this woman was not who she was, but the effect she had on Arianne. The were not fans of one another, with Arianne finding herself getting in constant trouble. So in order to get revenge, she would one day learn where this teacher lived, before slipping out of class to sneak into her house through an open window! Despite that this was obviously a criminal action, Arianne truly didn't intend to do anything harmful, merely only to leave an anonymous message to scare the teacher a bit, justifying it as payback in her mind. However, while she was perusing through the house she found something that caught her attention. The panty drawer. Ideas flooded through Arianne's mind, most of them about swiping the panties, and before long, she was leaving the house with a trash bag full of everything that had been in that drawer. The action might have seemed odd, but Arianne couldn't feel better about it, as the theft had filled her with something much better... excitement. School bullies came next, and then after that, anyone who she deemed a worthy target. It would seem that Arianne had formed a new obsession, which led her to find new targets each day, training to become a master of stealth, eventually growing bored with simply stealing from the homes of people who weren't there. It escalated to stealing from those who were home, to stealing panties off of some girls! Even while they were being worn! However, soon enough, Arianne figured that she ought to take her skills somewhere where she could really challenge herself. To find the toughest girls around. And that, was when she discovered wrestling. The girls were incredibly athletic and strong, inspiring and respected. They made perfect targets. So Arianne set out on her journey to steal the panties of each and every wrestler alive, putting her finely honed skills to work in order to learn how to wrestle, looking to be able to keep up with her future targets! And after developing her wrestling skills to a degree that would catch the eye of those watching, she was offered a spot in the prestigious wrestling federation of LAW. Realizing the amount of prestigious women that waited for her there, Arianne would immediately accept, ready to teach the members of LAW that as long as she was around, no panties were safe!

Arianne is snarky and overconfident, considering herself fully capable of using her speed and larger frame to power foes around. She sees others as nothing but targets for her panty thieving pleasure. She is demeaning, sassy, and all around manipulative, ready to do anything and everything necessary to steal any and all panties around!


Strategy: Overpower foes with her strength, using power moves and submissions!

Preferred Attacks: Throws, slams, powerful submissions, and using her "assets" if necessary!

Preferred Matches: Standard, Bra and Panties, POW, and Smother Matches.

Attitude towards Hentai: "I would accept such a match, yes. For my own reasons though..."


General Stats
-Endurance: 3/5 - Solid endurance, able to handle hits well, though prefers not to.
-Strength: 4/5 - Able to power around most foes her size, doing a good deal with throws and slams!
-Speed: 4/5 - Very good speed.
-Defense: 3/5 - Not keen on being hit, but can defend herself when necessary. Uses her surprising speed to avoid most attacks.
-Technique: 3/5 - Decent at technical wrestling.

Wrestling Stats
-Strikes: 2/5 - Can strike hard, but chooses not too mostly.
-Submissions: 4.5/5 - Able to bend, twist, and stretch most foes with relative ease.
-Power Moves: 4.5/5 - Relies on slamming, throwing, and tossing foes just as much.
-Aerial Moves: 1/5 - Zero need to fly.
-Counters: 4/5 - Thanks to her submission knowledge, is able to get out of many holds.


Signature Moves


Alabama Slam

Canadian Backbreaker


Texas Cloverleaf


Jackpot!: Arianne will get her opponent down on their back, wrapping one of their legs around the back of her head and holding it there, while her own legs wrap around the victim's legs, yanking her apart in a painful muffler legsplit!
P-P-Piledriver A.K.A. Panty Puller Piledriver: Arianne will get their her opponents to bend over, yanking their head between her legs. From there, she will grab onto the bottom of their outfit, before yanking on it in order to lift them up, then falling to her rear with a snap sit out piledriver! She may also steal their panties with this, if that is what she is grabbing ahold of for the move.


Friends: None yet.

Allies: None yet.

Rivals: None yet.

Enemies: None yet.

Crushes: None yet.
Last edited by ADarlingDucky on Sun Oct 24, 2021 11:46 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Arianne Luppen

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Record: 0/1/0

1. Arianne Luppen vs Cali McCloud - Ongoing

2. Arianne Luppen (w/ Jamie) vs Jess and Gail - Loss via Pinfall (Arianne was pinned after Gail's discus clothesline)
Last edited by ADarlingDucky on Sun Mar 24, 2019 10:10 am, edited 2 times in total.

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