Sex: Female
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 22nd, 1993
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 168 lbs.
Nationality: Italian
Alignment: Face
Entrance Theme: "I, CaveDweller", by Prophecy (starting at the sped-up section at about 0:25)
Fighting Style: Carol holds nothing back in the ring. She goes full-force against her opponents, attacking with a series of strikes, submissions, and other moves that one would expect more from a heavyweight than someone in the middleweight division.
Preferred Matches: Standard, KO
Favoured moves: Carol tends to favor power moves and throws.
Finishing moves: Stallion Breaker (Hammerlock DDT)
History: Carol loved to fight when she was younger. She beat up bullies in school and protected younger girls from getting attacked by them. She decided to put her love of fighting into a career when she graduated from school, and decided to become a wrestler. She had a successful (if short) run on the indies, and then eventually made her way to LAW, wanting to prove herself against LAW's roster and rise to the top of the company.