Height:5'11 Feet / 180,34 cm
Weight: 150 Lbs / 68,04 Kg
Wrestling Informations
Entrance Music:
Luna is quite strong and enduring. This helps her in a lot of situations. Is it now being trapped inside a hold for a longer amount of time or getting slammed on the Canvas the bluenette will take it? Since she can take a lot of things the bluenette normally tries to make her fights long so that her opponent get tired. The bluenette can also finish a match quite fast because she uses her strength in combination with holds and throws to deal a good amount of damage to her opponent's
Finishing moves:
Top Rope Suplex

Torture Rack (turns into a Pleasure Rack in hentai matches)

Other Moves
- Piledriver
- Breast Claw
- Power Bomb
- Great Swing
- Armbar
- Bear Hug
- Other Suplex variations
Fighting Style
Her fighting style has a streetfighter nature. It is like a mix of different styles kinda like a variation of jeet-kun-do.
Favourite matches:
Keijo, Hentai, Weapon, Cage, Smother, Humiliation, Standard, Oil
Adittute towards hentai: "I always like it to get lewd with another one. It doesn't even have to be in a bedroom necessarily."
Physical Stats
Endurance: 4/5 - Luna can stand her ground against an opponent for a long time.
Strength: 4,5/5 - She might not look like much but she is a strong person.
Defense: 3,5/5 - Luna can also defend herself quite well.
Speed: 3,5/5 - Luna is quick. This trait comes through her work as a bounty hunter. You have to be fast to catch the bad guys.
Technique: 3/5 - Her technique isn't that great. Mostly because she bets on her other abilities in a fight.
Combat Stats
Strikes: 3/5 - Her strikes hurt a lot but not so much like they should because Luna tries to use her grab attacks as the main weapon.
Submissions: 4,5/5 - She doesn't have a great technique but she can do a few moves. In combination with her physical strength, she can make it difficult for anyone to escape an hold of her.
Powerhouse: 4/5 - Better don't mess yourself with Luna in a pure test of strength because the bluenette is and knows that she is strong.
Aerial Moves: 2/5 - Luna prefers her fights on the ground rather than getting them in the air. She can, however, use them but won't really do it unless it is to surprise her opponent
Counters: 2,5/5 - Since she doesn't have a real fighting style Luna's counters are quite bad.
Street wear

Fighting Attired


Workout Attire

Alternate Workout Attire

Doing some stretches

Born in a Catholic family Luna was taught the way of Christ by her parents. She was really honest always did was right and even helped out in a soup kitchen to help people who were not as lucky as she was. Luna believed that if she did good things then good things would happen to her in return.
One day her younger brother got kidnapped. Luna and her parents prayed for his safe return. This continued for a while after 3 weeks there was still no sign from her brother. The thought that her brother would never return home and that he might be dead caused Luna to doubt her faith in Christ and the church. She thought what kind of god would let a helpless child get kidnapped and taken away from his family? Her parents, however, didn't seem to be concerned at all. They just told her that the lord has a plan for everyone. What if his ways are complete bullshit, she thought to herself. That was the first time Luna cursed in her whole life.
After one whole month that her brother disappeared Luna couldn't take it anymore. Everyone was useless. The police went in circles and her parents, well fuck them she thought. The woman was not dumb she knew that she couldn't go out and find him she needed to prepare. At first, Luna started to gather clues which could help her to find her younger sibling. She also trained every day to not be helpless should she fight against some thugs.
It took her nearly another month to find evidence some solid evidence where her brother would be. She came to a house right in the middle of a city. As a normal civilian, she knocked on the door. A man perhaps in his thirties opened the door. At first, she talked to the man. Luna wanted to confirm that he was the person she was looking for. At first, he seemed to be a nice and normal person. Nothing about him was really suspicious. He offered her to come in. Luna had to be careful this was most likely a trap. The man gave her something to eat and to drink. As a young child, she learned not to take something from strangers but if she wouldn't then it would make her look suspicious.
As the girl wanted to take a bit and drink something she heard a noise. The man said that he would just get looking at what the noise was. Luna used this opportunity to snoop around. She went into his living room. This man wasn't caught for maybe years so he wouldn't hide his secrets right in the open. She looked into his closet and found out that there was a noise behind the wall. She wanted to see what was behind there but at the same time, she was wondering what this man was doing that long. She wanted to take a look and went in the direction the man went.
She went into the basement. Of course, it got to be a basement she thought to herself. She saw that there was an open door. Moons came out and Luna was sure that there had to be something. As she got further she saw cages. Maybe four different cages with at least 6 children in each of them. Luna was shocked as she saw this. Then she saw the man giving one child a needle. Luna didn't know what he was doing but she wanted to end it. Slowly approaching him from behind Luna took her hands and swung them down onto the man. He was more than just surprised and stumbled forwards. He let his needle drop which the bluenette would grab and stab him right into his neck pumping everything inside him that was in the needle.
It seemed to be a sedative which put this man out. At first, she thought about what she should do with him. She thought of killing him but something inside her told her not to do it. She called the police and an ambulance to the house of the man. She let the kids free and put the man in one of the cages. Then she checked if everyone was ok. It seemed that this was not the case. Some children were pretty much beaten up and some were close to death. Luna decided to bring everyone upstairs at first.
Then as she helped everyone she saw one kid in the corner. He seemed to not have eaten in days. his face was completely dirty and she couldn't see who he was. Then she saw a birthmark on his head. It was the same his brother used to have. She helped him up. The police and the ambulance arrived. They took care of everything that was left to do. Luna talked with the boy who had the birthmark on his head and it seemed that he really was her brother. She couldn't tell because he looked way more different. She hugged him and said, "Good to have you back." Then he fell into a coma and he had to get into a hospital immediately.
The day after Luna told her parents that she would leave. There were a lot of other persons out there like the one she helped to arrest yesterday. She also told her parents that she couldn't stay in a place like this were blind faith gets you nowhere. She packed her stuff and left. From now on she started a life as a bounty hunter. She traveled around and saw an add to a place called LAW. They seek people who would join them. Since her days on the road, Luna could need a place where she has a roof over her head and besides that, it seemed that this place had a lot of different people in it. People who also could need help with certain persons. With this thought in mind, she joined LAW.[/spoiler]
Luna doesn't know what the word giving up means. Is it now because she seriously doesn't know the meaning of the word or if it just means that she never quits is unclear. What is, however, clear is that a lot of people already tried to make her surrender but the bluenette alway's fought till the last or until she got unconscious.
Normally Luna is a really nice person and cares about everything smaller than her or who is in need. That goes however just so long until they step in the ring with her. After she sets foot in the ring Luna gets really competitive and wants to take her opponent's down no matter what.
Wins: 2
Loses: 0
Draws: 0
- Going for a late night drink
- Helping her brother
- Hunting and arresting bad guys
- The morning after she drank something
- Mean people
- Being broke
- Having no motorbike
Luna is an expert at sword fighting. This is one of the abilities she learned while she was going her job as a bounty hunter.
Luna has a drivers license for motorbikes but she broke her broke her bike and got it to a mechanic. Since the repair is not that cheap Luna has currently no bike to drive one.
Her occupation is the bounty hunter business. She even does that while working in LAW as free time. Luna would also accept clients from LAW.
Luna drinks alcoholic drinks really often but isn't an alcoholic. She also can drink a lot without getting actual drunk.