Detailed Profile
Real Name: Tetsuko Daio (大尾 哲子)
Nicknames: Gisele, Tetsuko, The cunning maid
Age: 32
Eyes: Purple
Hair: White
Height: 169cm (5'6")
Weight: 58kg (127lbs)
Nationality: Half-French Half-Japanese
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Music:
A cunning a sly maid, with ill intentions hidden behind her smile. She wear's an usual frilly maid outfit, but a skimpier version that reveals most of her figure and skin. Her hair is long, pale and white while her eyes are bright purple, able to gaze deep into other's with intimidation.
An extreme sadist who loves seeing others in pain done by her. She loves seeing others in pleasure and agony at the same time. In the ring, she would take any chances to make the match seems one sided as she would be the one dominating. But once dominated, she would be the most submissive she'll ever be, if someone would ever teach her a good lesson. Outside of the ring, she would rarely interact with others or engage with them, but will only acquaint with someone if they benefit her.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: As a grappler, she would always try to seek for chances on when her opponent would be the most vulnerable. She uses her feet most of the time to break into her opponent's defenses, before prioritizing grappling to take her opponent down and exhaust them.
Style: Grappler
Type: Focuses on Throws and Slams
Preferred Attacks: Powerbomb variants, Suplex variants, Backbreaker, Brainbuster, DDT, Powerslam, Piledriver
Preferred Matches: Standard, Hentai, No holds barred, POW, Ironwoman, Humiliation, Smother, Bed/Bedroom, Apartment, Beach, Oil
Attitude To Hentai: "Why not? My services are top tier, that I bet everyone will be satisfied once they're in the ring with me~"
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★★
Strength ★★★★★
Speed ★★★
Defence ★★★★
Technique ★★★★
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★
Submissions ★★★★★
Powerhouse ★★★★
Aerials ★★
Counters ★★★★
Signature Moves
The Maid's Serving: A normal atomic drop.

Visualization (NSFW)

Go to Bed!: A normal Full Nelson Suplex.

Visualization (NSFW)

Optional: Read Haruka's story first.
The Sadistic Maid
In the times where the Sumiyoshi clan was dominating the underground businesses of Tokyo, A notorious and fearful Yakuza named Satou Miyazaki had a one night stand with a French maid who he paid with such a handsome pay for her excellent services. Unable to control his desire, the head of the famous clan decided to go raw and didn't think of the consequences, leading into the birth of an illegitimate child, who was illegally registered as a Japanese citizen under the name "Tetsuko Daio", with her documents and birth certificate all forged under the government's blind eye.
Tetsuko grew up an easy life, having nothing to worry about as Satou was living a luxury life, able to provide the Frenchwoman and her illegitimate daughter to have anything that they want. Tetsuko didn't understand what is struggle and has a hard time relating to others who's struggling in a lot of aspects during her school days. In fact, Satou taught her, that "Life is a Race" in which the phrase was stuck in her principle of life and she seems happier to see others unable to catch up in life compared to her.
One day, The Kabukicho's Battle Fuck Arena was opened and a lot of fighters from all around Japan has started to participate to gain a lot of money by putting up a show in the ruthless cage. Even if she wasn't one of the participants, she was often involved around it, either being a referee, a ring girl, a maid, a bunny girl, there wasn't even a single day where she's not seen around the arena. She was paid handsomely by her illegitimate father as well, for her excellent services just like her mother. There were even days when she will offer her body in her cage as a prize for the fighters who won to claim it, or even punishing fighters who lost and humiliating them.
But eventually she found out that she had the most fun doing the latter. It was somehow, fulfilling, to be able to punish, torture or humiliate someone. Her sadistic nature became way more uncontrollable when Haruka came to her life. When Haruka was young, Satou ordered her to punish the red head if she ever slacks off from training and much more. Until she was mature enough to participate in the lewd fights, Satou asked her to punish her even more when she does mistakes or not performing well, chaining the red head up, beating, and pleasuring her until sunrise. Tetsuko somehow has no empathy for Haruka, as she was happier to be chosen by her father to be treated better than her half sibling who's suffering in the underground of eternal hell.
As the raid happened, Tetsuko was once of the accomplice who got arrested by the FBI. She was brought for trial and found guilty, serving in the jail for 5 years. Tetsuko somehow didn't regret what she did and had no remorse for the torture that she inflicted upon others. But she admitted everything during the trial, making the process easier than usual. During her jailtime, it was Kei, who monitored her every single day. Kei knew Tetsuko had no remorse even though she was jailed, so in return, Kei brought her into a special room in the facility and taught the maid a meaningful lesson, punishing and torturing her the same way she tortured Haruka. After 2 years of her release, Kei brought her into a custody, living with the family as a maid. Eventually, Kei once again found out about Haruka's whereabouts and convinced Tetsuko to apologize after all these years, eventually leading Haruka to allow them to join the dojo and start their journey from there. She would eventually land herself in a contract with LAW, alongside Kei, to start her journey as a professional wrestler.
Tetsuko grew up an easy life, having nothing to worry about as Satou was living a luxury life, able to provide the Frenchwoman and her illegitimate daughter to have anything that they want. Tetsuko didn't understand what is struggle and has a hard time relating to others who's struggling in a lot of aspects during her school days. In fact, Satou taught her, that "Life is a Race" in which the phrase was stuck in her principle of life and she seems happier to see others unable to catch up in life compared to her.
One day, The Kabukicho's Battle Fuck Arena was opened and a lot of fighters from all around Japan has started to participate to gain a lot of money by putting up a show in the ruthless cage. Even if she wasn't one of the participants, she was often involved around it, either being a referee, a ring girl, a maid, a bunny girl, there wasn't even a single day where she's not seen around the arena. She was paid handsomely by her illegitimate father as well, for her excellent services just like her mother. There were even days when she will offer her body in her cage as a prize for the fighters who won to claim it, or even punishing fighters who lost and humiliating them.
But eventually she found out that she had the most fun doing the latter. It was somehow, fulfilling, to be able to punish, torture or humiliate someone. Her sadistic nature became way more uncontrollable when Haruka came to her life. When Haruka was young, Satou ordered her to punish the red head if she ever slacks off from training and much more. Until she was mature enough to participate in the lewd fights, Satou asked her to punish her even more when she does mistakes or not performing well, chaining the red head up, beating, and pleasuring her until sunrise. Tetsuko somehow has no empathy for Haruka, as she was happier to be chosen by her father to be treated better than her half sibling who's suffering in the underground of eternal hell.
As the raid happened, Tetsuko was once of the accomplice who got arrested by the FBI. She was brought for trial and found guilty, serving in the jail for 5 years. Tetsuko somehow didn't regret what she did and had no remorse for the torture that she inflicted upon others. But she admitted everything during the trial, making the process easier than usual. During her jailtime, it was Kei, who monitored her every single day. Kei knew Tetsuko had no remorse even though she was jailed, so in return, Kei brought her into a special room in the facility and taught the maid a meaningful lesson, punishing and torturing her the same way she tortured Haruka. After 2 years of her release, Kei brought her into a custody, living with the family as a maid. Eventually, Kei once again found out about Haruka's whereabouts and convinced Tetsuko to apologize after all these years, eventually leading Haruka to allow them to join the dojo and start their journey from there. She would eventually land herself in a contract with LAW, alongside Kei, to start her journey as a professional wrestler.
Haruka Miyazaki - Half-sister
Kei Satsuki - Master
Casual Outfit

Wrestling Outfit

Private Settings (Apartment, Bedroom)

Beach, Oil, Pool

Nude (NSFW)

Current Record: 0-0-0