Jessica Waters

Age: 22
Height: 170 CM (5’7 ½)
Weight: 131 LBS
Nationality: USA, Florida
Alignment: Tweener, leaning toward a heel
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Orange
Sexuality: Straight, but is BI Currious
History: Jessica grew up in Immokalee Florida, one of the poorest cities in America. Her Father left her family before the girl even knew how to walk, and her mother was never around having to work 3 jobs in order to pay for rent. That being said Jessica was basicly left to fend for herself while she was at home. Savaging for food on the dirty streets of the city. For a while, she was barely getting by, only scavenging enough to barely feed herself. She droped out of school at the age of 12 (Which wasn't uncommon for people in the area) before taking to a life of crime, smuggling drugs, stealing contraband and other substances. For a while, she was only intrested in trying to survive, getting enough money to let her and her mother pay to keep food on the table. However, as she started doing bigger and bigger jobs (Immokalee being close to Naples, the most wealthy city in Florida) she started falling more and more in love with money and being wealthy. Purchasing expensive cars, going out to nice restaurants, having the nicest clothes. All of these were luxuries that Jessica was able to afford now and didn't want to surrender. Durring this time, she would bounce around with various gangs. The American was never that loyal to any one specific one, just trying to find out which jobs she liked the best and joining in on those. This was looked down in the criminal business, however, there weren't a lot of woman (Let alone hot late Teens) that was in the business, so any group would take her in whenever they could have her.
As Jessica got to be about 19 years of Age, one of the groups she rolled with got raided and everyone in that group (Save Jessica, who was running with another group at that point) got arrested and thrown behind bars for a long time. Scarring the Teenager, Jessica elected to retire from her life of crime, having gathered enough wealth to live a mildly comfortable life for a decent period of time. As such, the woman started to do odd jobs in order to fluff the wealth she already had, and make it last longer. Some of the jobs she took up included being a waitress, life guarding, being a secretary, along with a few other things.
One day, she found herself working in a small indy wrestling promotion, not as a wrestler, but as a ticket collector, and honestly, the Ginger was hating her life. She was putting a lot more time into the work she was doing now, and not making half the money she had back when she was a teenager. However, he American's luck would change as a recruiter for Law would show up at the small show. The man didn't see much from the competitor's of the show, the Jessica's Beauty did catch his eye. After the show, the man approached the young woman with an offer to make way more than what the Redhead was currently making, which she greedily accepted.
Personality: The number one driver of the young Redhead is her desire for money, and a stable life. While not having completely sold her soul for those sweet green stacks of paper, Jessica will find herself getting distracted at the mere thought of money. That being said, she still hasn't forgotten her upbringing though, remembering how when she was younger she was always struggling for survival. That being said, seeing people struggling is a soft spot for her, pulling at her heart string. If she can, Jessica will go out of her way to help said people, however, she will always look out for number one first.
Favorite moves: Scissor holds, and round house kicks, anything that she could use her long legs for.
Match History: 0-0-0

Age: 22
Height: 170 CM (5’7 ½)
Weight: 131 LBS
Nationality: USA, Florida
Alignment: Tweener, leaning toward a heel
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Orange
Sexuality: Straight, but is BI Currious
History: Jessica grew up in Immokalee Florida, one of the poorest cities in America. Her Father left her family before the girl even knew how to walk, and her mother was never around having to work 3 jobs in order to pay for rent. That being said Jessica was basicly left to fend for herself while she was at home. Savaging for food on the dirty streets of the city. For a while, she was barely getting by, only scavenging enough to barely feed herself. She droped out of school at the age of 12 (Which wasn't uncommon for people in the area) before taking to a life of crime, smuggling drugs, stealing contraband and other substances. For a while, she was only intrested in trying to survive, getting enough money to let her and her mother pay to keep food on the table. However, as she started doing bigger and bigger jobs (Immokalee being close to Naples, the most wealthy city in Florida) she started falling more and more in love with money and being wealthy. Purchasing expensive cars, going out to nice restaurants, having the nicest clothes. All of these were luxuries that Jessica was able to afford now and didn't want to surrender. Durring this time, she would bounce around with various gangs. The American was never that loyal to any one specific one, just trying to find out which jobs she liked the best and joining in on those. This was looked down in the criminal business, however, there weren't a lot of woman (Let alone hot late Teens) that was in the business, so any group would take her in whenever they could have her.
As Jessica got to be about 19 years of Age, one of the groups she rolled with got raided and everyone in that group (Save Jessica, who was running with another group at that point) got arrested and thrown behind bars for a long time. Scarring the Teenager, Jessica elected to retire from her life of crime, having gathered enough wealth to live a mildly comfortable life for a decent period of time. As such, the woman started to do odd jobs in order to fluff the wealth she already had, and make it last longer. Some of the jobs she took up included being a waitress, life guarding, being a secretary, along with a few other things.
One day, she found herself working in a small indy wrestling promotion, not as a wrestler, but as a ticket collector, and honestly, the Ginger was hating her life. She was putting a lot more time into the work she was doing now, and not making half the money she had back when she was a teenager. However, he American's luck would change as a recruiter for Law would show up at the small show. The man didn't see much from the competitor's of the show, the Jessica's Beauty did catch his eye. After the show, the man approached the young woman with an offer to make way more than what the Redhead was currently making, which she greedily accepted.
Personality: The number one driver of the young Redhead is her desire for money, and a stable life. While not having completely sold her soul for those sweet green stacks of paper, Jessica will find herself getting distracted at the mere thought of money. That being said, she still hasn't forgotten her upbringing though, remembering how when she was younger she was always struggling for survival. That being said, seeing people struggling is a soft spot for her, pulling at her heart string. If she can, Jessica will go out of her way to help said people, however, she will always look out for number one first.
Favorite moves: Scissor holds, and round house kicks, anything that she could use her long legs for.
Match History: 0-0-0