Rapi Smith

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Rapi Smith

Unread post by Phoenixgamer312 »

Name:Rapi Smith
Ring name:
Age: 25
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eyes: Yellow
Height: 5'8
Weight: 155 lbs.



Attitude towards Hentai: "Yeah,i can do that"

Wrestling attire:
Favored Matches: Any

In the vibrant town of London, there lived a girl with an indomitable spirit named Rapi Smith. From a very young age, Rapi was captivated by the world of wrestling. The power, technique, and strategy of the sport held a unique fascination for her, making her dreams revolve around the wrestling mat.

Rapi's journey into the realm of wrestling was far from typical. At the age of eleven, she boldly joined the local wrestling club, becoming the only girl among a group of determined boys. The challenges of being a female wrestler in a male-dominated sport only served to fuel her determination. Rapi was unwavering in her belief that wrestling was a battlefield where talent, skill, and heart prevailed, regardless of gender.

With each practice, Rapi's skills blossomed. She committed herself to rigorous training, eagerly soaking up knowledge from her coaches and fellow wrestlers. As her talents shone through, she garnered the respect of her male teammates. They no longer saw her as just "the girl on the team" but as a formidable athlete and competitor.

Rapi's true test came when she decided to compete in a regional wrestling tournament. Her path to victory was filled with challenges and opponents who doubted her abilities. However, Rapi faced every match with a heart full of determination, employing her technique and skill to outwrestle her rivals. In the championship match, she faced a formidable male opponent, and what unfolded was a mesmerizing duel of skill, tenacity, and spirit.

With seconds remaining in the match, Rapi executed a flawless takedown, securing her victory and the title of tournament champion. The arena erupted into cheers, celebrating not just Rapi's win but her triumph over gender stereotypes. She became an inspiration, not only for the girls in London but for all those who aspired to break free from societal norms and pursue their dreams. She always was in competition with her rival Anis Watson and they were always "drawing" saying each one that one was stronger that the other, then they found about Law and decided to join togheter in order to do public matches to see who is actually stronger.

Grappler but with good endurance

Glam Slam


Endurance: ★★★★
Strength: ★★
Speed: ★
Defense: ★★★
Technique: ★★★★

Like : mangas, anime, clothes

Dislike : Cruel people,Cheaters,Bullies

Friends and Foes: Anis Watson
Last edited by Phoenixgamer312 on Mon Nov 13, 2023 2:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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