Name: Hilda Martin
Age: 31
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5’10
Weight: 145 lbs
Entrance music:
Nationality: Canadian
Fighting Style: High Flying Technician
Signature move/s:
Crash Landing (Running Knee):
Goose Egg (Sit-Out Tombstone Piledriver):


Just like a goose, Hilda is very chaotic and is wanting a fight. She’s also very loud-mouthed and won’t shut up at all.
History/Before joining L.A.W:
Born in the rural parts of Canada, Hilda was raised by a single mom who was very self-centered. She was given the minimal care of survival growing up as her mother basically thought only of herself. She shut away anything Hilda wanted to say and scolded her for “talking too much.” People would think that would cause Hilda to hide her talkativeness from people but it was quite the opposite. Hilda was a very social butterfly growing up as she gained a lot of friends in school.
Once she got into high school, however, she lost all of them as they all got sick and tired of her talkative nature. That left Hilda as a loner but she did find something that she was interested in, professional wrestling.
Hilda adored all of the stars she saw on tv and how they wrestled. She loved the promos the wrestlers gave as she watched them over and over again to the point where she was quoting them every single chance she got. Hilda’s mom eventually kicked her out of the house once she got to the age where can legally move out but that was only the start of her journey to the wrestling world.
She bought an RV to travel to indie wrestling areas where she signed up to be developmental talent. She always begged the bookers for her to make a promo on the show and once it was granted, she was a killer on the mic, hyping up her matches and being a true fan favorite in the Western Canadian Region.
LAW Scouts got word of her promos and knew they had a generational talent on the mic. Once they made it to the Canadian region, they realized that Hilda was now in her early 30s at this point. That didn’t matter to them however as they were amazed by her mic and ring skills to where they offered her a contract to be apart of the LAW scene.
Strength: 7/10
Endurance: 6/10
Speed: 8/10
Heavy Strikes: 4/10
Submissions: 2/10
High Flying: 10/10
L.A.W. Record:
Vs. Candice Edison L
Got pinned by her opponent before getting a makeshift haircut and feathers, that Hilda brought if she won the match, dumped on her.
Vs. The Graveyard Sisters (with Yuri Watanabe) L
Was knocked out the entire match and only recovered when her partner was getting pinned. Tried to throw the mic as a distraction and failed before getting beat with said mic
Vs. Yuri Watanabe W
Faced off against her tag team partner in her last match. Made her submit after she tried out a new submission hold. Played into the heel aspect as she didn’t let go and placed Yuri into a modified ceiling hold.
Vs. Yuriko Hasegawa W
Placed in a ladder match where the goal was to grab a pail hanging above the ring. She would do so while also making friends with Yuriko.
Vs. Harmony Salgwyne W
After a blockbuster match that could easily be considered 4-5 stars, Hilda countered a knee to face with laying a Goose Egg on Harmony in the middle of the ring, not too exhausted enough to pick up the victory after that.
Vs. Lennox “Thornette” Rose
Alternate Attires: