Izumi "Seiryu" Tachibana

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Izumi "Seiryu" Tachibana

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Name: Izumi Tachibana
Age: 25
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5’7
Weight: 133 lbs
Alignment: Face leaning tweener
Nationality: Japanese
Hometown: Tokamachi, Japan
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Personality: Cool, calm, and collected.. is how Izumi wants others to see her, and normally its fairly on the mark. But Izumi can be a bit of a try hard without meaning to be, reciting lines she’s seen from anime or dramas she watched to ‘sound cool’, and if called out on it… well she’ll be pretty bashful about it and try to play it off. But needless to say despite the persona she puts on most of the time Izumi can be kind of a awkward dork when put on the spot or embarrassed, and she isn’t great about bouncing back. That being said however Izumi is legitimately very mature and intelligent most of the time, especially when it comes to wrestling and breaking down the styles of her opponents or relative potential of others. It makes her a great asset as far as learning about others and building teams or rosters, a skill she’s lent to various promotions. Aside from this Izumi can be fairly promiscuous and flirty, not unlike her sisters, but is a bit more natural and light with it, basically being the more ‘friendly’ type of flirt than outright devious or sexy. Even then however Izumi is much more the type to prefer watching old wrestling or anime tapes than doing the dirty, being the nerdy type of person she is.

Wrestling Style: Originally owing her fighting style to dragon style kung fu Izumi uses a watered down version of it as the basis for her wrestling in order to keep things fair for her opponents. This means that Izumi has some incredibly powerful strikes behind her along with a strong grasp of technical skill and submission ability and a decent amount of strength and cardio to perform throws and suplexes as well.

Preferred matches - Standard, Submission, I quit, Last Woman Standing, Iron Woman, Hentai.

Preferred Move(s) Stiff kicks and chops, dragon, german and snap suplexes, knee strikes, scissor holds, sleeper hold, dragon sleeper, dropkicks, head-buts, snap mare, ddt variations, and cross-bodies.

Signature Move(s)

Waterfall Heights: With an opponent on their stomach Izumi will place her feet on the backs of their knees before reaching down to grab their arms before leaning backwards into a ceiling hold! If done successfully than Izumi will then quickly place her arm around their neck to keep them anchored in a romero dragon sleeper combo!
Dragon’s Fury: With an opponent kneeling before her Izumi will lay into them with no less than three shoot kicks to the chest, but often going up into more if neccessary, before finally throwing a final roundhouse kick to the head.
Ride The Dragon: Grabbing an opponent in a full nelson Izumi will throw them backwards with a Dragon suplex that will slam them shoulder and neck first into the mat before pushing herself up to her feet and then running at them while their disoriented and will throw her knee out to smash them in the head with a follow up running knee strike.
Finisher Move(s)

East Gate Driver: With an opponent stunned and their head between her thighs Izumi will reach past their arms and grab hold of their knees before lifting them upside down and jumping up in order to spike their head into the mat with a package pile driver where she’ll remain sat out to go right into a pin fall position. 

Seiryu Seal: Approaching an opponent from behind and grabbing their shoulders Izumi will leap up, bracing her knees against their back before falling backwards, allowing gravity to pull them down and slam them with a backbreaker that will flip them over her where she will then shift her hands grip to be over their face in order to transition directly into a cross face submission!
Unleashed Dragon: This is not so much a move but entering a different frame of mind in which, if Izumi find reasoning strong enough, she will drop her more watered down style suited for wrestling, and use the full breath of her kung fu on opponents, meaning she will use almost exclusively strikes and grabs meant to knock opponents out as effectively as possible.

Speed - 6/10
Stength - 6/10
Stamina - 8/10
Agility - 6/10
Charisma - 7/10
Strikes - 8/10
High flying - 5/10
Submission - 8/10
Power - 6/10

History: Born on a small rice farm in Japan Izumi was the youngest of the Tachibana family, not knowing very much in ways of materialistic items and wealth, but with a warm and loving family. In particular Izumi spent a lot of time with her older sisters Saya and Reiko, or Red as she’s better known. Often watching and acting as they’re ‘referee’ whenever the two had play wrestling matches in the mud of their rice paddy field. It was a simple time but a nice one.

Unfortunately as she got older, things began to change little by little. First.. something happened between Red and Saya, neither really spoke of it, but shortly after Rei had left.. Then Saya was a lot quieter and most distant since. Really it was at this point in her life that Izumi was just sort of on her own. Left to tend the fields while Saya eventually left not too long after Rei. Despite this seeming falling out with her siblings Izumi still had her parents who were always very supportive of all their children, and deciding she needed a distractions, pushing Izumi to explore extracurriculars and hobbies, to try and find something that would interest her.

It was through this that Izumi found martial arts. Finding a dojo in town that was run by Chinese immigrants Izumi took a free first course and became enamored with the movements and adrenaline that came with it. While a little hesitant about it, Izumi’s parents would offer their support and sign Izumi up for classes where she proved to a natural. Picking up on moves and the style very well and quickly rose up the ranks to the point that by the time she had graduated high school she had already earned a black belt and was the best student in the dojo.

Wanting to take her love for kung fu even further though Izumi decided, rather than attend college, she would travel and explore china, learning more about kung fu from whoever she could find willing to teach her. Eventually she found a Shaolin monk in Southern China willing to take her in and teach her, where over the next three years she came to specialize in Southern Dragon Style Kung Fu. Even after completing her training with the monk however Izumi would continue living nomadically in China for a while, exploring various temples, competing in the occasional martial arts tournament, which she always won, and just learning in general, becoming fascinated with the mysticism and history that surrounded martial arts.

However it was around this time that Izumi finally saw her sister again, but not in public. Rather she had by chance found videos of Rei in her own form of competition. Wrestling. In hindsight it didn’t surprise Izumi given the way she had seen Rei and Saya wrestle when they were younger, but it was quite a step up and Izumi was instantly mesmerized by what Rei could do. Going back and watching the back log of her sister’s matches Izumi was saddened to see that they’re actually weren’t many, and that her sister had seemingly left wrestling as quickly as she entered.

Saddened by this it wouldn’t be long before Izumi found it as a source of inspiration. Never before did Izumi ever even consider wrestling an option, but it made so much sense, it was like a marriage of all the things she loved growing up, and clearly Rei had a interest in it… So maybe if she was a wrestler as well Rei and her could meet in person again.

Now with a new purpose and direction Izumi set out to do just that, learning the ways of professional wrestling, traveling back to Japan in order to do so Rivne the history of the sport there. Granted she could just rely on her martial arts skill, but where would the challenge be in that? Besides her natural inclination for fighting and learning showed itself as a student of wrestling, and within a few short months Izumi was already in the ring, squaring off against opponents.. and winning. A lot. Just like with kung fu she was a natural and even without using any of her kung fu techniques or skill she was still able to have a dominant win streak.

Granted she faced her share of humility with losses, but they were few and far between, and often to more experienced opponents. Deciding to travel around past Japan Izumi took to the Americas and Europe, never staying in one place for long as she wrestled and competed, gaining experience at a startling pace. But also learning just what Rei had been doing since she stepped away from wrestling… and needless to say Izumi couldn’t exactly… watch but she somewhat understood, and it didn’t deter her chosen path as a wrestler. If anything it motivated her to open up and try more… lewd matches like her sister. Though she found these much more difficult, and thus more fun, but not exactly her cup of tea.

Regardless, by the time she was twenty three she was already being regarded as an experienced wrestler, and after a few confrontations with a younger wrestler even taking a student. One who she convinced to match her in terms of aesthetics. After all every great wrestler needed a gimmick and brand behind them, and given her fascination with it Izumi found no better inspiration than Chinese mythology for her gimmick, dubbing herself ‘Seiryu’ or the Azure Dragon from the Four Sacred Beasts in Chinese mythology.

But it was around this time that Izumi was shocked to find that Rei was stepping back into a more public light! A company known as LAW that prominently featured not only traditional wrestling but lewd wrestling as well, basically the perfect place for Izumi! Not only that but, Rei AND Saya ended up there, it was practically everything Izumi could ever wish for! Expressing interest in joining and with a resume like hers Izumi was instantly accepted and signed as a LAW wrestler, bringing her back to Japan with her student in tow who while not signed just yet, Izumi plans to bring in… Just as soon as she can convince management.


Izumi has just recently gotten her fourth degree black belt, the only barrier being the age restriction up.

Having grown up on a rice field Izumi loves the country side and has a particular fondness for it over the country.

One of Izumi’s greatest wishes is to form a stable based on the Four Sacred Beasts from Chinese Mythology, but she hasn’t found enough members she trusts yet, owing to her largely solitary lifestyle.

While having a sweet and approachable personality Izumi is actually hard to become good friends with, subconsciously a result of the departure of her sisters, making it difficult for Izumi to really open herself up.

Unlike her sisters Izumi is Bisexual, but actually with a lean towards men rather than women.

While not exactly a star, Izumi has actually starred, or otherwise participated in a few martial arts films during her time in China and she has an agent for any other opportunities that arise.

At some point Izumi would like to open a kung fu dojo of her own, and hopes to utilize her reputation as a wrestler to help get awareness out.

Izumi is a HUGE fan of her sister Rei and practically idolizes her, and is beyond impressed with Rei’s sex fight championship run… Even if she couldn’t bare to watch any of her matches.

Izumi is also a gigantic nerd, watching anime and reading fan fiction quite often and playing a variety of games to the point she actually has a fairly successful youtube channel where she live reacts or does play throughs. Though she doesn’t consider herself a streamer since its more of a hobby, and she doesn’t believe she’s engaging enough to be a proper streamer.

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