Paula Ur
"You can't sleep yet, come on fight, fight~!"
Real Name: Paula Ur
Nicknames: Savage beast. Ur Dancer. Daughter of Graciana.
Eyes: Multiple colors of purple and light blue.
Hair: Dark brown
Height: Five foot 8 inches.
Weight: 160 LBS
Nationality: North American
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance Music:
An ebony statuette of muscular composition. Her abs seemed carved and chizzled rather than worked upon. Biceps and thighs matching the definition of the rest of her body forming her into a young Amazon beauty. Her limbs holding muscles so dense they pierce through most clothing, allowing her to only wear a more tribal set of attire to hide her modesty rather than her strength. Thick like tree trunks her brown skin bouncing the light like fibers melding together to form logs that are her thighs.[/size]
She truly holds an almost child like wonder. Mature in sense of mind however her bewilderment at combat sports make her more like a giddy child playing a game rather than an effective gladiator battle made to harm one another. She has a very bubbly and eccentric personality.

Wrestling Information
Strategy: Break them. She has no inherent strategy as she is more of an adaptive fighter. She learns while she goes how the other acts and how she should interact, and finds the most optimal may to crush them mind body and spirit. Even if mentally she isn't intending to destroy them as completely as she does, her strategy does revolve around causing the most damage she can, even if the match seems over.
Style: Like an evolving life form she adapts to her environment. Learning the ins and outs and techniques of the opponent before figuring out the best way to crush those techniques.
Type: She is a well styled all-rounder that uses her overwhelming physical blessings to endure the fight and forces her opponent to endure it alongside her even if they can't keep up. They aren't done until she is done.
Preferred Attacks: Strikes are a strong go to for her given her incredible physical statistics but she loves all forms of attacks.
Preferred Matches: No holds barred no disqualification pins /only/ matches. Meaning a knock out is not a losing factor~
Attitude To Hentai: She will do them but she is just as brutal in a lewd fight as a regular one. "Ahhn~ You wanna get together with me, you better be able to last~!"
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★ - "Come on come on that can't be it, we can keep going!"
Strength ★★★★★★ - "ORAAAAA! Take that and that and that!!!"
Speed ★★★★ - "Keep up keep up~ That can't be all!"
Defense ★★ - She would actually rather trade blows that block them, she has good reflex and is able to dodge, but why do that when she can brute force?
Technique ★★★★ - Being an evolution fighter her techniques are based on her opponent.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★★ -


Powerhouse ★★★★★★ - "Gosh you stopped moving, and now that you are limp I can tell how light you really are~!"
Aerials ★ - She loves over the top moves but high flying ones aren't for her, as they don't express her strengths.
Counters ★★★★ - "Ohhhh. . . so this move works like that huh. . .~ I won't fall for it again!"
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
A broken bumble bee.
A technique where she waits for a high risk move from the opponent, such as a off the ropes clothes line or a high flying technique, and sends a maximum power strike straight into the weakest point of their chin available by the technique. For example if they were to fly off the top rope, she'd upper cut straight into their chin mid air making them flip through the air before landing face down, probably in a very bad state~!
The 12th Labour!
The name came from her mother, who has been compared to Heracles in the past, in this technique she will pick up an available opponent into a pretty standard powerbomb position, resting them upon her shoulders. However grabbing onto their rear or thighs, she will lift them entirely over her head in an incredible display of strength, if they are groggy enough to be paraded about she may even demonstrate her strength further by doing a lap across the ring, before throwing them down with her maximum strength on the back of their head.
A night to not remember
What seems to be a simple choke hold changes definitions very quickly when the arm wrapped around your throat has the density and muscular definition of a tree trunk. Squeezing so tightly she cuts off the blood flow to the brain, leaving a groggy and difficult impression to remember after losing a match to that!
Finishing Moves
As the name implies it brings you to a place of absolute peace. . . through a piledriver. . . or a few. Lifting the opponent upside down with her incredible strength, she will take off the ground in a high power leap and drop them down onto their heads quite standard except when you take into account her strength, but without ending like that, she will use her prolific athletic abilities to almost burpie bounce back to the air from that position and treat the opponents head like a pogo stick until she is 100% certain they no longer pose any competition!
Layers of Hell
Another name her mother gave her technique, as this is a very punishing experience for the body mind and soul, as she will take an opponent and transition them through every available known suplex. Starting with a german suplex, she will cross their arms and roll them over to athletically flip into a straight jacket suplex, flipping over them and rolling together to tuck her arms under their arm pits the next transition is into a dragon suplex, crossing one of the controlled arms behind their back and her arm around their chin and neck, she will flip back into a hammerlock vertical suplex, with the control under their chin she will lock that into a brutal sleeper and flip back again into a sleeper suplex, tucking that arm back and over her shoulder she will hoist them by their neck and drop back into a northern lights suplex, tossing their body like a ragdoll from there to flip back behind them and take control of the lowest point of their hips to lift them the highest they could go for a final wheel barrow suplex, she will finally transition that into the wheel barrow victory roll pin. With no consideration of their condition in between each suplex, the move will be finished only when every suplex has been utilized.
The three piece combo
A simple name for a simple yet effective technique, that targets vital points for a clean knock out as quickly yet savagely as possible. Starting with a hook right into the jaw made to rattle the brain, she will transition into a second hook to the opposite temple while it's shaking around to render everything probably blank, but despite that as they fall forward she will finish it with a third more savage upper cut to the base of the chin to make sure the brain hits all cardinal directions!

From the age of 13 Paula has been infatuated with the exploits of both of her parents, Graciana and Haroldo Ur. Both were rather famous North American and South American Athletes that had competed in public and underground sports across a wide variety including boxing, wrestling both greek and stage, MMA, and the likes. Encouraged and instigated by both, she would take to training under them for several years until she'd be old enough to seek out competition of her own. At the age of 16 she could at least participate in minor league fights where she discovered her true love. It wasn't just the concept of the sport. It was the actual engagement. The fight, the thrill. . . which awoke something more into her. Something she doesn't even realize that is a great concern. Predatory instinct. Many of her fights ending so one sided and savagely at that young age that she was actually barred from local contests and official schools, returning her only competition to be with her parents. At 18 she was finally able to participate in off the record underground matches. This was the same league Eloise herself was found in, leading to stark competition, and while she'd have no luck finding that opponent. . . her first opponent, Suzume was in for a rude awakening.
Round 1 found Suzume a professional multi yeared veteran boxer on the offense against Paula, who had only fought minor league opponents for a single month before being barred from contest, and otherwise only sparred against her mother which could not be considered true combat. A few exchanges and Paula found herself on her hands and knees pondering the technique her opponent was using! This was boxing, and she was adjusting to the rules of only using your fists so she stared out before looking right back at her. "You are good, Suzume-chan!"

Round 2 the match was a bit closer. Paula was able to keep up and read the swings of her opponent now a bit better, leading her to be able to counter strikes and show the veteran boxer that she was in for a match!

Round 3 was an absolute squash. The veteran boxer was saved entirely by the bell at the end as the newbie was left entirely unblemished the entire round, leaving a massive three hit combo that would later become a stamp of her finishers which left the poor Suzume mindless and on her knees during the rounds end.

Round 4. . . THUNK THUNK THUNK PLAP PLAP. All that repeated across the ring was the savage sound of flesh striking flesh and a few "buuh. . . burrr. . ." sounds from the opponent that was standing against the rope. Being a ruleless and lawless place there was no foundation for loss or foul when hanging on the ropes. The veteran boxer being beaten so resoundingly the crowd and audience despite being blood thirsty individuals watching illegal matches. . . began to look away! After all Suzume was a crowd favorite and a face among the piles and piles of ruthless heels in the lawless world of an underground stadium. Having long since been silenced, yet Paula having barely any understanding of how victory would be claimed if the match wasn't stopped yet, she pulled her arm back and flexed her massive strength into a single punch that stretched the ropes out to their maximum! "Bheeee. . . . h." was all the sound the poor girl could match as she was stretched half way outisde of the ring showing the absurd strength she was just struck with as the rope threatened to give over the weight of the blow, only to sling shot her back in, sending her rolling across the mat several times before landing on her back, stiff and broken to the point the ref didn't even bother counting and immediately just called for the doctor!

Yet despite the state she had left the poor girl in, she had no ill will against her nor intentions of berating her humiliating her further than the display had already done to herself, in fact she was rather bubbly, bouncing around the ring in terms of her victory throwing her arms up in the air to show off her strength! All that was in her was joy that she won the match even pronouncing herself on the rings ropes despite not caring for the audience at all, this was for her own jubilation to display her strength!

However this would be the last match she fought under the underground rings established rules. She had fun while she was there but breaking a veteran fighter in her first match showed it had nothing truly to offer her, and was incredibly limiting only being able to throw punches. And so over the course of her 2 years she sought out a more definitive station for her strengths. Finally upon reaching 20 she found L.A.W. A league of dominate and powerful women she could truly test herself against! A home she could call her own!
Round 1 found Suzume a professional multi yeared veteran boxer on the offense against Paula, who had only fought minor league opponents for a single month before being barred from contest, and otherwise only sparred against her mother which could not be considered true combat. A few exchanges and Paula found herself on her hands and knees pondering the technique her opponent was using! This was boxing, and she was adjusting to the rules of only using your fists so she stared out before looking right back at her. "You are good, Suzume-chan!"

Round 2 the match was a bit closer. Paula was able to keep up and read the swings of her opponent now a bit better, leading her to be able to counter strikes and show the veteran boxer that she was in for a match!


Round 3 was an absolute squash. The veteran boxer was saved entirely by the bell at the end as the newbie was left entirely unblemished the entire round, leaving a massive three hit combo that would later become a stamp of her finishers which left the poor Suzume mindless and on her knees during the rounds end.

Round 4. . . THUNK THUNK THUNK PLAP PLAP. All that repeated across the ring was the savage sound of flesh striking flesh and a few "buuh. . . burrr. . ." sounds from the opponent that was standing against the rope. Being a ruleless and lawless place there was no foundation for loss or foul when hanging on the ropes. The veteran boxer being beaten so resoundingly the crowd and audience despite being blood thirsty individuals watching illegal matches. . . began to look away! After all Suzume was a crowd favorite and a face among the piles and piles of ruthless heels in the lawless world of an underground stadium. Having long since been silenced, yet Paula having barely any understanding of how victory would be claimed if the match wasn't stopped yet, she pulled her arm back and flexed her massive strength into a single punch that stretched the ropes out to their maximum! "Bheeee. . . . h." was all the sound the poor girl could match as she was stretched half way outisde of the ring showing the absurd strength she was just struck with as the rope threatened to give over the weight of the blow, only to sling shot her back in, sending her rolling across the mat several times before landing on her back, stiff and broken to the point the ref didn't even bother counting and immediately just called for the doctor!

Yet despite the state she had left the poor girl in, she had no ill will against her nor intentions of berating her humiliating her further than the display had already done to herself, in fact she was rather bubbly, bouncing around the ring in terms of her victory throwing her arms up in the air to show off her strength! All that was in her was joy that she won the match even pronouncing herself on the rings ropes despite not caring for the audience at all, this was for her own jubilation to display her strength!

However this would be the last match she fought under the underground rings established rules. She had fun while she was there but breaking a veteran fighter in her first match showed it had nothing truly to offer her, and was incredibly limiting only being able to throw punches. And so over the course of her 2 years she sought out a more definitive station for her strengths. Finally upon reaching 20 she found L.A.W. A league of dominate and powerful women she could truly test herself against! A home she could call her own!
Title wins, streaks, contests won.
Suzume. Despite hospitalizing her in their first ever match and destroying her pride in a sport she practiced for years, Paula actually considers her a friend!
None as of yet!
Everyone! She wants to fight everyone!
Suzume again?! Being her first real fight she could enjoy, and possibly the fact they were topless when doing it, she found an unknown sexual urge towards her first opponent. TLDR she really wants to fuck the girl she hospitalized.
None yet!
Ring attire!

Topless attire!