Stay on your toes or the Sensazione might get you!
Basic Info
_________________________ Basic Info
Name: Julia Lombardi
Ring Name: La Sensazione
Age: 24
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 140lbs
Sexuality: Lesbian
Nationality: Italian-American
Alignment: Face
Wrestling Info
Fighting Style: She is an overall all-rounder wrestler. Her long years of training and learning gave her good insight abilities she uses to try and counter her rivals’ strategies. She uses low impact strikes like chops to distract their rivals and prime them for a simple throw she can execute even with her not so great strength like DDT or a wide variety of suplexes.She doesn’t take flight often, but when she does she likes to keep it simple with moves like missile dropkicks, legdrops or crossbody. If she needs to take things to the mat she would grapple with movements like legspreads or kneespreads to bring some exhaustion to her rival before trying something more audacious like a Boston Crab or an abdominal stretch.
Finishing move/s: Sunset Flip
Preferred matches: Any variation of the standard, purest form of wrestling. Not a fan of things like cages or hardcore matches. Would try any special stipulation for a regular match though.
Strengths: She has good fighting instinct and observation. She can assess the situation and given her all-rounder profile can adapt to any situation and search for the best course of action.
Weaknesses: Her lack of specialization can be a problem when facing true specialists. Also, even if she can take some hits and throws she finds a predicament in submission holds and has to be extremely careful because she cannot hold in one for long before submitting.
Attitude towards hentai: While she isn’t judgmental to people partaking in hentai, Julia isn’t interested in it and wouldn’t take part in a match that is lewd in any kind of way.
“My mother watches my fights and I would like to keep it that way.”
Personal Info
Picture Gallery:Two-piece wrestling gear

One-piece wrestling gear

Some modelling shoots



Her history in 10 questions
1.- Where are you from? Do you miss that place?
“I was raised in Brooklyn but I spent all summers in a small town close to Milano in Italy.”
2.- How is your family like?
“My father is Italian while my mother is American, hence my whereabouts while growing up. No siblings. I would have loved having a sister or a brother.”
3.- Do you get along well with them?
“Yeah, my mother is my #1 fan in fact. I am so thankful for their support and they are one of the main reasons I stand here right now.”
4.- How was your childhood?
“Going back and forth from Italy to the U.S made it very special. It had some drawbacks as it was complicated to build good friendships with all the coming and going but I wouldn’t change anything.”
5.- Do you have formal studies?
“I focused in my sports career from an early point in life so nothing after highschool.”
6.- Are you married, or have a couple?
“Free as a bird for now.”
7.- Do you have lots of friends?
“Not that many but I have some people in Italy and the U.S eager for me to visit.”
8.- How did you get into wrestling?
“When I was a child I was OBSESSED with the thing. I got hooked to it thanks to a Saturday morning cartoon and it became an integral part of my personality. For some people in Italy I am still that girl that came in the summers to wrestle every boy in town, hahaha.”
9.- How did you get to join L.A.W?
“I’m not a diamond in the rough or anything like that, so I got here through hard work. First came all the training and the indie scene, then I started frequenting invitational tournaments and in there I got word from a L.A.W representative scouting for talent.”
10.- What do you expect to achieve at L.A.W?
“I don’t want to be a bigmouth and say things I cannot back up with actions, but I come here to cause some sensation. Am I going to change the wrestling world forever? Well I don’t think so, but expect exciting action and I will leave my imprint on the league as long as I am here. Mark those words.”
“I was raised in Brooklyn but I spent all summers in a small town close to Milano in Italy.”
2.- How is your family like?
“My father is Italian while my mother is American, hence my whereabouts while growing up. No siblings. I would have loved having a sister or a brother.”
3.- Do you get along well with them?
“Yeah, my mother is my #1 fan in fact. I am so thankful for their support and they are one of the main reasons I stand here right now.”
4.- How was your childhood?
“Going back and forth from Italy to the U.S made it very special. It had some drawbacks as it was complicated to build good friendships with all the coming and going but I wouldn’t change anything.”
5.- Do you have formal studies?
“I focused in my sports career from an early point in life so nothing after highschool.”
6.- Are you married, or have a couple?
“Free as a bird for now.”
7.- Do you have lots of friends?
“Not that many but I have some people in Italy and the U.S eager for me to visit.”
8.- How did you get into wrestling?
“When I was a child I was OBSESSED with the thing. I got hooked to it thanks to a Saturday morning cartoon and it became an integral part of my personality. For some people in Italy I am still that girl that came in the summers to wrestle every boy in town, hahaha.”
9.- How did you get to join L.A.W?
“I’m not a diamond in the rough or anything like that, so I got here through hard work. First came all the training and the indie scene, then I started frequenting invitational tournaments and in there I got word from a L.A.W representative scouting for talent.”
10.- What do you expect to achieve at L.A.W?
“I don’t want to be a bigmouth and say things I cannot back up with actions, but I come here to cause some sensation. Am I going to change the wrestling world forever? Well I don’t think so, but expect exciting action and I will leave my imprint on the league as long as I am here. Mark those words.”
20 MORE questions to get know her:
1.- Favorite color?
“Darker shades of green are winners.”
2.- Do you swear?
“When I am mad or lose control, even in Italian.”
3.- Thinking before acting or improvising?
“I think that both in wrestling and in life you need to keep some balance between those two.”
4.- Do you believe in true love?
“I believe in cooperation between people to make things work. Call it as you may want.”
5.- Are you easily embarrassed? What embarrases you?
“I still get a little embarrassed when in Italy in case the people notice how my Italian isn’t that great. It’s not that easy to embarrass me though.”
6.- How easy is it to earn your trust?
“I always try to see the good in people. I know it is a little naive but I can’t help it. I’m an optimistic by nature.”
7.- Would you prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
“It would depend of the kind of lie and the person that lies to me.”
8.- Day or night person?
“Always day. It’s the time one can be the most active.”
9.- What kind of weather do you enjoy the most?
“Sunny warm days so I can go exercise outside.”
10.- Are you passionate about your hobbies or kind of mellow?
“I can go really hyper about some stuff like wrestling or TV series.”
11.- Are you more emotional or logical?
“I let emotions flow much more I think.”
12.- What do you do to relax?
“I always try to be active. I am a very sporty person so I workout a lot and I always have something to do in terms of exercising. Other than that, I like cooking a lot.”
13.- Are you quick to judge people?
“It takes some time to me to form a bad impression on someone, so I say no.”
14.- What scares you?
“Elevators! I got stuck inside one as a child and they terrify me to this day.”
15.- Are you a jealous person?
“Not really? Not sure about this but I am not in an enclosed traditional viewpoint.”
16.- Who are you the most happy about meeting?
“Not a person but my cat, Bondie. Cutest thing ever.”
17.- Are you comfortable in a crowded room?
“Yeah, I wouldn’t try to be the center of it but I like mingling.”
18.- Preferred mode of transportation?
“I like to walk when I can, but I really enjoy train trips.”
19.- Are you a lazy person?
“Not at all. I’m always active and thinking about more stuff to do. No procrastinating though.”
20.- What would be the maximum amount of time you would be able to sit still in a silent room?
“Oh I’m all nerves. Is my cat there?”
*Section to be filled with everyone she meets at L.A.W and her impressions on them.
Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0