Sex: Female
Age: 24
Eyes: yellow (kurumi's right eye is still unknown)
Hair: black and white (even though he was originally black)
Height: 124 ibs
Weight: 5,6
Nationality: Japan/francese
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Alignment: face
Fighting Style: Kurumi's fighting style focuses on attacks that are partially weak but in reality they are to distract the opponent so that they can later attack with quite strong moves.
Entrance Music:
Wearing Her fighting Clothes

wearing his hentai outfit

wearing their bikinis

wearing his other wrestling outfit

when kurumi doesn't have her pigtails

Personality: Kurumi's personality can be said to be someone good, kind and sweet with people but she can also be vengeful, spiteful and a being full of hate when provoked but that happens very rarely although in hentai combat she behaves Unusually as she will act nervous and let her opponent slightly dominate her but after a while she will try to turn things in her favor.
History: Kurumi was a teenager who was fond of wrestling, since she was a girl she always dreamed of being in a wrestling ring facing other competitors so she trained every day to be strong and one day be in the ring although sometimes it was complicated that, since she also had to concentrate on her studies although that did not stop her from training
until after so much waiting he was finally able to go to LAW to fight and make friends, enemies, rivals ect and finally show everyone who is in charge there even if I have to do it in a rude way to make him respect there
Signature Move
Torture rack
Bear hug
Boston crab
Power bomb
Kneeling suplex slam
Swinging fisherman suplex
dragon suplex
camel clutch
Power bomb
Kneeling suplex slam
Swinging fisherman suplex
Abdominal stretch
Bow and arrow
Giant swing
Sunset flip
Tree of woe
Arm wrench
Single underhook
Reverse crucifix
Fireman's carry
Gorilla press
dark hour

embrace of light

dark desire

annihilating light

Finishing Moves

light prowess

descent into darkness

hope of light

Natural balance

dark effect

light effect

dark caster

gloomy touches

infinite light

infinite darkness

fun in the light

limb fun

firm grip

hidden treasure

LAW Information
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