Age: 19
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'7 ft
Weight: 132 lbs
Entrance music:
Nationality: Brazilian
Match preferences: Avoids hardcore stips when she can.
Match strategy: Disorient and throw off her opponents with constant dodges, movements, taunts, and flips until they're open to a strong blow.
Opinion on Hentai: "Umm... well... it depends on my partner~"
Preferred moves: Arm drags, kicks, dodges, slaps, head scissors, hurricanranas, arm locks, leg locks, hip attacks
Signature move/s:
Rotacao Throw
Back Handspring Kick
Corkscrew Leg Drop
Meia Lua de Compasso
Preensão de Polvo
History: Christie is the granddaughter of an legendary Capoeira master, the master to Eddy Gordo who taught him in the art of Capoeira during his time in prison. While in prison, Eddy swore an oath to the master to pass on the art of Capoeira to his granddaughter. Eddy sought out Christie shortly after his return from King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, and taught her the art of Capoeira, just as he promised his master. After only two years of tutelage, Christie became an impressive fighter. But soon thereafter, Eddy abruptly disappeared, leaving Christie only with the words, "Those responsible for my father's death must pay". Troubled by his sudden and mysterious disappearance, Christie pursued Eddy, joining the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 to try and find him. The two would reunite and Christie would convince Eddy to come back to Brazil to see his master again after he was finally released from prison. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with an incurable illness, and he was given only six months to live. Eddy Gordo would stay with his ailing master in Brazil, Christie coming to the conclusion that the only cure to her grandfather's illness could come from the technology of the Mishima Zaibatsu, and the onlt way to obtain such technology would be to win the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Sadly, she would be defeated and sent home. Upon her arrival, she would arrive to her ailing grandfather and discover that Gordo had yet again disappeared. Unsure of her master's whereabouts, and the King of Iron Fist Tournament having been cancelled indefinitely by the Mishima Zaibatsu, Christie had to turn elsewhere to make a living with her set of skills. By chance, Christie would find out from a guest at one of the many parties she attended about professional wrestling, a single promotion to be exact with a near worldwide reach and major rewards for those brave enough to step in its doors, LAW. Seeing an opportunity to provide for her Grandfather and perhaps find Eddy, she decided to sign up, going through some training to help transition her Capoeira capabilities to a wrestling ring, catching on with the sport pretty quickly.