Sex: Female
Age: 18
Birthday: April 5
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 169.5 lbs
Nationality: British (Half Japanese)
Alignment: Babyface
Entrance music: Nami Tamaki ~ My way
Wrestling Information
Style: Pro-Wrestling
Type: Submission fighter
Difficulty Level: Easy to Medium
Preferred Matches: Abby will participate in all match types.
Combat: Abby relies are her strikes and Submission moves to be able to keep her opponent down.
Favored moves
Arm Bar
Arm Drag
Arm Wrench
Atomic Drop
Elbow Drop
Hip Attack
Jumping roundhouse kick
Mule Kick
Running big boot, sometimes to an oncoming opponent
Running back elbow, to a cornered opponent
Running senton
Seated surfboard
Shoulder block, sometimes followed by an evasive cartwheel
Side slam backbreaker
Snap suplex, sometimes floated over into a small package
Tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown
Iron Claw

Just Kicking!
Feigned Superkick Legbreaker and then repeated kicks to the chest.

Boston Crab

Abby Cox is a British girl of a boxing legend and his highschool sweetheart that was apart of the wrestling team. Abby growing up found herself to becoming accustomed to the likes of video games, anime, and table top rpgs. But soon she found the world of professional wrestling and she always enjoyed it, following became hard because her father hated it. Said it was a low tier sport that needed just to go away. Abby didn’t agree though and continued to watch it in secret. It had gotten to the point Abby was writing out how a wrestler performs, what their movesets are like. But analization could only get you so far. Her father forced her into boxing trying to make another legend in the making but after her first fight and her getting knocked out in the first round and leaving with a concussion got her completely off the sport of boxing. Once she was 100% she told her father that she did not want to become a boxer but instead wanted to become a wrestler. Her father protested it to the point he gave her an ultimatum, boxing or nothing else!
Abby was saddened that her father would not budge of the matter of wrestling, but eventually a flyer got to her about a training school that at least would teach the basics for free. When Abby tried the place out she was catching on to how everything worked quickly. Soon she was able to beat other trainees and was her teacher’s star student but everything changed after her father found out. He was so upset that he banned Abby from wrestling while she was still living with him. So Abby would leave her parents home and got an apartment in search of that training school but it was gone, closed down due to payment issues. Now only slightly trained Abby would head to LAW but there was one problem her weight, for a girl her size she would have to fight in heavyweight which even though Abby is strong she would be tossed around and abused like no other. So she tried her hardest at the training center to lose weight and make herself ring ready. Once she was low enough to actually make it in middleweight she was so happy. Being able to accomplish a strong boss together with individual. Now she had to deal with the fact that she was going to have so many issues with her body, and going up against tough opponents. Though luck is on her side and with the skill she has she might even be able to over power the strongest of fighters but her problem is there is something deep inside of her. A true threat in the middleweight division but without the proper guidance she will be stuck in mediocrity, forever. With this lack of endurance it is going to be a uphill battle for her and whoever does train her. But also how will she handle herself during a match or being able to defend herself from others in general have been hard on her.
Abby is quiet and gets nervous easily mainly being as introvert as she is makes things like talking to people backstage hard. Abby is quite nerdy being more of the type to analyze people both during and after a match. Though even with her nervous demeanor during a match she is always determined to fight no matter how intimidating the opponent actually is. Even though she will not run from a battle does not mean she can hide her fear, and honestly all of her emotions can be seen at face value. Abby’s biggest critic when it comes to her skill and her weight is herself. As though she has lost a great amount of weight she still is quite self conscious about how she looks and anything done to her sexually to her.
Visual Appearance
Abby’s Wrestling gear

Abby’s trying to look tough

Abby with her ex-girlfriend backstage after Abby watched her get a major win

Abby tried boxing...Things didn't go so well for her.....

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