Elisabete Silva - The angelic Sister

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Elisabete Silva - The angelic Sister

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Name: Elisabete Silva
Age: 20
Eyes: Cyan
Hair: Blue with pink
Weight: 13oibs
Nationality: Porto,Portugal
Alignment:Facish Tweener
Twitter handle: @AngelicSilvaSis
Entrance Theme: Fly away - Panty and Stocking

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Take them down , and keep them trapped.
Style: Food wrestling
Preferred Attacks: Flying Elbow drop , Clothesline , Headscissor Takedown , Bodysplash , Headlock , Boston Crab ,
Preferred matches:Pudding , Beach , Outdoor , Normal , Weapon , Smother and TLC


Endurance: 3'5/5
Strength: 4/5
Speed: 3'5/5

Finishing moves
The sin of Envy
Double knee drop, but where she would slam her knees into either side of her opponent's breasts to force them together and squeeze them just before she lands on top of them
Lust and Gluttony (Bearhug where she force her opponent's face between her breasts)

Resist Temptation (Dragon sleeper where she gives into her lust and attacks her opponent's breasts by fondling them)

Sweet Break (backbreaker)

Having cake
Street Clothes
Wrestling Attire





Special occasions and Holidays


Elisabeth was the more kind hearten sister or at least that was what most assumed. As while she was more caring of others , forgiving and less ego centrist as her twin she could be just as headstrong and stubborn about certain things. As nobody should dare get between herself and food as she considered herself an conducier of food. As while she was not as sex obsessed like her twin the blue with pink haired woman did have a sin of her own as she was a glutton who hated to share anything food related. The fact that she never seem to gain any weight no matter how much she ate also caused her to become vain as she enjoyed rubbing that fact into people's faces . Especially her sister as she knew this fact drove the blond slut mad , and she enjoyed every second of it.


Growing up the Silva sisters seemed to be complete opposites of each other as what the other enjoyed was hated by her sister. This behaviour only got worse as they grew older as it used to drive their parents mad with how the two sisters would fight each other. Still at first their parents hoped that they would one day grew out of it , and get closer to each other. This however was a foolish thing to hope on as while they did grow up neither sister would ever willingly get along with the other. Still they did end up having one thing in common , and that was wrestling as both sisters seemed to watching the sport on TV. Now while that would have been considered a good thing in most families , but for the Silva Household it was the worst thing that ever happened.

As both sisters would drive their parents and family members made as they would see different wrestling moves being preformed by actual wrestlers , and do the one thing that all the shows warned people not to do. They did try them out , and their favourite target was each other as it seemed they loved to cause the other pain. Still after about 16 years of watching their precious little girls beat the crap out of each other they finally just stopped one day. Their parents just believed it was because they finally accepted the other. However they would be wrong as the reason they stopped was their stance in opinion about the wrestling styles they wanted to do. As while Elisabeth wanted them to try a messy wrestling match. The other was trying to convince her of the joy of hentai style matches.

So they decided to just do what they wanted as they tried to convince the other that their chosen style was better one. This led to the sisters ambushing each other whenever they could and this was the final straw as their parents threw them out.Now out on the street the two sisters would at first try and beat the other up. However the need to put food on the table and a roof over their heads won out as they were forced to work together. First by sharing an apartment and later when their respective organisations DDW and AFW fused together to form HOHW. As the moment came out the two were twins, they were forced to work together as a tagteam or be fired.

With neither sister wanting to work with the other and refuse to even train together before their big debut as a tag team on their 19th birthday ended up being an disaster. As there was no chemistry between them and it showed as they ended up going on an losing streak that lasted 6 months. It had gotten so bad that they ended up being told that if they lost their next match they would end up being fired from the company. By a miracle the sisters ended up winning , and from their slowly start to work together. However in the end it was not enough to get their contract extended , and by the time they were 20 they were free agents. Still at first this did not seem bad , but most companies only wanted them as an tag team until Thenerza had an meeting with Celeste Amor. Now what was spoken about behind close doors was uncertain , but the fact the younger blond would walk out smirking as Celeste glared at her seem to tell you all you need to know.

As in the end the twins could finally compete as single stars, but to Elisabeth's horror as she read the contract it seems they were signed as an tag team. So with that they were still forced to work together and with the fact that Celeste at least hated one of them, it was sure to be a rough start for the Silva Twins in LAW.

Fun Fact

DDW stands for Dirty Devil Wrestling

AMW stands for Angelic Messy Wrestling

HOHW stands for Heaven or Hell Wrestling



LAW Information
Number of matches:2
Wins: 0
Loses: 1
Draws: 0

Match History


2 In her second match , Elizabete would face off against Noloty in an pudding match.Defeat
1 Elisabete's debut match as she face off against La Tigresa.Ongoing
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Wed Jan 08, 2025 9:28 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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