Name: Noloty Malche
Nickname: The Brazilian Bright Star
Age: 27
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'8
Weight: 147
Nationality: Brazilian
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Entrance music:
Personality: Noloty is an eager and curious women. One who seeks nothing more then to enjoy her time, with her idea of enjoyment ranging from pure fun with friends, doing one of her few hobbies, or of course wrestling. Noloty despite being a fun and friendly gal embraces the craziness of wrestling straight up preferring to let matters she's neutral on pass it she thinks it's entertaining. Though she does have a limit she feels part of the fun of the business is the intrigue and happily encourages everyone to give it there all. She also isn't humble, she knows she's hot, she knows she can fight and if you give her time she'll brag about it.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Noloty has a lot of experience with flat out brawling then one of her stature would imply. Fast and elagant she moves with flair and strikes with force. Taking to the skies when necessary and more then capable of adapting to fight anyone bigger or smaller then she is. Her love of herself and her body makes her a complete show off willing to use it in creative ways to feel superior. And if the situation calls for it she's just as adapt at simply putting someone down and playing with them to get what she wants.
Preferred Attacks: Punches, knees, elbows, aerial attacks. Smothers
Preferred Matches:
- matches she can slug it out. "I love hitting things what can I say? Your wasting you time time if you want me to be gentle."
- Worship matches. "Have you seen me? I'm doing them a favor."
- Smother matches "Again, have you seen me?"
Attitude To Hentai: "Well who wouldn't want that with me?"





Endurance 4 - Noloty puts herself at risk constantly to get a leg up. She's tough and fears no risk of injury though she is not a juggernaut.
Strength 3 - Noloty is as strong as she needs to be nothing more nothing less. Allowing her to lift and toss opponents but not outright overpower bigger girls with a lot more muscle on them.
Speed 5- Her bread and butter. Moving at unfair speeds and stopping her opponent offens dead in there tracks with her own.
Defense 2.5 - In no small part due to her high offense and sense of worth she's pretty reckless. Making her suspectible to styles that counter poor defense.
Signature Move
Slumdog: Noloty goes for a turnbuckle assisted spinning bulldog.
Lou Thesz press: Noloty pounces on her opponent and starts throwing punches at when while there on the ground.
Finishing Moves
The Bright Star:: Noloty hits a Red Arrow
Burnout star: Noloty pulls her opponent into a double underhook knees them in the face and then lifts them up to drop on there head.
Hentai Finisher:
Wish upon: Noloty forces been opponent into a wish bone and used her knuckles to tease and fist there sex. Doing other things she can think off based on the situation.
Noloty has lived two radically different lives all in all. The fighter of her youth, living in the slums of Brazil never looked like she'd survive, she was too frail, too cute, and too nice. Of course what people think and what actually happens can prove to be two different stories, Noloty got along just fine, stealing what but she needed, charming who she needed, beating up who she needed. She didn't live like a princess or even a normal person but she lived and survive do and proved to be a fighter. For the longest time that wasn't ore then enough for her. But rides had there stopping points and Noloty's came when she was stopped on the streets by a promoter who liked her work, after seeing her crush some punk who tried to snatch her bread and offered her legit work. Noloty the ever curious girl accepted.
The work proved to actually be legit, a growing wrestling company in need of cute faces and young stars with Noloty being a helpful dose of both. She started in the lower cards and house shows then to the midcards where her looks and skill and pure flair impressed more then a few people and Noloty fell in love with the looks she was given. Embracing anything thrown her way and not being afraid to show how much she loved it. How could anyone reject such attention? She craved for more and sought to be the top girl of the show. It's crowning jewel, but fate wouldn't have it during the stupid invasion of CWF her promotion fell in a 5 on 5 match she wasn't even in: if she had maybe they wouldn't have lost. No, they wouldn't have lost, period end of story.
Still the what if didn't matter. Her big break had ended after just 8 years and the CWF didn't want her. Likely intimidated by her presence which outshined any star on there place and while Noloty hated it, it was part of the wrestling game she loved so much and thus she didn't try and shake things up. Instead she used the money she made to live life peacefully for a bit and take a break. She had been working nonstop for years she deserved a break. And this vacation ended up being exactly what she needed, going to Japan to see the place and attend a wrestling promotion she saw its wonder for her own eyes and saw it had the same appeal as her own place. It didn't take long for her to feel the itch of fame and wrestling come back and send her portfolio to LAW getting a call back 2 weeks later. This vacation would be a bit longer and more relaxing the next she thought.
None so far.