Name: Priscilla "Poison" Anderson
Sex: Female
Birthday: September 27th, 1993
Age: 24
Eyes: Turquoise
Hair: Pink
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 121 lbs.
Nationality: USA
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Theme: "I Get Off", by Halestorm
Fighting Style: Poison fights with a style that's a mix of brawling, acrobatics, and hardcore.
Preferred Matches: Standard, hardcore, handcuff, hentai.
Favoured moves: Eye poke/eye rake, low blows, body splashes, punches, slaps, dirty fighting/weapon fighting, body slams, leg drops, hip attacks, huracanranas/frankensteiners. In hardcore matches she tends to wield a riding crop.
Finishing move: Love Me Tender - Poison runs towards a kneeling opponent and, using their knee for leverage, hits an axe kick to the top of their skull. Sometimes does this to standing opponents if they're hunched over.
History: Badass from the streets. Decided to get into wrestling because she likes fighting and it pays good. Does she really need more of a bio than that? Probably, but this will suffice until I can write something more. Besides, it's not like most of you are actually going to read the history section anyway, right?