Name: Ivanna Vasyanovich
Age: 27
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Black
Height: 5'7
Weight: 157 lbs
Nationality: Polish
Alignment: ???

Personality & Past
Born in Warsaw, Poland, Ivanna was a daughter of a esteemed Russian wrestler that had fled the land and a Polish professor that taught English in a local prestigious university. Growing up, Ivanna always leaned into her mother, the wrestler influence, learning Russian, acting haughty and having a vengeful attitude, a “better than thou” personality.
As you can expect, it didn’t garner her many friends. Her childhood was spent in relative solitude, leading her to grow a bit resentful against people as a whole. Her mother took this opportunity to train the child in the art of wrestling, boxing, Muay Thai and Taekwondo and Ivanna took to it like a fish to water. She was so good at it in fact, that she had two persona’s before coming to LAW! In her first iteration, she donned her mother old leotard outfit, calling herself “Madame Butterfly”
Her second iteration saw her in Japan, fighting as the iteration known as the Violet Kunoichi, but.. that was where she hit a block. People had seen Kunoichi themed outfits before and it never raised much of an uproar. Ivanna also wanted to differentiate herself from her mother, so the Madame Butterfly was out too.
However, crafting something new.. that was interesting.
After a year in hiatus, she came back, blessed with divine inspiration.
Ivanna claimed to have been contacted by a God, a God of the Blood Moon and to have been chosen as his “fist” to deliver a divine sentence unto those that were a threat to those that travelled the night. Villains, heels and dastardly creatures should beware- but then again, what defines a threat in the night? Often times Ivanna targeted her wrath on faces for reasons unknown, giving her an unpredictable reputation.
She speaks as if voices ring in her head.
Did she really meet a god? Or is it just kayfabe?
Or.. is Ivanna Vasyanovich insane?
Insane is a way to put it. Personality wise in the ring, Ivanna acts like an apostle, constantly listening to voices in her head to make decisions. Forgive and forget, or execute? That all depends on what comes to her in her “visions”
But in the ring, she’s rather.. vicious. While not a powerhouse, Ivanna is amazing at soaking up damage, pain, violence. She’s like a ragdoll, a punching bag- can take a lot but maybe not hit the hardest- at least not off the bat.
She requires momentum. Give her that and you’re likely to get steamrolled by her speedy, ruthless and acrobatic fighting style that involves a fair few.. risqué moves. She knows just how well people like to see her “full moon”, so she ends up taunting people with it.
Strengths and Strategy: Smart, flexible, and intuitive, and can most certainly take a hit or two if she needs to, all point towards a submission specialist. However, this girl can fly like nobody’s business, launching some painful aerial attacks that can end fights on their own! Ivanna also usually carries vials of gas strapped to her thigh, ranging from a purple paint like spray to obscure her foes vision, a gas that can be spit out to disorient them, and a lipstick which she can apply to cause arousal/disorientation. Kisses of Death are a common prelude before a sharp kick, just to sweeten the deal.
While she doesn’t use the skills usually, Ivanna is very knowledgeable in mma matches. She knows more about those type of striking fighters than most, and can sponge up their hits unexpectedly well if she’s on guard- taking advantage of their surprise to start her steamroll.
Weaknesses: Unironically? Heights. While she has a good reputation with strikes, slams are something she can’t defend herself well against. A powerbomb of the top rope is going to hurt, and moves such as a Burning Hammer, and even some crushing moves such as tombstone piledrivers are going to leave her dazed.
Preferred Matches: The Apostle doesn’t have a preference. She fights for her god and he directs her. (Ivanna likes to be surprised)
Attitude towards Hentai: Ivanna isn’t that keen on it, but if someone gets her hot and bothered enough in a match, the clothes may fly.
General Stats
-Endurance: 4/5 -
-Strength: 3/5 -
-Speed: 5/5 -
-Defense: 4/5 -
-Technique: 5/5 -
Wrestling Stats
-Strikes: 3/5 -
-Submissions: 3/5 -
-Throws: 4/5 -
-Aerial Moves: 5/5 -
-Counters: 5/5 -
Signature Moves
Unholy Punishment

Lunar Slam

Repaid Debts


Lunar Eclipse

Baby Blue Overdose

Reversal Crescent


Friends: Cassandra Selinofoto (used to babysit her when Cassandra was with her father in a business trip down to her parts of the town)
Allies: Nothing yet.
Rivals: Nothing yet.
Enemies: Nothing yet.
Crushes: Nothing yet.
Wrestling Outfit (Current)






Ivanna is somewhat heavy, and she hates it. She’s put on some decent muscle but the fact remains.. she’s a short, stacked, shortstack, specially around the hip and booty area.
She’s very prickly.. and very lonely. Needs friends. Has asked online but came off as a creep that wants to lure people into a van for kidnapping.