
121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Unread post by DSX93 »

Name: Sybil

Real Name: Emilia Morasanu

Age: "We are a garden that has lost its radiance, but remains, still, forever more. This flower is but another in the bunch. 'Tis not worth pondering."

Real Age: 20

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Hazel (But often uses contacts)

Height: 5'4

Weight: 130

Alignment: Tweener (Is a Face as Gwyneth Mann, Charlie Shaw, and Florentia Asphodel)

Nationality: "Our mothers, our fathers, are from many lands..." (Unknown)

Real Nationality: Romanian (Has German descent through her mother)

Hometown: "...And so too, are the plots in and from which we found our beds and would rise again." (Parts Unknown)

Real Hometown: Transylvania, Romania
Entrance Music
As Sybil
As Gwyneth Mann
High Profile Match
As Daeva Asphodel
When Facing an Enemy
Match with Bloodplay Rules
As Charlie Shaw
As Eva Bavent
As Renee Cooper
Match with Bloodplay Rules
As Florentia Asphodel
As Discord
As Sybil, The Nexus
Casual #1
Casual #2
As Gwyneth Mann, The Jester
As Daeva Asphodel, The Lover
Casual #1
She has no tattoos.
Casual #2
As Charlie Shaw, The Lost Boy
(Ignore the designs on the shirts.)
As Eva Bavent, Innocence Sullied
As Renee Cooper, The Witch
Sans the horns and wings.
Blonde Hair (1)
Blonde Hair (2)
Blonde Hair (3)
Blonde Hair (4)
Blonde Hair (5)
Red Hair (1)
Red Hair (2)
Casual (1)
Casual (2)
Casual (3)
Casual (4)
She has no tattoos.
As Florentia Asphodel, The Idol
Imagine that she has longer hair.
Imagine that she has longer hair.
Imagine that she has longer hair.
As Discord, Madness Personified
The Woman Behind The Characters
Something Just For You
They like to use elaborate, poetic prose. But beyond that, this is a WIP...Probably to be determined as I RP.
Gwyneth Mann
Gwyneth is a ball of energy who always has a smile ready. Like a proper jester, she lives to entertain, whether it be through jokes and banter, pranks, shows of athleticism, and so on. She also has a tendency of acting as a gadfly towards her foes, intentionally being as annoying as possible in order to throw them off their game.
Daeva Asphodel
Daeva is a seductress of the "dark and mysterious" category. The sort that makes you feel like prey as you talk to her. Like you're in danger, but what she has to offer is so alluring, you'll want to take her home anyway.

She's sensual. Kinky. And she loves, loves, loves sex. When the passion is flowing, she can be hard to stop. When in a match, she'll respect the limits of a friend, but a foe will just have to endure until she's satisfied. Or until they pass out. Whichever one happens first.
Charlie Shaw
Charlie is very much an eccentric. Normally filled with an energy that makes him jittery in conversation; lots of expression through body language, stumbling through his speech, nervous laughter, a tendency to speed his mouth up to a mile a minute here and there if he feels his words either are or could be misconstrued...He's far from being the smoothest social operator, but he's a ready conversationalist nonetheless.

He's much better composed when he has something to focus on.

Charlie also has some awareness of his "condition": He remembers a past life that was brought to an end in the tail end of the nineties. Knows that the world as it is today, along with his position as an unwitting passenger in a woman's body, is no dream or hallucination.
Eva Bavent
Eva is very childlike in her demeanor. Indeed, in regards to her personality, she's pretty much a regular little girl who happens to have a liking for things that are creepy and kooky. The mysterious, spooky, and altogether ooky.

Except she has a taste for blood. And tends to see violent fights as a form of play.
Renee Cooper
The most normal of the personas that Emilia has crafted. Renee is a cheeky, impish, extroverted type. Openly and unabashedly kinky. Happy-go-lucky. And interested in the occult, with atheistic Satanist beliefs.
Florentia Asphodel
Florentia is a cheery, wide-eyed idealist, and a sappy romantic. An eager performer with a liking for things dark and creepy. Sweet. Cutesy. Silly. Quirky. A cuddlebug. And also an obsessive, violent madwoman. She sometimes switches between these two sides of the coin as quickly as a lightbulb at the flick of a switch.
As Herself
Emilia is imaginative, intelligent (which she can be snobby about at times), and loyal and caring to her loved ones, sometimes to a fault. She's also a philosopher with something of a rebellious bent, subscribing to Luciferianism.

While she's a proudly unconventional sort, she still has some insecurities based around some of her kinks, in combination with her choice of ideology. Her romantic nature exacerbates the problem; she's eager to explore them, but worries that it'll come together to bar her from finding love.
Part 1
Emilia Morasanu's birth was something of a miracle. Her mother's heart was in constant danger of failure as she delivered her. After a long and difficult fight, she would come into the world, but as was the case with her big sister Eveline, it would come at the cost of her mother's life.

The two would be the best of friends growing up, sticking together when the other kids would exclude and pick on them in their earlier school years. Their father was an aloof personality and had garnered a reputation as an eccentric around the time he purchased the famed Bran Castle and made a home of it, which didn't help matters. Not that the sisters had complained; they both had formed an interest in the dark, mysterious, creepy, and spooky, and learning that their home was once Dracula's in "Bram Stoker's Dracula" only made them love the place even more.

But kids can be cruel.

Emilia and Eveline would do almost everything together: Ballet, fencing, martial arts classes so they'd be able to defend themselves after things took a physical turn in the playground...Emilia would also work hard to try to reach Eveline's grade level, not wanting to be left behind to navigate that social maze and face its perils alone. It was through these efforts that the full extent of her intelligence would come to light. She wouldn't accomplish her goal of earning a place in the same class as Eveline, but would skip three grades in the attempt and also qualify for a membership in Mensa.

That advanced intellect and her being three years younger than her classmates would be another barrier between them and herself. Emilia would be further embittered towards them when their attitudes toward her changed following the development of her mother's charms in high school. The same boys who'd spurned her before were now lining up to ask her out for dates, and the girls started spreading rumors in an attempt to wreck the unwitting social ascension of what they now viewed as a threat in the dating pool.

The desire to take a dip was there, but not with any of those dick-brained morons or conniving bitches. Instead, it was with another girl (a straight one, unfortunately) that they targeted. Gabi Skutnik. She was from a less fortunate area, having earned her way into the private establishment via scholarship. The girl was an inspiration, working hard in the classroom and in Track and Field to break a cycle of criminality that had plagued her family. She had plans too: She wanted to become a lawyer. But of course, those sharks were able to smell that: In order to keep that scholarship secure, she never fought back when they came around for their taste of blood and pound of flesh.

So Emilia would step in and fight for her. But she was a delicate little thing at the time, so taking them on alone wasn't going to work out well for her. Fortunately, she had Eveline and her then girlfriend Elina to back her up.

Oh, Elina was awesome. When those rodents saw her coming, they scurried off in a flash. Didn't even dare to look at them funny. It wouldn't last, however. After she and Eveline had graduated, the rats came right out of their holes to continue from where they left off.

It culminated with a group of girls cornering Gabi in the bathroom, one of them armed with a knife. Fearing for her life, she fought back this time, nearly breaking the knife-wielders nose before running to safety. The weapon had been hidden by the time everyone was pulled into the principal's office, making it a matter of four-on-one storytelling. And as schools are wont to do in the event of bullying, after having ignored and/or mishandled the previous instances when they were brought to the staff's attention, Gabi would receive the most severe punishment in the form of having her scholarship revoked. As her parents were unable to afford the school's tuition, it was effectively an expulsion.

The bullies won. They didn't want to see a poor person walking "their" halls, and their wish would be granted.

With Gabi gone, they set their sights on Emilia. They were certain that she'd be an easy means to get their kicks since she was alone, but as they would soon learn, rage can be quite empowering. She wouldn't be standing at the end of a confrontation that saw her being ganged up on, but she would give as good as she got. Even better sometimes.

Things would come to a head when she hyperextended Daniela Marcovici's knee. Caught her kick and brought a foot right down on it. The resultant damage to her ACL would ensure that she would never play volleyball again. Next was Adela Cretu, to whom she'd deliver a cutter, holding onto her head until it was spiked into the unforgiving marble floor.

One big brawl that spilled right into the open, two students sent to the emergency room, and a group of angry parents that were on the warpath, ready to sue. The problem had finally become too big for the principal to sweep under the rug and ignore.

Once again, the other girls would come up with a story that painted their target as the antagonist, but this time, there were witnesses who told the truth: That they were the instigators. Mr. Morasanu wouldn't stand for his daughter facing any punishment for defending herself. And against multiple assailants, at that.

Emilia didn't know what he did behind the scenes, but she wouldn't receive any. And coincidentally, that would be Mr. Constantin's last year as the school's principal. And after that display of what she was capable of in a fight, the other students would leave her alone, which was just fine to her. In school, she had Mr. Dinescu, who oversaw the drama club she was a part of. And at home, she had her sister, Magdalena Florentina -- their butler -- Elina was keeping in touch while she was kicking ass in the mixed martial arts league she'd found herself in in America, and she would also be hanging out with Jaclyn Nagano, a girl from the United States who remained in Romania after her parents came to visit her mother's relatives.

Emilia had already seen Jaclyn around on YouTube. At first, Jaclyn was just a subscriber to her YouTube channel that she'd have brief chats with in the comment section, but Emilia would take a deeper interest in her when they Skyped for a couple hours. That conversation began with some back and forth in the comments of a video she'd made about Luciferianism, which she'd converted to after first dabbling with Satanism. Jaclyn would stick with atheism, but was interested in learning more about it.

The two later switch to other topics. Politics (and their shared disdain of it), their life goals, romance -- Jaclyn believed that she was in her twenties. After learning that she was in fact two years younger and that they were both in Transylvania, she got a little flirty. Emilia would play coy, but she liked her. A feeling that would only grow stronger as they talked more and eventually spend time together after a chance encounter at a park. Jaclyn had a good head on her shoulders, being a fellow skeptic and a true intellectual: She wasn't the most erudite person around, but unlike most people, she was willing to take the time to learn new things, challenge her own beliefs, and expand her horizons. And throughout that process, Emilia would grow as well during their lengthy conversations.

They'd often talk long into the night. Sometimes all the way through on the weekends or during breaks.

One of Jaclyn's goals in life was to become a professional wrestler, having been a fan since childhood like Emilia herself. She wanted to be a star. A household name.

She had completed her training for the scripted variant just before she came to Romania, and was looking to get her start. Emilia had interest in the sport as well, but hers was in full-contact. Her fights in high school had given her a taste for violence; it made her feel alive in a way that only her riskier parkour runs did. And through professional wrestling, she could fight while also fulfilling her dream of acting, and stick it to all the narrow-minded idiots out there. Like Elina was doing, sometimes literally. Like her heroine, Serina Levesque II.

Emilia discovered her during her time in the indies. The woman faced adversity for her entire life. First from her mother, whom she'd also looked up to before her daughter exposed her true character as an abusive, narcissistic perfectionist. Then from the other competitors and a hostile audience during her time as a sexfighter, followed by those regressive-minded fools who dismissed her as a "glorified pornstar", and so on. And for years, she stood alone and endured. She marched on through miles and miles of mud, blood, and shit, and achieved greatness time and time again, shutting the mouths of all the haters.

No wonder Eveline wanted her so bad. She could see something of it in the way her sister looked at her when they attended that fateful show. And there was something in the Serina's eyes as well. Both when she made her way to the ring for her match and when she left it afterwards.

She was pretty much an afterthought during the meet and greet that was held the next day. It irked her initially. As knowledgeable as she was, she wasn't truly a fan of wrestling. She wasn't as interested in the in and outs, and the journeys of those in the business.

Emilia had so many questions she wanted to ask. So much she wanted to say. But Eveline just had to go and get all of the attention on her. Much to her surprise, however, it would open the door to getting to know The Master Technician personally, starting with their meeting again at home to celebrate Eveline's twenty-first birthday.

Her sister had a lot of pull. Or as the Americans call it, "game". But she couldn't believe that she had so much that it would get Serina to agree, but that's exactly what happened.
Part 2
But of course, she wouldn't have her time immediately. It was apparent from the get-go that Serina was there for Eveline. Her eyes were practically glued to her, and Eveline stuck close to her all throughout the evening. But she would have the opportunity to talk with her. After she took a breath and stopped fangirling so hard, that is.

She wound up saying little to her, however. A remark from her sister about how nice it was to see her acting her age for once, which she knew was intended to be a joke, had nonetheless discomfited her to the point of taking her tongue. She felt like a child in front of one of her idols, and she couldn't stand it.

And damn it, she had to go and flirt with her in that session of "Vampire: The Masquerade" too.

Sensing her discomfort, Jaclyn added some extra spice to their scenes. Their characters -- Emilia's being a Malkavian with a permanent case of nymphomania, and Jaclyn's being a Toreador -- ran a nightclub that doubled as a sexfighting venue, with the two of them being the main attraction as well. It worked for them: It offered them a ready herd to feed from, an outlet for Sinthia's derangement, and allowed Jacqui (Jaclyn wasn't the most imaginative starting out) to finally achieve the stardom she'd been looking for in life.

The distraction that Jaclyn offered was a welcome one. Both in the game and out: After the session's end, the two would sneak away to a room in the basement that contained a ring: Dragoslav had a thing for sexfighting too -- perhaps that was where Emilia had gotten her own interest in it. For a reason that was unknown to her and her sister at the time, he would never get into a relationship, but he was still a red-blooded man with needs.

The room was off limits to them, but he was away on business and would not return for another few months. And as far as Mrs. Florentina knew, Jaclyn just wanted to show her some wrestling moves. And initially, that was the sole intent. Emilia was interested in learning more techniques that she could use to defend herself and others. She'd been disenrolled from martial training after a conversation she had with her father about that last fight she had in school and the damage she'd done.

Emilia saw no reason to feel anything but good about it. Daniela, Adela, and their elitist friends were perfectly willing to ruin someone who hadn't done anything to them or anyone else, and after initially doing nothing, the school would eventually play right into their hands and give them exactly what they wanted. It's people like them who get everyone with wealth and status painted with the brush of pure evil, and it was clear that they would have evaded justice otherwise, so as far as she was concerned, she was completely justified.

It was one of those few times where her father just didn't understand.

After Jaclyn's instruction, the two would have an impromptu sparring session when Emilia put her teachings along with a dash of her own ingenuity together to try to pin her. Jacqui's actions during the RP had uplifted her into a playful mood. With the combination of the close bodily contact that's part and parcel of wrestling, the burgeoning attraction that existed between them, and teenage hormones at work, the two would get physical in more ways than the one.

Emilia was a romantic, but also a realist. Jaclyn had just gone through a bad breakup with a guy who had tried to proselytize her. The boy hadn't been very subtle in trying to keep her away from Emilia in the process. They hadn't discussed her beliefs, but they were out there on the internet.

There just had to be something, if it wasn't Jaclyn having a penis.

They hadn't been having sex for a while since they were busy arguing, and the way Jaclyn spoke of it while it was happening had painted it as something to miss. And the matter of them being a thing was one that Jaclyn had shied away from after learning more about her. Right after she'd revealed that she was about to go to college to study pharmaceutical science and drama, to be precise, while Jaclyn herself was still a junior in high school.

So the odds of what they'd done in the ring that night leading to something serious were slim to none. Nonetheless, Emilia felt that she could trust her with her first time and was glad that it was her, even if the likely reality that their intimacy would only be carnal was a painful one.

Emilia walked into the college experience expecting to never have any suitors who weren't either creeps who liked their girls too young, bozos who wanted to see how freaky the supposed Devil worshipper was, or an egregiously disgusting combination of both. Fortunately, she would only ever encounter the bozos, who would leave her to focus on her studies in peace after learning about her age. It was an environment that she thrived in: Most people were too preoccupied with their own business to play the same games and pull the same shit that she had to deal with before. It was a lonely going, but again, it was fine.

While she advanced through her courses, she would come to seriously consider a career in wrestling, the catalyst being the visit Serina made at the demand of her father when he learned of her relationship with Eveline. He watched wrestling too, and caught too many glances between the two to not suspect anything. Eveline fessed up to it, and there they were: Her and Emilia standing -- later sitting -- right outside of the door, listening in.

After he had scared away boy after boy, until she'd finally stuck to girls in order to skip past the well-intentioned rigmarole, Eveline especially knew that this was going to be a lengthy interrogation. A pivotal moment.

It was a long two hours. Pregnant with emotion. For Serina, as she told her life's tale. For Dragoslav, as he told some of his. For the sisters themselves as the revelations came to light. The circumstances of Eveline's birth. Just how deeply their mothers' deaths pained him. The man had been through so much, but had so little time to stop and process it. So much pain and so much pressure...But he took it in stride. With two daughters to take care of and a business to run, he had to.

And then there was just how...sad Serina's career was. Nearly every move of hers for what was fourteen years at that point was motivated by spite so powerful that she left little room for anything else in her life. Serina ate wrestling. Drank it, breathed it, slept it. The haters in the crowd and in the locker room were one thing, but her primary goal was to get back at her mother. To become so great that Serina I would have no choice but to acknowledge her spurned offspring -- her intended sequel -- as her superior.

The two would give them both big hugs afterwards. Well, Emilia would give her father one while Eveline would get both; Emilia felt it would've made things weird if she just gave Serina a big glomp out of nowhere. They knew that it would reveal that they were eavesdropping, but there was too much that was let out in that long talk for them to care.

Eveline was decided: She was going to join Serina in the world of professional wrestling. They spoke of what she would do there. The role she'd play. The gimmicks she had in mind for the two of them as they headed over to ACW.

It sounded so cool. And it was even better to see it happen. Their father predictably wasn't happy about it, but the two were an efficient unit. With Eveline -- or rather, Lacramioara's -- help, Serina -- now Ionia -- became an even better wrestler than before, and Lacramioara was plenty capable of handling herself. Emilia, watching the show closely, made sure to point out her every triumph to calm his nerves.

It was going to be a difficult discussion when she joined them. She'd already felt strongly enough about the decision, but Jaclyn and the others doing the same had cemented it for her.
Part 3
Ionia. Lacramioara Albescu. Bloody Mary. Lucinda Kane. Smiling Jaclyn. The Coterie.

Every member had received training from its leader. Including Lucinda, whether she wanted to admit it or not. It served them all well. Even Jaclyn, who was making the debut that she'd worked so hard towards.

After Lacramioara, it was her that Emilia was watching the closest, cheering the loudest of anyone from behind the screen and the crowd barrier. Jaclyn's run wasn't the greatest in the beginning, with her having a middling record while few could stand against the others, especially when there was gold on the line, but she was certain that she'd come along with The Black Queen looking after her development.

Emilia was happy to hear Jaclyn making the switch from scripted to full-contact wrestling. To most, it may seem as though the latter was the more dangerous of the two, but after seeing what happens to the Daniel Puders, Jesse Sorensens, Chynas, Daffney Ungers, and Owen Harts of the business, Emilia knew better. With it being filled with Vince McMahons, Dixie Carters, Vince Russos, Kurt Angles, John Bradshaw Layfields, and so forth; cold-hearted, if not heartless bullies and out of touch dimwits who were given way too much power...She feared for what would've happened to Jaclyn if she'd moved forward with her original plans.

But of course, there was plenty to fear in the real deal as well.

After a point, every other member in The Coterie sans her sister (who was there primarily in a managerial role) had two belts to their name while she was still fighting her way through the mid-card. Soon after Mary and Lucinda had acquired their gold, Jaclyn tried to launch herself up to the top, calling out and taking on opponents that she wasn't ready for. After swearing her to silence, she would tell her why.

Jaclyn didn't feel worthy of her place among them. They had all accomplished so much, and every match only added to their legacies. To the legacy of the group. And she believed that she wasn't measuring up.

Emilia had the feeling that this was also the central reason why they never became an item. She lacked the courage to find out for certain: Even without dating, let alone professing any love they may have had for each other, Jaclyn knew her more intimately than she'd come to fear anyone else would ever want to, given the things she'd discovered about herself. She didn't indulge her every single time, but still stuck around and accepted her. The thought of losing that was one she couldn't bear.

Jaclyn would fight hard, especially when she was there in the crowd, but would lose every time. The worst, the one that almost killed Emilia to see, was her loss against Nyx Alexander.

Emilia had mixed feelings about Nyx. On one hand, she could understand and even empathize with her misanthropy. She was a bullied kid too, and also shared a privileged background, so she more than likely didn't get much, if any sympathy. She could see how events could turn her into what she was, but she couldn't get behind how she operated. How she took joy in dismantling wrestlers that the audience favored, even if they hadn't done anything to her.

At least she wasn't as bad as that psychopath Vincent Castellano. How she managed to calm him down for as long as she did, she'll never know. But Emilia saw the fact that she tried as evidence that, while her taste in men was awful, she wasn't a bad person herself.

Oh, how wrong she was.

There was no denying that Jaclyn was the instigator in that mess, yet again. Nor that she was in the wrong for picking at such a sore spot just to get a shot at the Middleweight title: Nyx's recently failed engagement to the aforementioned psychopath, who was also a cheat who was completely and utterly incapable of keeping his dick in his pants. She cheered for her as she and Adam Blitz's bride to be beat the hell out of him in that Three Stage of Hell match he had with Adam.

And then she cheered even louder when she blasted Delilah with the chair she had in hand. And stopped when she hit Adam with it for trying to stop her from doing more damage. She admittedly lost respect for the man for trying when she didn't deserve the effort; the whore had done the same thing to him that Vincent had done to Nyx, and to make matters worse, she did it with him, right in the middle of their feud. But still, he didn't deserve that.

Just as Jaclyn didn't deserve what Nyx did to her. First she kneed her in the face until her orbital bone fractured and her eye swelled shut. Then she brought her down again on the outside with a leaping spinning back kick to counter her Machida Shot. The kick ruptured her liver.

Jaclyn let out the most horrible screams, made even worse by how close she was: Only a few feet away. She no longer had the strength to stand.

Nyx saw Emilia standing there, saw the resemblance between her and her sister, and turned her back on Jaclyn to take the time to taunt her. This match was over and everyone knew it. All except for that dumbass referee, who just kept counting like no one was seriously hurt; Emilia didn't know what was wrong, but she knew it was enough to warrant ringing the bell.

Nyx talked her shit, and she shit talked her right back. The blonde leaned forward and pointed to her chin, daring her to throw a punch. Emilia obliged her, but not exactly in the way she was asking for: Instead of the jaw, she gave her a straight right to the nose, drawing blood. She was about ready to jump across the barrier and fight her herself, and Nyx reached over to try to help her along.

But unlike the referee, the security did their work quickly, separating the two and escorting Emilia away from the ringside area. They were take her out of the premises, but she had the power of wealth on her side. She made it back just in time to see Jaclyn being carried away on a stretcher.

She broke into a mad sprint down to the parking lot, going unbothered by the other guards after their head had passed word along to leave her alone. The rest of The Coterie had beaten her there, but both were just in time to see her being put into the ambulance. None of them questioned what she was doing there, having heard the chatter between a few guards along the way.

Jaclyn was unconscious. The pain became too much to bear after an armbar had torn her shoulder out of its socket. The others still had their matches to take care of, but Eveline would join her sister as she accompanied Jaclyn to the hospital. They would catch up later during the wait while the surgeons took care of her.

Jaclyn would be out of action for the next six months.

Everyone in The Coterie was ready to claim retribution for their fallen comrade, most of all Lacramioara. But Ionia would be the one to call her out. Nyx had already been gunning after her Openweight title anyway, so it would be another lesson to add to their inevitable confrontation.

It wasn't harsh enough in Emilia's eyes. Nyx didn't require hours of surgery when it was over. Weeks of therapy. She didn't need to wear a sling. She didn't have nerve pain nagging at her.

Alix Jacques. Emilia was a fan of her work across the industries of modeling, pornography, and sexfighting. Judging from what she'd seen of her in interviews and what Ionia (who'd met her during her own time as a sexfighter) said about her, she was a genuinely good person. And true to form, she tried to make peace between them all. Even had Nyx apologize, like that would have even been worth dog shit on her shoe.

The incident wouldn't be forgotten, but it was a successful effort with the others. Even Jaclyn would come around eventually. Mostly. But for Emilia, it was too much to forgive.

Fortunately, Jaclyn would make a full recovery. She had a slow start getting back into the swing of things, but would come to find her niche in hardcore wrestling. A far riskier form of competition, but she had a way of either avoiding being hit with weapons or getting something else in the way, especially when she had a bat in her hands.

She would eventually slug her way to that division's gold. The contention was heavy, and she would have to re-earn the belt, but like the others, she would end her time in the ACW a champion.

Emilia would turn eighteen during this period, and after getting her fangs done, would start working for her own place in The Coterie. She knew to expect rigorous trials in training. Even Eveline went through them, having had it the worst of everyone else up until it was her turn. Unlike her, Emilia didn't have any massages or extra soft submissive play to look forward to after the hours of bumps and failed escapes from the bottomless bag of holds that Serina would introduce her to.

She really felt the pressure that her father had put on her behind the scenes: Emilia didn't need Eveline to tell her that those first sessions were the veteran trying to make her quit and go back home. But she had far too much motivation going into it to seriously consider it no matter how painful it got: To start with, she was a Morasanu sister. When they put their mind to something, it gets done. There was that reputation to live up to in their circle, and as the sibling that had the deeper interest in wrestling from the beginning, she couldn't afford to fail. Especially when she was being trained by an idol whom by then she was certain would become a sister-in-law.

The fangs were set. Everyone else had them. And she'd spent countless hours crafting gimmicks in her mind and transferring what she had there into a notebook. Really, there was no other choice.

Emilia would survive. And like she did in college, she would even thrive, discovering her niche in the ring and, after they were all bound for LAW, possibly one outside of it as well: Silvia Dimir, a known name in the sexfighting world, had partnered up with the company. Her products would be used in its matches.

When the news reached her ears, she felt that it was a golden opportunity to put that chemistry degree to use. She had ideas, and she had the feeling that her fellow kinky scientist would be interested.

Like something The Coterie could use with their fangs to simulate a vampire's "kiss", maybe...

Emilia had made it past basic training. What she needed to do now was to put her style to the test. Would she really be able to compete in the capacity that she would be attempting to?

Her characters were ready to meet the LAW universe. She'd spent time "living" as each one. Got their intricacies down.

She's really looking forward to this.
Preferred Matches:
As Gwyneth Mann
Anything that allows for or encourages risky highflying and provides high spots to dive from. Ladder/TLC matches, cage matches, etc.
As Daeva Asphodel
Softcore and Hentai. She won't do anything else. Likes contests that push the limits of sexual stamina (Ironperson Hentai, Hentai KO, etc.), and Hentai/lewd contests that allow sensual bloodplay.
As Charlie Shaw
Anything that isn't lewd. Favors anything that encourages technical wrestling, like submission matches.
As Eva
MMA-styled bouts and Last Person Standing matches.
As Renee Cooper
Session wrestling, or matches with Classic Mat Wrestling rules. Preferably in private locations (bedroom, apartment, etc.).
As Florentia Asphodel
Softcore, submission, and hardcore/deathmatches.
As Sybil/Discord
Is up for anything.
Constant movement, creativity, and effective strikes that have a rugged beauty to them: Years of fighting bullies has instilled a never quit attitude that allows her to weather harsh storms that her speed isn't enough to avoid, and years of ballet, gymnastics, and parkour have given her the grace and agility needed to let loose some dazzling offense and defensive maneuvers.

Emilia also displays great technical knowledge that she uses along with her quick movements to focus on wearing the opponent down little by little, either with submissions, but especially with complex pinning maneuvers designed to either give her a quick win or whittle their stamina down as they struggle to escape.

Her best work, however, is done from up high, and she loves the rush that comes with twirling about in the air. So needless to say, she'd always be looking to set up the next dive, no matter which "personality" is "in charge".

Speaking of which, mind games will be generally present as well, at the very least with Emilia's portrayal of a vampire with supernatural-born mental illness, of which one of the main manifestations is that of multiple personalities. Characters that she'll fight differently as, if circumstances allow it.

She's handy with a knife as well. The karambit in particular.
Gwyneth Mann
Erratic. High speed. Unpredictable. As is to be expected of a jester, Gwyneth Mann is easily the zaniest of the bunch. Just as likely to hop around the ring like a monkey as she is to engage in chain wrestling. But just like the other personalities, there is a method to the madness.

In Gwyneth's case, it's to keep the opponent off balance. To bewilder and frustrate them even more than she would with her impressive speed alone, bait them into making mistakes, and capitalizing once her keen eye spots the openings, oftentimes with a creative offense; it is through Gwyneth Mann that Emilia likes to try out her new ideas and practiced maneuvers, especially where the highflying is concerned.

Like any good jester, Gwyneth loves to entertain and amaze, and to do this, she's always looking to set up opportunities to show off her vessel's acrobatic abilities in following an opponent to the outside, or in diving off the top rope, a ladder, or any other high place with dazzling flips and tricks.
Daeva Asphodel
As she is the personification of Emilia's voracious sexuality, Daeva is the most likely to be used when she is booked for a Hentai match. And because she prefers to keep the interplay of sex and violence to a minimum, she's the softest in the ring, favoring slaps over punches, moonsaults and cross body tackles over dropkicks, scratching along the opponent's back while in the throes of passion, love bites...

On that note, she utilizes a clear aphrodisiac paste like her sister, but in a greater, more potent quantity. Whereas Eveline uses enough for it to be a guiding hand, a nudge towards ecstasy, Emilia's application of it could easily push the opponent over the edge if they've already been worked up...and have them ready to start round two immediately, which is just fine in her book. And if her opponent should happen to possess a sexual appetite that matches hers, she's liable to bite her lip hard enough to get the drug into her own system so the party can really get started.

She's a switch who's just fine with either a dominant or submissive role, but her opponent should be prepared for a lengthy session either way. Many people talk a big game about going all night long, but Daeva has the staying power to actually pull that off.
Charlie Shaw
The most technical and precise of the Collective. Charlie comes out when Emilia wants to slow down and wrestle a more focused match. Very little, if any mind games here; the goal is to utilize what she's learned and what she knows will work in the most efficient manner possible...that would also accommodate her adrenaline-seeking nature; it wouldn't be done as sporadically as would be the case with Gwyneth, but highflying would still be a factor in her offense.
Eva Bavent
Little Dead Riding Hood is brutal in her approach, as Emilia channels some of the aggression she utilized in her school days. Raw and ugly, charging in fearlessly even when she's wounded to treat the match much more like a fight in the street...with her remaining as merry as a child at play all the while. Her strikes might not be the most powerful, but she'll strike fast and make use of her athletic ability to snatch the momentum into her hands, never letting up for a second until the opponent is reduced to a heap of wreckage lying at her feet, which will be the goal placed above the others. Elbows, knees, headbutts, bites...Eva brings the pain and she'll do just about anything to bring the opponent down aside from what would get her disqualified, or using weapons in matches without disqualification. That is, unless she's faced with an opponent who the Collective has deemed to be a bad person.
Renee Cooper
As is expected of a session wrestler, which this persona is meant to be, Renee largely abides by classic mat wrestling rules. That is to say, she normally doesn't incorporate striking, with an exception being made for slaps, spanking, Knife Edge Chops (for bloodplay purposes), and, if they'll add to the fun, low blows.

She also makes the most use of Emilia's chemistry degree, and is the "personality" that is most likely to be used when she's either come up with a new product or is experimenting with the modification of a previous project.
Florentia Asphodel
Florentia is a personality that is likely to come out when Emilia is scheduled for a hardcore match. Her strategy is geared heavily towards causing pain to her opponents, focusing her technical acumen on submissions, making use of her more painful striking techniques (such as Knife Edge Chops), and of course, weapons. Her aim is to get the opponent to tap out or otherwise give up the match.
The true wild card. Sybil utilizes the moves and tactics of the other personas as they see fit, and comes up with new approaches as well, if the need arises. The opponent will never know exactly what's coming next, but best bet it'll be spectacular.
Specialty Stipulation #1:
Ravisher Rules
A match with Ravisher Rules is a Hentai bout where the goal is to either force a set amount of orgasms out of the opponent or obtain a sexual knockout. If a competitor is driven to orgasm, the last one they've scored themselves is rendered null.

Free for anyone to use.
Specialty Stipulation #2:
Bloodplay Rules
A match with Bloodplay Rules is a Hentai bout where a competitor must make their opponent bleed before any orgasms can be counted. A selection of small blades are left at ringside for the competitors to use. They are all coated with an aphrodisiac that dulls pain, to emphasize that while the match may be bloody, it is not meant to be grueling.

Free for anyone to use.
Specialty Stipulation #3:
Mad Love Rules
A match with Mad Love rules features no disqualifications, may have weapons strewn about before the competitors arrive, and makes the only means of victory a knockout or forcing the opponent to say "I love you."

Is exclusive to Florentia Asphodel.
Specialty Match #1:
Lunatic's Asylum Match
The Lunatic's Asylum match takes place in the confines of a cage, with the only means of victory being climbing over the top and down to the floor below. The twist is in how the cage is made: One side is electrified. The second is slick with oil, but may otherwise be scaled freely. Competitors can also climb the third if they don't mind enduring spiked handles. And the fourth is just a solid wall of steel and barbed wire.
Specialty Match #2:
Blackout Chamber Match
A Blackout Chamber match sees the ring surrounded by a chamber composed primarily of heavily reinforced glass shaped similarly to the Elimination Chamber seen in the WWE, with padding in place at the immediate exterior of the ring and only as much metal (and other necessary materials) as is needed for stability, and in the case of the enclosures at the four sides of the ring, door function.
The glass is in place to provide maximum visibility for the audience, and cannot be broken with the strength that the human body is limited to. The chamber's make is intended to emphasize the goal of sexual exhaustion rather than grueling punishment. Inside the aforementioned enclosures are a variety of toys, restraints, and other goodies, including a single gas mask. Atop the chamber is a filter that will fill it with an aphrodisiac gas that, while clear, has been given a distinctly sweet smell so the competitors inside can remain clued in about the extent of its progress at all times. This filter will be activated from the opening bell.

Also, getting inside the enclosures won't be as easy as pulling the doors open. At least, not immediately; they are all locked, but atop each one is a box containing a key, but whether or not that key will fit that exact door is up to chance. Only one of the four will.

There are only three ways this match can be won: Sexual knockout, a competitor failing to state their name to the referee when they're summoned (they won't ask otherwise), or through disqualification (which in this match is only called when a competitor attacks the referee). The gas isn't fast acting, but it is very potent. So much so that it is an inevitability that those who continue to breathe it in will end up with their minds so lost to lust that they will forget such basic details, and if the match goes on for long enough, there is the potential that they will be driven to try to screw anyone they see, including the referee (which, of course, will be considered an attack).

It's unlikely to happen with their opponent so close by, but in the interests of safety and maintaining order, the referee will be fitted with a hard to remove suit as well as a gas mask (of which the mere attempt at removing will also be considered an attack). There will also be several security guards stationed just outside the chamber, at the door that only they can access via key. Each one is provided the same protection as the referee, and each one carries a syringe containing a dose of the fast-acting counteragent that will return the competitors to their normal mental state, and handguns loaded with darts that will do the same thing.

This match is available for use by all who are interested.
Specialty Match #3:
House of the Damned Match
A House of the Damned match takes place inside of an abandoned mansion, during nighttime hours. As Sybil/Gwyneth/Daeva will already be present inside, the front door will be locked after the opponent steps inside, and their goal will be to find the key (which will be hidden in a place of Sybil/Gwyneth/Daeva's choosing) and escape before sunrise. Hentai may or may not be allowed.

The opponent may receive hints on the key's location or be allowed a set period of time to search for it unimpeded, but they must please Sybil/Gwyneth/Daeva in any manner they choose until an orgasm is achieved or submit to some other penalty (such as being locked in a submission hold for a certain amount of time or having to take a certain number of strikes from a riding crop) in exchange.

If the opponent is made to submit or orgasm while in possession of the key, they have to surrender it, and Sybil/Gwyneth/Daeva is allowed a certain amount of time to hide it wherever they choose to. If the opponent is not in possession of the key, they have to go to a specified spot for a time before being allowed to resume the search.

POW rules may be in effect, if the opponent so chooses to agree to them.
Specialty Match #4:
Witching Hour Match
A Witching Hour match is a sixty-minute ironperson match where the falls are scored differently than normal. Only submissions, orgasms, smother knockouts, and Hentai knockouts are counted, with certain actions being worth up to four points:

- Regular submissions are worth one point.
- Orgasms are worth one point.
- Vocal submissions are worth two points. This includes forcing the opponent to beg to receive pleasure or to be allowed to orgasm.
- Smother knockouts are worth two points.
- Competitors will be allowed to reject the opponent's tapping in favor of forcing a vocal submission, and accomplishing this will award four points. However, if the opponent is able to escape the hold during the attempt, they will be allowed to apply a hold of their choosing in return, not to be resisted until it is completely locked in. A submission earned in this manner will be worth four points.
- If a competitor attempts, but fails to make their opponent beg for an orgasm, and the opponent escapes from their position, this will prompt a reset into a sexual position of the opponent's choosing, not to be resisted until they're properly in place. An orgasm earned in this manner will be worth two points. Four, if it is begged for.
- Hentai knockouts are worth four points.

Another way to win the match is to use a marker to draw an inverted pentagram on the opponent. Victory will immediately be granted to the one who is able to accomplish this, regardless of the score or how much time is left. However, if this is done by a wrestler who has a lead of at least four points, this will also award them an extra prize, if one has been agreed on. And of course, for the sake of fairness, the drawing will not be accepted if the opponent is unconscious.

Is exclusive to Renee Cooper.
Attitudes Towards Hentai Matches:
"We are cold, but our Collective is not so dead as to have robbed our vessel the opportunity for satiation. The blood breathes life where it need be, and the appetite of the Beast inside has a place for the mashing of uglies that aren't."
Gwyneth Mann
"Interested in a little funny business, are you? Okay! Ooh, I know some games we can play too!"
Daeva Asphodel
"I...'live' for the pleasures of the flesh. And I promise you, my sweet: A night with me is a night you will never forget."
Charlie Shaw
"Uh...I'm not saying I'm not interested, but uh..." (Laughs nervously) "I-I-I-I know exactly how crazy this is gonna sound, believe me, I do, but this?" (Gestures towards himself) "Thisain'tmybody. It's not my body, and in good conscience, I just cannot say yes."
Eva Bavent
"What are those?" (It is explained to her.) "That's gross!"
Renee Cooper
"Don't get me wrong: I'm a proud freak. But I'm not into having sex in front of a crowd."
Florentia Asphodel
"Wha-wha-what?!? For everybody to see? What kind of girl do you think I am?!?"
Signature and Finishing Moves
Signature Moves (Diving)
Whisper In The Wind

May also be performed via springboard.
Space Cadet Moonsault (Used mainly as Sybil)
Space Cadet Corkscrew (Used mainly as Gwyneth)
Double Jump Plancha (Used mainly as Charlie and Eva)
Crossworlds Dropkick
Backfire Moonsault
Machida Shot (Used mainly as Charlie)

This is performed only from the top rope, or via springboard.
Signature Moves (Pinning Maneuvers)
Predator's Whirlwind (Used mainly as Sybil and Gwyneth)
Split-Legged Pin

Becomes a Finishing Move when coupled with sexual acts.
Nach der Enthauptung Clutch
Eel Cradle
Signature Moves (Miscellaneous)
Running Headbutt
Sit-Out Jawbreaker
Hardyac Arrest

There is also a variant where Sybil swings both knees into the opponent's face instead of delivering a dropkick.
Vitae Mist (Is used mainly as Sybil and Gwyneth)

The mist can have a variety of effects: It can be merely blinding, it can burn, make the opponent drowsy, or even make them laugh uncontrollably.
Knife Edge Chops

Much like the woman who trained them, Sybil can open an opponent's chest up in seconds.
Moonsault Kneedrop (Used mainly as Eva)
Unnamed Leg/Arm Breaker
Monkey Climb Headbutts (Used mainly as Gwyneth and Eva)
Rolling Snake (Used mainly as Gwyneth)
Busaiku Knee
Torture Crab

This hold is commonly used just to soften the opponent up for the Muffler Crab. Expect Eva to stomp your head in if she locks this in, in which case this becomes a Finishing Move.

The opponent is pulled into the ring after the opponent's head comes down on the turnbuckle. When some serious damage needs to be done, the padding is removed first, turning this into a Finishing Move.
Bite (CONTENT WARNING: The reference video contains some gore, but the general feel is there.)
Sybil is known to bite their opponents in any persona, but Daeva tends to use a potent aphrodisiac paste. Also, she doesn't bite THAT hard.
Finishing Moves (Diving)
Hammerfall (Used mainly as Eva)
Downward Spiral (Used mainly by Sybil and Gwyneth)
Crow's Dive (Used mainly by Charlie)
Finishing Moves (Miscellaneous)
RoM (Reach of Madness) Cutter

When Sybil needs something big to put a finish to the match, or is just looking to make a statement, they'll spike the opponent's head into the mat (in which case this becomes a Critical Finishing Move).

Eva always uses the move this way.
Muffler Crab
Triangle Lancer

To maintain the most efficient control during the arm wrench, Sybil will deliver a kick to the opponent's gut to bring their head down into position to hook it with the leg instead of using one of their hands.
The Crunchline (Used mainly as Gwyneth)
Lover's Bridge (Hentai Finishing Move, used mainly by Daeva)
The Lover's Bridge is applied different depending on the opponent's sex:

Against a female opponent, she positions herself and her opponent during the opponent in ways that will keep her mouth and the opponent's pussy in close contact and take them over the edge from there, or make it a harder struggle to escape in matches that can be won both through orgasms and pinfalls.
When against a male opponent, she'll first seat them in the corner before using her flexibility to create the interesting variant of a 69 shown. She slowly bobs up and down on the opponent's cock, taking it to the hilt each time. If the opponent tries thrusting up into her mouth, she'll allow it; after all, why put up a fight when the opponent is winning the match for you?
Critical Finishing Moves
Double Suicide Drop
Final Death (used mainly as Eva)
Pincer Lock

As the name implies, the Pincer Lock forces the opponent to fight on two fronts: Enduring the excruciating pain while devoting energy to keeping their shoulders up.
Voices (Emilia has a sizeable vocal range):
Sybil's Voice: Rosemary
Gwyneth's Voice: Sheri Moon Zombie as Baby
Daeva's Voice: Zombie Girl
Charlie's Voice: dillweedjpeg as Rouge The Bat
Eva's Voice: Melissa Hutchison as Clementine
Renee's Voice: Ashly Burch as Cassie Cage
Florentia's Voice: Jun Togawa
Emilia's Regular Voice: Christina Ricci

- Bloody Mary

- Smiling Jaclyn

- Lucinda Kane


- Lacramiora Albescu (Sister)

- Ionia (Sister-In-Law)


- Alix Jacques ("I don't really have a problem with her. She's just too nice. Sees good where it doesn't exist.")




- Nyx Alexander

Last edited by DSX93 on Fri Mar 07, 2025 3:04 am, edited 88 times in total.
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Re: Sybil

Unread post by DSX93 »

UPDATE 11/2/2024: Added the "House of the Damned" Specialty Match.
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Re: Sybil

Unread post by DSX93 »

UPDATE 11/14/2024: Added the Renee Cooper "personality" and the "Witching Hour" Specialty Match.
Check out the DSXtended Universe!

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Re: Sybil

Unread post by DSX93 »

UPDATE 11/28/2024: Added the Florentia Asphodel "personality" and the "Mad Love" Specialty Stipulation.
Check out the DSXtended Universe!

"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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Re: Sybil

Unread post by DSX93 »

UPDATE 12/2/24: Added the Topor "personality" and the "Toy Box" Specialty Match. You called it, Akuma. XD
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Re: Sybil

Unread post by DSX93 »

UPDATE 2/8/25: Updated the looks for Sybil, Gwyneth Mann, and Charlie Shaw. Removed the Topor "personality" and added the Discord "personality", the details of which are a Work In Progress.
Check out the DSXtended Universe!

"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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