Charlotte «Sand Lizard» Ravel'

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Charlotte «Sand Lizard» Ravel'

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Charlotte Ravel'
Personal information
    Name: Charlotte Ravel’

    Alias: Sand Lizard

    Sex: Female

    Sexual orientation: Bisexual

    Age: 25

    Birthday: 21 December

    Eye color: Brown

    Hair color: Natural – blond, painted – pink

    Height: 185 cm // 6’1’’

    Weight: 70 kg // 154.3 pounds

    Nationality: French

    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Entrance Music: SAMURAI – Chippin’ In

    Twitter: Charlotte Ravel' - @NobleLAWLizard

    Charlotte has an outstanding appearance.
    She is quite tall, one hundred eighty-five centimeters or six feet and one inch. She has a perfectly balanced weight, which is equal to seventy kilograms or one hundred fifty four and three tenths pound. Charlotte specifically holds such a weight to be as fast as possible, but at the same time maintain impressive power.
    Charlotte has a slender figure and noticeable muscle relief. Her strong legs are especially noticeable, because her taekwondo skills are her most powerful weapon. She also has prominent biceps and abdominal muscles, she always keeps herself in great shape. From nature, Charlotte got a big chest, round shape, the size between C/D.
    The Frenchwoman has a beautiful and pointed to the chin face. She has thick but thin eyebrows and long eyelashes. Her eyes are brown in color.
    Charlotte's natural hair color is blond. However, when she decided to stay in Japan, she repainted them pink. The length of the hair reaches the elbow. Usually she walks with either her hair loose or gathers them in a bun just above the back of the head, during a fight, her hair are always gathered in a bun.
    She has fair skin, although she likes to spend time on the beach in order to fix it. Charlotte has the sand lizard tattoo on the right side of her neck and part of her right cheek.
    Like many other people, Charlotte's facial expressions and gestures depend on each specific situation. At one moment she can smile broadly and sincerely, and at another moment even a stone will seem more expressive in comparison with her. During a fight, Charlotte is usually as concentrated as possible, this is especially noticeable in her eyes. Charlotte has a low voice, which according to the classification refers to a contralto (like Rihanna).
    Charlotte prefers simple and comfortable clothes. Jeans, T-shirts, hoodie and etc. However, if the situation requires it, she does not mind wearing something sophisticated.

Standard wrestling attire
Old school one-piece wrestling swimsuit attire
Standard wrestling attire (another look)
Standard wrestling attire (another look)
Casual outfit
Workout outfit
Middleweight champion. Someday? Someday
World Openweight champion. Someday? Someday
Entropy champion. Something from the parallel universe
Old standard wrestling attire
    Charlotte is an example of a true noble fighter. At least she prefers to believe it.
    Charlotte doesn't have the easiest temperament. It is quite difficult for her to correctly express her emotions, sometimes because of this she seems very closed in herself. The situation is aggravated by the fact that she follows her own code of honor. Charlotte never lies and therefore does not hesitate to tell even the harshest truth, not caring about the consequences.
    Despite the fact that she does not consider herself a lone wolf, it always takes her some time to trust someone and start building any kind of relationship. Because of this, she has very few friends. However, those people who can find a friend in her can always count on her.
    The Frenchwoman has a high sense of justice, she is always ready to defend those who need help. This is especially true when it comes to those whom she can call friends.
    Most of the time, Charlotte maintains an astounding composure. Life taught her not to succumb to emotions, because this can lead to disastrous consequences. And this quality has helped her more than once to keep the situation under her control, even in spite of the circumstances.
    At the same time, the Frenchwoman has a very great sense of self-esteem. She will never let anyone bully her. And if necessary, she will use all her skills to show this person that it was a bad mistake.
    Charlotte has a bad sense of humor, but at the same time she has good sarcasm skills.
    She always shows respect for those around her, especially those whom she considers worthy rivals. In the ring, she will never succumb to the temptation to break the rules to win. And although she does not hesitate to use the conditions that this or that match is given to her, she is sure that life will never stoop to using dirty tricks and the like.
    Traveling is Charlotte's passion. When she was eighteen, she left her family and went traveling around the world, visiting America, Brazil, China, Russia and Japan. In each country, except Japan, she remained for one year. Because of this, she was able to study the cultures and ethnic characteristics of different people.
    Her travel experience made her understand how different people can be. And yet she could not help but notice that people remain people everywhere. No matter how many differences she found, people from different countries always had something in common.
    Charlotte is uncompromising on some issues. She does not accept any excuses for defeat. She always strives forward, no matter what. And if she sets a goal for herself, she will work harder than anyone to achieve that goal.
    She has certain psychological problems. She used to be too cruel and aggressive, especially in terms of fight. After spending a year in the Chinese monastery, she was able to learn how to keep her anger in check. But sometimes she is still afraid of losing control of herself.
    Because of her love for martial arts, the woman has a rather uncompromising position about her rivals. Even if it is her best friend, she will do everything necessary to win, since for a real fighter, only one result is acceptable - victory.
    It is no secret that Charlotte's family is very rich. However, their relationship ended on a very negative note, especially with her younger sister. And yet the woman has access to a trust fund and, therefore, she could live in absolute luxury. But instead, Charlotte leads a relatively modest lifestyle. She rents an apartment and lives at her own expense, which she earns in her own martial arts school. The gym is the only acquisition made at the expense of the trust fund.
    It is difficult for Charlotte to find a common language with people because of her not the simplest character and her views on life. For the same reason, the Frenchwoman has never had a long-term relationship. Over time, she lost faith that someone would ever be able to love her.
    The most unusual side of Charlotte is that she is a geek. She adores star wars to the core, she has a huge collection of comic books, special editions, figures and other things merchandise, not to mention two height figures, Boba Fett and Yoda. In addition, Charlotte loves movies, TV shows, anime, manga and music. She keeps it a secret but in Russia she learned to play the balalaika.

    Stage personality:
    Charlotte does not have a unique scenic image. However, several features are still present.
    She adheres to her own code of honor, so she always shows due respect to the opponent, if he deserves it. At the start of a match, Charlotte will always bow and offer a handshake. During the match, she never brake the established rules. And at the end of the match, she will always thank you for a good match. She is a true example of a real fighter for whom honor is paramount.
    But during the fight, Charlotte gives no mercy to anyone, whoever is in front of her. She sacredly believes that if you entered the ring, it means you have no right to wait for a condescension.

            Victoria Palmer - Charlotte has endless respect for her manager and greatly appreciates Victoria's care.
            Astrid Arvidsson - Charlotte has always found it difficult to get along with people, but Astrid was an exception. When they met, they almost instantly found a common language, thanks to this they not only started training together, but also became best friends.
            Nerissa Labong - Charlotte has so many differences with Nerissa that sometimes it is difficult to find something in which they are similar. We can say that they are in some sense similar to an elderly couple, because they constantly reproach each other for something, but at the same time manage to maintain warm friendly relations.
        Ex-Friends: nope
            Victoria Palmer - Victoria respects and protects every member of her team, so it is not surprising that the manager will always do everything necessary to protect them and cover their backs.
            Astrid Arvidsson - Who else has your back if not your best friend? Charlotte trusts Astrid completely and Astrid responds in kind.
            Nerissa Labong - They can argue about their views on life and martial arts all day and all night, but Charlotte will not doubt for a second if Nerissa needs her help.
            Aira - The first time she met Aira, Charlotte saw in her boundless potential and perhaps their rivalry will help Aira to reveal what is hidden inside her.
            Gabriella Guerrero - Gabriella was the first to use Charlotte's noble principles against her. There was not even a drop of honor in this woman, and it became a matter of principle for Charlotte to prove that a real fighter would always surpass such a scoundrel.
        Ex-Rivals: nope
            Gabriella Guerrero - Gabriella in a sense is what Charlotte tried not to be all her life, and after their first meeting, the Frenchwoman realized one thing. Gabriella is not just her rival. Gabriella is her enemy.
            Jenner Sky - This woman came into Charlotte's peaceful life like a real storm, the Frenchwoman is trying her best to just throw everything that happened between them out of her head, but so far she has not made any progress in this.
        Students: nope
            Karen Aoki-Justice - Despite Charlotte's best efforts, Karen did not achieve any significant results under her leadership, despite the fact that Karen assured the Frenchwoman that it was not her fault, Charlotte decided to stop coaching Karen.
            Margarita Jorgensen - Despite Charlotte's best efforts, Margarita did not achieve any significant results under her leadership, despite the fact that Margarita assured the Frenchwoman that it was not her fault, Charlotte decided to stop coaching Margarita.

    Charlotte was born in France, the city of Paris. Her father, Francois Ravel', and her mother, Penelope Ravel', own a fairly large freight transportation company.
    From childhood, Charlotte was provided with everything that could be desired, except for parental love. She was entrusted with a huge responsibility, in the future she was to become the heir to the family and continue their family business. This is what she heard from her parents almost every day. Her younger sister, Elizabeth, who was born three years later, was in the same position. However, with age it became increasingly clear that Elizabeth was not against this responsibility, while Charlotte had no desire to sit in the office all her life, solving economic and other issues.
    Even in times when she attended a private school, her heart seized the desire to travel. And not only. The parents gave the girl to the boxing section, because they believed that she should not only keep herself in good shape, but also be able to stand up for herself. However, they could not even imagine that it was in the sport that their child would find herself and see her future in it.
    Private school was a real hell for Charlotte. It would seem that everything should have been just wonderful, however, she could not be in the company of aristocrats and the children of rich parents. Most of her peers talked only about how they will manage family affairs in the future. She didn't feel right among them.
    She was sleep in extra classes organized by her parents. She was not interested in going to the branches of the family campaign and acquainting herself with the employees she allegedly would manage someday. Her mother and father did everything possible to limit their daughter from external influence to make her finally accept who she was to become. But because of this, the girl became more and more wayward.
    But Elizabeth, on the contrary, showed herself to be a much more ideal child. Despite the fact that Charlotte did not want this, she still had to learn how to manage their company. But her younger sister always did everything better. Better assimilated information. Was more courteous in communication. And she was already beginning to correspond to the future status. And at that time, Charlotte read a work of poetry, the last lines of which became her moral principle for the rest of her life. “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul» Invictus by William Ernest Henley.
    When Charlotte was thirteen years old, she decided to end the intensive boxing training and do something else. Despite the fact that she liked this martial art, she wanted something new and therefore she took up taekwondo and soon realized that this was her real passion.
    By the age of sixteen, the distance between the two sisters began to equal the real abyss. Charlotte finally decided not to follow in the footsteps of the family, and Elizabeth decided to take the place of her elder sister. And the girl was not against it, the only problem was the parents who still wanted the eldest daughter to become the future head of the company. By the way, Elizabeth also engaged in martial art, like Charlotte, she began this journey in ten years and still prefers kickboxing. But Charlotte by this time decided to continue her development and after taekwondo began to engage in Muay Thai in order to coordinate the work of arms and legs.
    Parents wanted Charlotte to graduate from a preparatory lyceum and go to university. However, and here she decided to take the shortcut. Instead, she enrolled in professional lyceum, specialty tourism. When parents found out about this, their anger knew no bounds, and Elizabeth was disappointed with her older sister.
    Deciding that her legs and arms work was now fairly coordinated with each other, Charlotte left the Muay Thai training after a year and began to study a new direction, namely judo. She wanted to expand their capabilities and the technique of throws was to help her in this.
    At eighteen, Charlotte graduated from lyceum and then her relationship with her family was over. One day, when she was in the gym, her sister came to her and declared Charlotte a traitor to the family. The younger sister ordered her to leave and never get back. As a gesture of goodwill, she, as the future head of the family company, gave access to the trust fund so that Charlotte would not need anything. With a heavy heart, but the girl was agreed. All these years she hoped that the family would understand her and accept her for what she is, but she did not count on “exile”. At that moment Charlotte sighed heavily and said that she would go to take her things. However, when she past her sister, Elizabeth grabbed her and gave a strong slap in the face.
    Elizabeth accused Charlotte of forcing them to kick her out and that it was all her fault. Not holding back her anger, Charlotte sent a right cross to her little sister's face. That blow was enough for Elizabeth to fall on her ass.
    Elizabeth just spat blood and rose to her feet, standing in a fighting stance. In another situation, Charlotte would not give in to emotions, but now she has become terribly enraged because of her sister. Ten minutes later, Charlotte, barely able to staying on her feet, stood above Elizabeth. They beated each other terribly, but the variety of Charlotte's technique was her advantage. With tears in her eyes, Charlotte said goodbye to her beloved younger sister and headed for the exit. The younger sister did not answer, just turned her head to the side so as not to look at the girl leaving the gym.
    The first country where Charlotte went was America. Visiting several states, the woman stopped in Los Angeles. Here the woman stayed for one year, having decided to study American culture in the most depraved city of the country. And here she began training in Krav Maga. She was lucky to find an Israeli soldier who agreed to train her after she demonstrated her technique of already studied martial arts.
    A year later, Charlotte went to Brazil. This country has long attracted her and therefore in the list of places that she planned to visit, Brazil occupied one of the first lines. Moreover, where it was possible to better study the Brazilian jiu-jitsu, if not in Brazil? Charlotte stayed in the city of El Salvador for one year, and then moved on.
    China. Charlotte suspected that it would be the most difficult and most exciting journey in her life, at least in the coming years. Her path lay to the Chongshen Monastery, Dali City, Yunnan Province. It was there that she spent a whole year on an equal footing with the monks, studied wushu and gained control of her emotions. It was there that she gained the right to call herself a martial arts master, and also received her alias, the Sand Lizard.
    And then the woman decided to afford an experimental trip, from which one could expect anything. Vodka. Matryoshka. Balalaika. Charlotte headed to Russia. Having settled in the cultural capital of this huge country, namely in St. Petersburg, the surptise was waiting for woman. She was able to find herself an aikido sensei. She planned to complete her list of martial arts in Japan. However, a man named Yuri was able to surprise her. He took Aikikai as a basis for Aikido and modified it using percussion techniques such as Muay Thai. This played into the hands of Charlotte. And so all the next year she drank vodka, wore a ushanka-hat, hang out with bears and studied Aikido in the Russian style.
    The next destination for Charlotte was Japan. When the woman visited Tokyo, something happened to her that she did not expect at all. She wanted to stay here forever. She planned to continue traveling, however, she firmly decided that this country and this city would become her new home. She rented an apartment in a residential area and did what was left on her list. One year she studied kendo, and after that another year she practiced pro-wrestling. On this, her list of martial arts that she wanted to learn was over.
    The woman was eager to continue traveling, however, another thought came to her. She has been wandering around the world for six years, is it time for her to take at least a short break, not thinking about where she will spend the next year? She decided to stay in Tokyo for another year, but she could not afford to sit without work, especially since she had never used the trust fund that her younger sister had given her. Wherever she was, she always found a way to make money.
    But this time Charlotte took advantage of her position. She bought an empty gym not far from her apartment and equipped it, after which she opened a martial arts school where she was ready to share her experience with everyone who wanted it. And she had that experience, how many sensei visited six countries to twenty-five years? Of course, Charlotte did not expect that the crowd of pupils would rush to her, however, her shool had gained some popularity and now she could afford to live at her own expense, without worrying about tomorrow.
    And now a year has passed, Charlotte has already decided that she wants to return to Europe and visit several countries there. The woman continued to train her students and in parallel was preparing to leave. But that all changed when a woman named Victoria came to the gym. Initially, she was looking for a master for some of her ward, but, seeing how Charlotte showed herself in a sparring, she told that she is the manager of LAW and offered to sign a contract to participate in the matches of the best wrestling federation. In the ring, Charlotte always felt free, she always wanted to win and always wanted to improve. And she felt that LAW would give her everything she wanted from life. Highlighting a clause in a contract that she can freely continue to work at her school, she put her signature on the document.
    The noble fighter is ready to join the battle.

    Interesting facts:
    1) Charlotte is fluent in several languages: French, English, Japanese. Also, the woman at a basic conversational level speaks languages: Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian, Hindi.
    2) From every country where she was, she always takes a few souvenirs with her. From America - a statuette of the Statue of Liberty and a thousand-dollar piece chip from a Las Vegas casino. From Brazil - a statuette of the Statue of Jesus and a five-liter bottle of Cachaça. From China - a statuette of a jade dragon and calligraphy of her name on a tablet in Chinese. From Russia - a matryoshka, a ushanka-hat, a balalaika, a bottle of vodka, a photo with a bear.
    3) Charlotte can't drink alcohol at all. If she does not stop after a few cocktails, then it will end very badly, because she will become completely out of control.
    4) At home, she has an amazing collection of manga, comics, figurines, and other such things.
    5) Charlotte likes to walk in parks.
    6) Her favorite way to relax is to visit the spa or hot spring.
    7) Charlotte has never had a long-term relationship.
    8) Charlotte's life is inextricably linked with martial arts, but if she had to choose something else to do in life, she would become a travel blogger.

    At the moment, Charlotte rents an apartment in a residential area of Tokyo. This is a fairly ordinary two-room apartment. There are the following rooms: living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, pantry, balcony. From the interior and home appliances is difficult to select something very remarkable. However, there is something in the living room that deserves attention. There is a personal collection of Charlotte. An innumerable number of comics, manga, special editions, models of lightsabers, discs with video games, figures, and her main pride are the growth figures Boba Fett and Yoda. Also in the living room on the shelves are souvenirs that she brought from other countries.

    Charlotte also owns the martial ars school, which is located near her home. When she just bought it, it was empty, dusty, and in general it seemed that the gods had left this place. However, she breathed life into this place. The school has everything you need. Sports equipment, punching bags, mannequins, tats, two rings, locker room, shower room and etc.
Wrestling information
    During the fight, Charlotte uses her entire huge arsenal of martial arts.
    Her main techniques are boxing and taekwondo, however, depending on the situation, the woman is able to instantly change the style of fighting, adjusting to the situation. She got the alias the Sand Lizard for a reason, she can adapt to almost any opponent.
    Using fast, numerous and devastating punches and kicks, Charlotte stuns her opponent and then uses her most devastating throws and most painful submission holds.

    Taekwondo, boxing, muay thai, judo, aikido (modified aikikai), wushu, brazilian jiu-jitsu, krav maga, kendo, pro-wrestling

    Preferred Matches:
        Standard - full ahead
        Hardcore - full ahead
        Hentai - no
        Special conditions - full ahead

    Physical characteristics:
        Endurance: 8/10 – Charlotte has stepped up her cardio workouts to achieve new results in her endurance, besides she knows when she needs to move as aggressive as possible, and when she needs to take a short break.
        Stamina: 7/10 – the woman is not afraid of pain, she can take blows if the situation requires it, but in most cases, Charlotte prefers to dodge the enemy’s attacks rather than take them.
        Strength: 8/10 – after some events, Charlotte paid special attention to her physical strength, now she is sure that she will not have problems with heavy opponents.
        Speed: 10/10 – Charlotte is constantly working on her speed, this characteristic is her strongest side.
        Defense: 7/10 – Charlotte’s reaction speed and defensive skills are high, but she prefers to use more technique defenses rather than simple evasions.
        Technique: 10/10 – Charlotte trained in martial arts around the world, her arsenal of techniques is huge and she knows when to use each of them, and she also uses her knowledge and experience to uncover the weaknesses of her opponent.

    Fighting stages:
    1) The Controlled Rage Stage - the psychophysical state, in which Charlotte releases her anger and balances on the brink of bloody madness and complete tranquility, this allows the woman's body to work to its limit. However, in the event of a violation of concentration, there is a high probability that Charlotte will turn into a maddened beast, capable only of destroying everything in her path.

    Favorite attacks:
    1) Almost all sorts of punches
    2) Almost all sorts of kicks
    3) Sidewalk Slam
    4) Monkey Flip
    5) Fallaway Slam
    6) Dragon Sleeper
    7) Armbar
    8) German Suplex
    9) Back Suplex
    10) Vertical Suplex

    Signature attacks:
    1) Hungry Lizard (Left Swing + Left Low Kick + Right Roundhouse Kick): when the necessary moment comes, Charlotte attacks her opponent using a fast and powerful left swing punch to force the opponent into defense. She then uses a left low kick on her opponent's hip to destabilize them, and then the woman completes the combo with a crushing right roundhouse kick to her opponent's head.
Hungry Lizard
    2) Sly Lizard (Reverse STO): when the necessary moment comes, Charlotte with one hand wraps the neck of her opponent, who's standing in front of her, and sharply falls on her back, driving the opponent's head in the mat.
Sly Lizard
    3) Lizard's Burrow (Fireman's Carry Gutbuster): when the necessary moment comes, Charlotte takes the opponent by their elbow and knee, lifting them on her shoulders in a fireman's carry position, after which she throws them in front of her, forcing the opponent's belly to land on her knee and hip.
Lizard's Burrow
    4) Lizard's Embrace (STS): when the necessary moment comes, Charlotte fixes the foot of the opponent, who's lying on the stomach, on the back of the kneecap of their other leg, then the woman puts her leg between the opponent's legs and fixes the opponent’s free foot. After that, the woman lyes sideways on the back of the opponent and wraps their neck with one hand, fixing the chokehold with other hand, thus starting to choke them.
Lizard's Embrace
    1) Dexterous Lizard (Rolling Cutter): when the necessary moment comes, Charlotte uses an inverted facelock hold on the opponent and moves their hand to the side, after which the woman falls, rolling herself one hundred and eighty degrees forcing the opponent rolling themself too, so the opponent's head goes to meet with mat.
Dexterous Lizard
    2) Lizard's Adaptation (Double Underhook Powerbomb): when the necessary moment comes, Charlotte uses a double underhook hold on the bent opponent, then straightens up to her full height and lifts the opponent vertically with their head down. After that, she grabs the opponent's waist and falls on her ass, driving the opponent’s back and head in the mat.
Lizard's Adaptation
    Submissions finishers:
    1) Lizard's skin (Leg Hook Camel Clutch): when the necessary moment comes, Charlotte takes one of the legs of the opponent who's lying on the stomach, and bends it to their nape, after that the woman fixes the foot under her armpit and puts her hands in the lock on the opponent's chin, starting to pull their head back.
Lizard's skin
    2) Lizard's tail (Koji Clutch): when the necessary moment comes, Charlotte clasps the neck of the opponent who's lying on the stomach with her right hand and throws her left leg to the opponent's chin and neck, then she joins her hands, starting to choke them.
Lizard's tail
    Critical finishers:
    1) Lizard's Evolution (Lifting Double Underhook Facebuster): when the necessary moment comes, Charlotte uses a double underhook hold on the bent opponent, then straightens up to her full height and lifts the opponent vertically with their head down. After that, the woman falls on her ass, spreading her legs to the side, crushing the entire opponent's body into the mat.
Lizard's Evolution
    2) Flying Lizard (Eclipse/Diving Corkscrew Stunner): when the necessary moment comes, Charlotte climbs to the top ropes and turns to face the opponent, after which she jumps forward, making a corkscrew rotation. At that moment she grabs the opponent's head with two hands and lands in a sitting position, driving her opponent's neck and jaw into her shoulder.
Flying Lizard
Last edited by skip-stop on Thu Nov 21, 2024 1:17 pm, edited 32 times in total.

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Re: Charlotte «Sand Lizard» Ravel'

Unread post by skip-stop »

Matches information
    Score of matches:
    Wins: 6 / Losses: 1 / Draws: 0

    1) vs Hikari Morizumi by pinfall
    2) vs Ember Days by pinfall
    5) vs A I R A by putting the opponent through the table
    9) vs Angela Belti by pinfall
    10) vs Grace Kenning by pinfall
    16) vs Callie May by pinfall

    7) vs Amy Evans by knockout


    Championship belts and achievements:

    1) Charlotte Ravel' vs Hikari Morizumi. Debut Match. Years of traveling trying to find her place. And now Charlotte enters the LAW ring for the first time. It's the first day of her new journey. Finished.
    2) Charlotte Ravel' vs Ember Days. Match. LAW is a completely different world. Charlotte couldn't describe it any other way. After her first match, the Frenchwoman realized that this was where she belonged. And now the Sand Lizard wants only one thing - a new match. Finished.
    3) Charlotte Ravel'/Astrid Arvidsson. LAW Stories. Let's go forward together. Finished.
    4) Charlotte Ravel' and A I R A. Apex Qualifier Promo. Charlotte has entered the race for the Openweight title and she wants to find the first opponent who, like her, remembers what honor is. Finished.
    5) Charlotte Ravel' vs A I R A. Apex Qualifier Match. For the first time in a long time, Charlotte is really looking forward to the upcoming match. She knows that it will not be easy, but she is ready to show together with Aira what real fighters are worth. Finished.
    6) Charlotte Ravel' vs Gabriella Guerrero. Apex Qualifier Match. The path never ends, especially the path of a real fighter. Charlotte is ready to enter her third qualifying match on the way to the world title. And if what she heard about her opponent is true, then it will be a very intense match. Ongoing.
    7) Charlotte Ravel' vs Amy Evans. Apex Qualifier Match. Another qualifier match on the way to the world title. Charlotte has come a long and hard way, but every match has made her stronger. And today she intends to demonstrate this. Finished.
    8) Charlotte Ravel' and Jenner Sky. Gym. After a heavy defeat by the Lion, Charlotte decided to improve her endurance. Concentrating on training, she did not even realize that today a new interesting meeting was waiting for her. Finished.
    9) Charlotte Ravel' vs Angela Belti. Apex Qualifier Match. Life is a funny thing. In her last qualifying match, Charlotte will have to fight a heavyweight. She got a chance to check if she had put enough effort into becoming stronger after the defeat from Amy. Finished.
    10) Charlotte Ravel' vs Grace Kenning. Apex Event Match. Finally. For a real fighter, not only the goal is important, but also the path to this goal. After going through all the qualifying matches, Charlotte became stronger not only as a fighter, but also as a person. And now it's time to see if she's worthy of claiming to be the first openweight champion. Finished.
    11) Charlotte Ravel' vs Jenner Sky. Match. After their sufficiently hot acquaintance, Charlotte and Jenner meet again, this time in an official match, the Frenchwoman is still not sure how she should perceive this woman, but she is sure that she will not yield to her in this match. Ongoing.
    12) Charlotte Ravel' and Callie May. Gym. Deciding to train not at her school, but at LAW gym, Charlotte stumbles upon a very loud and very self-confident woman who, among other things, is very good at the art of kicking. Finished.
    13) Charlotte Ravel'/Nerissa Labong and Daisuke Takeuchi. Gym. During a joint training session with Nerissa, Charlotte meets a Japanese guy whose conceit literally pisses her off, she intends to meet him in a match even if the conditions are repugnant to her moral code. Finished.
    14) Charlotte Ravel' and Aira. Backstate. After a long time, Charlotte, by pure chance, meets Aira in the park, the feelings that she experienced in the match with this woman again like an avalanche hit her. Ongoing.
    15) Charlotte Ravel' vs Daisuke Takeuchi. Mixed Match. Charlotte has never taken part in such a bawdy match, but a real fighter must be ready for absolutely anything, and that's exactly what she intends to demonstrate to her opponent today. Ongoing.
    16) Charlotte Ravel' vs Callie May. Match. Their acquaintance could not but lead to this match, Charlotte wanted to find out how strong this woman was in a real fight and, of course, they both longed to find out whose kicks were stronger. Finished.
    17) Charlotte Ravel' vs Theodora Simmons. Match. Another match on the path chosen by Charlotte, this time she will face a very skilled and very self-confident purple-haired woman. Ongoing.
    18) Charlotte Ravel' and Akari Ito. Gym. The usual training session with students didn't portend anything special, exactly until a woman entered her school who seemed strangely familiar to Charlotte. Ongoing.
    19) Charlotte Ravel' and Akari Ito. Promo. After personally meeting the outstanding Akari, Charlotte gladly accepted the invitation to her DJ show, she expected to have a good time, but she did not expect at all that Akari had something else in mind. Finished.
    20) Charlotte Ravel' vs Akari Ito. Fight The LAW 3 Match. The first PPV for Charlotte and she just couldn't imagine a better opponent than Akari, today is the day when the Frenchwoman intends to show what she is really capable of. Ongoing.
    21) Charlotte Ravel'/Astrid Arvidsson/Nerissa Labong. LAW Stories. In the ring she's my enemy. Finished.
    22) Charlotte Ravel'/Astrid Arvidsson/Nerissa Labong and Clara Gaster/Alice Gaster. Backstage. Charlotte joined her friends to have a good time at the bar, while Astrid had some extra plans that she didn't know about. Finished.
    23) Charlotte Ravel'/Astrid Arvidsson/Nerissa Labong and Yumie Hayashi/Kimiko Bando. Gym. During this joint training, Charlotte wanted to support Nerissa somehow because the Native American woman had clearly been not okay lately, but when a woman appeared on the horizon who wanted to get a title shot from Astrid, the Frenchwoman had to volunteer to test this woman in a match. Finished.
    24) Charlotte Ravel' vs Yumie Hayashi. #1 Contender Match. Charlotte's experience with heavyweights has been quite controversial, but she can't back down now, especially when she's so close to what she's been striving for for the last year and a half. Ongoing.
    25) Charlotte Ravel' and Kyoko Akan. Backstage. Despite losing the last match, Charlotte was able to maintain her position in the top ranks of the middleweights, thanks to this, the federation's leadership gave her the opportunity to meet with fans on the eve of the annual PPV. Who would have thought that on this particular evening she would get the opportunity she had been striving for for so long? Finished.
Last edited by skip-stop on Fri Jan 31, 2025 10:58 am, edited 46 times in total.

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Re: Charlotte «Sand Lizard» Ravel'

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