
121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Unread post by DSX93 »

Name: Raven

Real Name: Rachel Evans

Age: 29

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Hazel

Height: 5'6

Weight: 145

Alignment: Heel

Nationality: North American

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Twitter Account: Raven @WhatAboutRaven

Entrance Music:
Ring Attire
Rear View
Beach Attire
Gym Attire
To be laconic about it, Raven is a huge bitch: Brusque and quick-tempered. Depreciatingly snarky. Self-centered. Bullying. Opportunistic. Controlling. Although talented and tough, she has a marked liking for shortcuts and can be a downright coward at times. To hear her tell it, however, she's just doing what she has to do to make it in the dog eat dog world of wrestling.
Part 1
Rachel Evans grew up in a lower middle class neighborhood in the "care" of a single mother who would spend more time partying and trying to lock down girlfriends and side pieces than being a mother, often leaving her daughter to her own devices. Rachel would have to grow up fast, and predictably, this made her quite bitter. She would become a problem student in school, getting into fights (going from "bullied" to "bully"), partaking in substances after falling in with a bad crowd, skipping class, resisting arrest, etc.

Her mother could hardly care, but a couple of her partners would try to rein her in, seeing no success whatsoever. The then baby bat would run away from home to live with the boyfriend she had at the time, but the formerly sympathetic parents would kick her out after learning that she'd stolen family heirlooms and sold them off in order to buy him a Playstation 3 when they wouldn't do it themselves, as he had failed to get his grades up in school. Afterwards, Rachel would crash on the couches of other friends and relatives, always getting kicked out for one reason or another until she ended up in the home of her uncle, who wouldn't take any crap from her.

As he was the last thing she had keeping her away from homelessness, she had no choice but to shape up. By this point, she had been expelled from two schools and there weren't any others in the area that would take her, so she would have to start working, which she didn't mind in and of itself. Her first job as a customer service representative at a McDonald's would be short-lived, as her violent temper left her ill-equipped to handle difficult customers. She would find work at a Hot Topic shortly after, however.

Rachel would enjoy that job, but would face some ridicule from some of her goth friends, who labeled her a poser. This ridicule would be even shorter lived than her time at McDonald's; one bloodied nose here and a badly broken finger there quieted that talk fast (along with most talk in general, as most would distance themselves from her). She would become an Assistant Store Manager a few years later, working under a woman with whom she would start a D/s relationship of sorts with.

She didn't have much attraction to other women. Never anything emotional, and even physically, she wasn't really into her boss of what was only a few months then. But she was getting paid extra under the table to slap her around, step on her, spit on her, and on demand, get head that was actually pretty good. And what's more, she was willing to look past her cussing out the occasional customer who'd gotten on her nerves, whereas with the last manager, she had to hold her tongue. So she wasn't about to pass that up.

One night, while looking around on the internet for pornographic videos based around wrestling -- Ms. Collins really liked being thrown around -- she would happen upon the website to a sexfighting promotion know as the Erotic Combat Club. A nightclub that hosted a real competition. The sight of the woman was its champion at the time captured her attention and kept it. Serina Levesque II, a fellow gothic beauty. A fellow outcast who showed up the normies each and every single time she wrestled, even when she was coming to the ring for the second or third time that night, against up to three opponents at once, which would sometimes include audience members.

The fuckers would boo her right to her face, and whoever was foolish enough to step into the ring with her would be in for a miserable time. Ruined orgasms galore, unless she was using her opponent to get herself off. And before that, she would wear them the fuck out with her superior wrestling ability. The number of competitors who were capable of giving her a challenge could be counted on one hand, and she would always win. Five years, and not even so much as one single loss.

Serina was an absolute joy to watch. People hated her so much, but were powerless to do anything about it even when granted the opportunity. Rachel would follow her through her time in the indies after she left the club to do bigger and better things, showing those detractors who had dismissed her as a "glorified pornstar" what's what. Serina's journey would inspire her to start her own after the fun with Ms. Collins had come to an end. Watchful eyes from further up the chain had noticed that something was off with the numbers being brought in. Putting two and two together, Ms. Collins would be fired. And with the money gone, so was Rachel.

Her uncle's daughter had taken up professional wrestling as well -- the scripted variant, rather than full-contact -- and with her having omitted the fact that she intended to explore the erotic side as well, and figuring that it would provide her an outlet for her aggression, he was on board with her starting training. He would take her to Milwaukee, where Hugo Pulaski, a retired wrestler who was renowned for his brutal technical wrestling, was running a school. Rachel didn't see the value that a busted old man in his 60's had to provide to her, which led him to the challenge he'd give to many a youngster who came in with the same thought: Come at him with any move and see what happens. If she could bring him down, he'd pay her the full amount he charges for his teachings, plus a little extra.

Figuring that she was in for an easy payday, she stepped into the ring, threw a few punches, and ending up tapping out after having her face shoved into the mat, her back turned into his chair, and her shoulder feeling like it was about to be pulled out of its socket when he applied an armbar. Afterwards, she was given some ice for her shoulder and invited to return when the pain subsided a few days later.

She hated the old bastard for humiliating her in front his students, but wanted to learn from him nonetheless. And indeed, she would take to his style like a fish to water. While intended for the ring, it was also very street ready. Rachel would also add her own touches to the style as she perfected it.

After graduating from his class, she would come up with a ring name -- Raven -- and begin her career in the independent circuit, wrestling at local venues until she could afford to move out of her uncle's home and into an apartment. Originally, she would operate as a lone wolf Tweener. Someone who kept to herself and simply did her matches, got her money, and left. But once she was living on her own and thusly had no need to regulate her behavior for fear of being rendered homeless, she would let it all hang out.

Raven would start taking shortcuts in her matches: Eye rakes, low blows, removing the padding from turnbuckles, using weapons when the referee was distracted or knocked out...the works. She took clearer joy in beating down and tormenting her opponents. Attacked rivals backstage, during entrances, matches they had with others...Trash talked fans who didn't approve of her methods instead of merely flipping them off, and even assaulted a few.

Disappointed in what Rachel had "become", her uncle would cease contact with her. Oh well.

After saving up enough money, she would move on to Jersey in order to compete in the Erotic Combat Club, wanting to continue from where Serina left off. The competition wouldn't be as physical as vanilla pro wrestling, but what she'd seen held the promise of an easy payday, which she was all for.

Times were changing, and more serious wrestlers were walking into the game. But for the most part, the roster was easy pickings as expected. Her modus operandi would be quickly established: Work the opponent up towards an orgasm, ruin it, and have them please her afterwards, no half-assing tolerated. This would get her a lot of enemies fast and turn the fans against her. And as was the case with Serina, Richie (the owner) wouldn't be a fan of that approach, but villains added to the business, so he wouldn't make any changes happen.

He would even come up with a match type that would become a specialty of hers in sexfighting: Self-Satisfaction rules. This would go on to make up the majority of the matches she competed in in her short time at the club; Raven's was a brand of villainy that she'd put herself into from the start. She didn't walk in to receive any adversity like her inspiration, being the one who provided it instead, which became a problem when the physicality spread to the outside of the ring. Raven wanted to establish her place in the pecking order quickly, and she wasn't afraid to kick people around to further display her dominance.

This would be how she would earn the ire of the champion at the time, Alix Jacques, who stood up to her after catching her bullying a few of the rookies. The confrontation would nearly come to blows before being broken up by security and a few of the other wrestlers. The two of them would have two matches, with the first being thrown out when it turned into the fight that was prevented weeks prior. Weeks later, the two would be cooled down enough to make a proper match of it.

It was a Vocal Submission match. Hostile, with the two of them looking to humiliate the other, but still a sexfight. It would be one of the biggest matches that the ECC has ever seen. The vast majority were looking to see Raven finally be taken down, and there was also the draw that came with someone actually managing to bring out Alix's mean side, which some had come to believe was nonexistent outside of acting.

And indeed, that mean side would come out in full force. The match would end with Raven being caught up in the ropes, her face put right in front of camera while her g-spot was relentlessly stimulated. With Alix having a handful of her hair, there was no hiding her face. No turning away. She wouldn't let up until Raven begged.

She had vengeance on her mind right then and there, but there was a problem: She couldn't even stand without help, let alone walk. But later on that night, after the strength had returned to her legs, she would find Alix in the crowd, watching a match between two potential contenders, and attack her. It would be the last straw, and she knew it. But the important thing was making Alix pay. Having taken the advantage with a sneak attack, complete with a chair shot, she would get some of the retribution she sought. But not as much as she'd wanted before she was restrained, arrested, and fired.
Part 2
Rachel would be imprisoned for three years that would become four; her attitude seemed to only worsen behind bars. During this time, she would share a cell with a tall, blonde amazon named Cecilia Monroe, who was also a professional wrestler/sexfighter. An alcoholic who was in under charges of domestic violence. The two would form a friendship, bonding over their shared abandonment issues and histories of violence.

As the two were expecting to be released at around the same time, they would talk about running a club that Cecilia was in the process of having built before her arrest. After Rachel had spoken about her experiences in the Erotic Combat Club, it would be decided that sexfighting would be the main attraction, intended to compete against it.

Cecilia's Corner, the club would be called.

The roster would begin with the two of them, along with a small circle that Cecilia had gathered prior for private competition, but it wouldn't be just the six of them for long. The club had been advertised as a step forward in American sexfighting, boasting bouts that weren't as restrained as those seen in the ECC, which was denigrated as a relic of the past being headed by an out of touch misogynist. And with a busty blonde at the head, Cecilia's Corner would see rapid growth of its fanbase, even poaching some fans from the ECC. They would even lure a few competitors over here and there. Some looking for the bigger payday that had been promised, others looking for stiffer competition, or some combination of both.

Raven would get up to her old tricks in the ring, which would go ignored by Cecilia, who had taken on the role of a Heel herself during her time as a standard wrestler. Over time, her favoritism would develop and become more and more apparent. And Raven would subsequently act worse and worse. It would get to the point where some of the talent would leave, no longer willing to put up with the toxicity.

But said talent would be replaced before long, the club's operations continuing on without a care. Things would go on like this for two years. At the end of these two years, however, there would be too much to ignore.

The first nail in the coffin would come at the hands of Amelia Howard, a former member of the roster who went to social media with a chronicle of the toxic workplace that had been created over the course of the year that she was present before being fired, revealing how Cecilia would overlook the horrible behavior of her favorites. Talents being bullied out of the club, others leaving or in one case, being forced to retire after suffering injuries, and in the case of her best friend Scott Spears, a naive romantic, a relationship that was rife with toxicity that he would be blamed for.

Amelia herself would be fired after a confrontation with Raven that quickly saw fists flying.

The second nail would be provided by Cecilia herself, when she was arrested after hospitalizing her boyfriend at the time. She attempted to pass it off as self-defense, but video evidence provided by a neighbor would reveal her to be the instigator and sole perpetrator of the violence. Cecilia's Corner would close its doors in the wake of the controversy that followed.

Raven would spend the next two years working the indies again, with no mainstream companies wanting anything to do with her until an LAW recruiter approached her with an offer.

Another recently signed talent -- Diana Jacques -- would get in touch to sweeten the pot, offering Raven a chance at revenge against her cousin...
Preferred Matches: Hardstyle Reverse Hentai, Humiliation

Raven is a decent all-rounder who specializes in technical wrestling and brawling, bringing the two of them together to brutal effect. Harsh submissions that typically target the neck, shoulders, arms, and the back, commonly accompanied with punches, elbows, and stomps and kicks with the goal of stunning and amping up the pain. The shoulders and arms in particular are usually targeted early on so as to weaken the opponent's means of defending themselves from her offense.

As a striker, Raven makes the most use of her upper body. Punches, lariats, slaps, chops...Her lower body is strong as well, as evidenced by the scissorholds she utilizes, but she isn't much of a kicker outside of low blows. Speaking of which, she rarely fights a completely clean match, usually doing so only when she has no other choice. Alongside low blows in her arsenal are eye pokes/rakes, using the referee as a shield, "accidentally" knocking them out in order to provide opportunities to use weapons, milking five counts, the works. All is fair in love and war...as long as she's the one dishing it out.

In regards to the erotic side of wrestling, she is a very selfish lover, to the point of outright refusing to properly please her opponents unless doing so would double as a means of humiliating them. When operating along that context, she can be surprisingly effective. But otherwise, she focuses on her own pleasure in regular Hentai contests, often using them to get herself off after bringing them to ruined orgasms. Most commonly with her feet.
Specialty Match:
Captivity and Rapture Match
A Captivity and Rapture match is a no disqualification Hardstyle Reverse Hentai bout where orgasms don't count until the opponent is bound in some way. After a competitor scores an orgasm for themselves, the goal will be to force a vocal submission.
Attitude Towards Hentai Matches: "What's your name? Actually, don't answer that. I couldn't give any less of a shit if you'd fed me a box of Imodium. The moment you step through those ropes and into my ring, you become My Bitch. Better be ready to serve."
Signature and Finishing Moves
Signature Moves
Brain Blast Combination
CTE Express

Raven will keep raining knees down on the opponent's head until the count of four in a match with disqualification. Becomes a Finishing Move in matches without it, in which case she'll keep going until they're unconscious.
Dislocator Combination
Lou Thesz Press
Unnamed Knee and Scoop Slam Combination
Broken Wings

Typically precludes the Killer Camel Clutch or Killer Armbar, squashing the air out of the opponent to make for an easy application.
Unnamed Dirty Brawling
Triangle Dropkick
Hammer and Anvil Elbows

The strength of this move depends on how it's used: Raven may use this to simply wear an opponent down, in which case it remains a Signature Move. It becomes a Finishing Move when she's looking for a knockout. It could also lead into the Killer Armbar, a combination that is Critical Finishing Move level.
Boston Crab Backbreaker
Knife Edge Chop
Inverted Boston Crab

May lead into the Killer Camel Clutch, a combination that has Critical Finishing Move-level strength
Ten Count Turnbuckle Smash
Hentai Signature Moves
Raven tends to implement some ball/cuntbusting here.
Finishing Moves
Dead End

Has a jumping variant, which is a Critical Finishing Move.
Killer Camel Clutch
While the hold is applied, Raven may repeatedly punch and/or elbow the opponent in the face until they either tap out or go to sleep. If this is done, the move becomes a Critical Finishing Move.
Killer Armbar

While the armbar is applied, Raven will keep stomping on the opponent's face until they tap out or are rendered unconscious.
Moonsault Knee Drop
Hentai Finishing Moves
Servant Headscissors
First variant.
Second variant.
Third variant. All are used in Reverse Hentai contests. Raven will apply pressure to "encourage" her opponent to do a good job eating her out. If you don't, you get put to sleep. But then again, that could end up happening anyway...
Rear Naked Footjob
Venus Cock Trap
Critical Finishing Moves
Unnamed Low Blows
Headscissor Kimura
In a Reverse Hentai contest, Raven will use the Kimura to "encourage" her opponent to do a good job eating her out. Fail at your own peril.
End of Everything
Vanessa Marshall as Uranus


"Now that I'm signed, it's time to visit the office to get myself a match. And maybe find somebody to kick around while I'm at it. I had a shitty start to my day, and I can use the relief."

- Cecilia Monroe


- Cecilia Monroe ("She's like the mother I never had.")


- Diana Jacques




- Alix Jacques ("That cunt's here too? Must be Christmas.")

Last edited by DSX93 on Sat Feb 15, 2025 5:45 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Check out the DSXtended Universe!

"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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Joined: Thu Mar 16, 2023 11:04 am
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Re: Raven

Unread post by DSX93 »

UPDATE 1/23/25: Updated her look. She now has Beach and Gym Attires, and Lingerie.
Check out the DSXtended Universe!

"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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