"The Sanguine Rose" Lacramioara Albescu

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
Posts: 1277
Joined: Thu Mar 16, 2023 11:04 am
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"The Sanguine Rose" Lacramioara Albescu

Unread post by DSX93 »

Name: Lacramioara Albescu

Real Name: Eveline Morasanu-Levesque

Age: "It's not polite to ask a lady her age."

Real Age: 25

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Brown (but often uses red contacts)

Height: 5'5

Weight: 122

Alignment: Tweener (Heavily Face leaning)

Nationality: Romanian

Hometown: Transylvania, Romania

Entrance Music:
Standard/Hardstyle Hentai
Softer Hentai
Candlelight Bliss Match
Ring Attire
(Imagine that the top is cropped, and that skirt thing that the AI added isn't there.)
(Imagine that those extra bits of cloth aren't there.)
(Imagine that those extra bits of cloth aren't there.)
(Ignore the choker.)
Gym Attire
Fancy Wear
Kink Wear
To sum her up, Lacramioara is the perfect mystery: She gives enough to draw you in and seem accessible, yet she's distant enough to be just out of reach, leaving you wanting more and wondering, "what's next?" She's very much at ease in social situations, always seeming to know just what to say and/or do to get what she wants, whether she's talking to a friend or a foe.
Part 1
Eveline Morasanu-Levesque's conception was a scandalous one, coming about accidentally in the aftermath of a sexfight between her father and his then girlfriend. It was a private function held between a circle of friends that the two were a part of -- not the most reliable source of contraceptives.

Despite his wealthy family's protests -- which had more than a little to do with elitism (her mother was from the wrong side of the tracks, so to speak) -- Dragoslav Morasanu was ready to step up and become a father. Eveline's mother felt prepared for parenthood as well, but tragically, childbirth would be too intense for her. Their daughter would survive, but she would not.

The young rebel still wasn't keen on following his father into the corporate lifestyle, especially when the man hadn't seemed very sorry for his loss (he was, but had subscribed to old school attitudes on masculinity that kept it from really showing), but he had a daughter to give the world to, so he would put his feelings aside.

Dragoslav would find love again three years later, with the woman who would later give birth to Eveline's sister, Emilia. But tragedy would strike again in the exact same manner: She would die in the process of delivering a healthy baby girl. Believing that he was cursed, he wouldn't dare try a third time.

It wouldn't change his decision, but mercifully, that would be the last time that Death would haunt his family. The three of them would be close knit, with Dragoslav spending as much time in the home as he could get away with and the girls becoming best friends as they grew up. It would almost become a necessity in the face of the reputation he'd garnered as something of an eccentric as he became increasingly aloof; present yet distant at social functions. It didn't help that he would eventually make a home in Bran Castle.

The girls, both having developed a liking for the creepy, the kooky, the mysterious, spooky, and altogether ooky, so they loved it. Even more so after the then eleven year old Eveline and six year old Emilia viewed "Bram Stoker's Dracula" (among many other horror classics) while their father was away on business -- Magda Florentina, their butler, was a cool one. And indeed, the sisters would have better relationships with adults than they did with their peers. Kids are cruel, and they didn't want to associate with the children of what they believed was a vampire. The faculties in the schools they would attend were more welcoming, with a few exceptions here and there, at the very least because they didn't want to do anything that would draw the ire of one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in Romania. They did well academically, especially Emilia, who skipped three grades. And the only problems raised would be the fights that Emilia would get into when she hit her teens. But even then, it was nothing that she instigated.

The two would enjoy various activities together outside of school: Ballet, fencing, martial arts classes after they'd started being bullied (although Emilia would be pulled from them in an effort to find a better outlet for the anger she would have in high school), and would have their own things to do, the most prominent being the movies they would make. It was a hobby that would endure for years, with the sisters even discussing the possibility into going into professional acting and filmmaking together.

Emilia would also express an interest in full-contact professional wrestling, having been a fan since childhood and coming to seriously consider a career there as well after having developed a taste for violence in high school. She considered it a perfect choice, one that allowed her to fight, act, and stick it to the normies like her heroine Serina Levesque II.

Although knowledgeable sport on account of it being so beloved to Emilia, Eveline wasn't very much into it herself. At first.

That would change when they attended a show that was being held in Romania. They had VIP passes, of course; there was no way that Emilia was going to pass up the opportunity to meet the master technician. And when she and Serina first locked eyes...

Love at first sight. Some deny its existence. Dismiss it as simple lust. But Eveline believed, and after those first few seconds, she had the feeling that Serina did too. When it happened again after her match? She knew. She had to meet this woman too.

Eveline had always had a thing for older people. She had nothing against those her age, but the deepest connections she'd formed in life -- aside from her sister and her amicable ex-girlfriend Elina -- had been with people with some years on her. And after she'd turned eighteen, she would actively seek out relationships with that dynamic (without her father's knowledge, of course), having a couple dalliances that would happen to include the famous Witch Doctor herself, Silvia Dimir.

She would do with Serina what she'd done before: Speak to her on her level. Easy enough, with her being mature for her age and the blonde having just entered her thirties. Introduce a little mystery, but not too much. She didn't seem the type to have a high tolerance for nonsense, but the excitement was likely to be a part of the attraction. It usually is. And she was careful with her wording when she invited her to her family's home, calling it the gathering it was. While leaving out the fact that the gathering was to celebrate her twenty-first birthday.

It worked, and she wasn't very put off about the omission. It was a small wonder why: The details that Phoebe had given her painted the picture of a terribly lonely woman. One who hadn't done much dating throughout the years, and had, as far as she knew, had only one other person besides Phoebe herself that she could call a friend. That, on top of all of the adversity she faced throughout her career, and even before it, with her mother...

Serina could hardly keep her eyes off of her from the first sight onwards, so Eveline made sure to stay close through the evening. The dinner, the movie, the session of "Vampire: The Masquerade" -- her first, it turned out -- and, after a dance that she just couldn't let her get away from, after the kiss that sealed it for her, the two would get especially close in bed. Eveline knew from the way that Serina looked into her eyes prior that her hunger wasn't one borne of simple lust, and she could hardly wait to see what she'd do with it. A few more seconds on the way to her room, and she would've made do with the hallway floor, a table, or whatever, witnesses be damned.

The two would spend some quality time together over the next few days, but Serina would have to set off for the next show eventually. A serious conversation would be had before she did, about how things would proceed moving forward. Both wanted to make something more of this, but there was a reason why the waters of so many wrestlers' dating pools had extended only to others in the business. It demanded absolute devotion from those who wished to succeed: The grueling training before you even get to compete in front of a crowd, the constant travel to shows and other events, like the hours of interviews, conferences, and other miscellaneous promotional material, all of which a champion especially would be expected to attend.

Professional wrestling was already harsh on choreographed wrestler's private lives. It didn't care about birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, none of it. At least not until you made it big enough to get away with wrestling three times a year or less. Full contact professional wrestling? You were in it week-to-week like everybody else, no matter your place on the ladder. Any time you had was time you took.

Eveline would take all the time she could get.

As expected, Serina wasn't quick to open up and let her in, but when she did...When she was away from the public eye and that mask of everlasting stoicism wasn't needed anymore, she was one of those tender souls she'd read about in several romance novels. An inspiration, yet so saddening. Lost, ironically, in stark contrast to that air of assurance in regards to the direction she was leading her life towards; Eveline would see these tidbits -- catch these slip-ups here and there that revealed that she wasn't quite in charge. Fully independent, but choosing not to live for herself.

Serina Levesque II was the strongest woman she'd ever met, but she was the most in need of that place where she could just lay back, rest her head, and breathe. Cold on the outside, but with such warmth waiting within.

It was a contrast that Eveline knew well about. Her father was much the same way. That thought had both convinced her that it was time for the two to meet while also leaving her dreading the idea. On one hand, she knew that the two could get along well. So much so that she would've tried to hook them up if she wasn't dating Serina herself. On the other hand, however, she was dating Serina herself.

Eveline stuck to dating girls in high school for one reason: Dragoslav meant well, but he would overdo it with the customary warnings when she brought boys home. Scared the poor fellows away every time. But he was a chivalrous man, and she counted on that to skip past the grilling.

It worked.

It would not be that easy here. Dragoslav liked to watch wrestling too, from time to time. He would catch Eveline in the crowd one time too many, sharing glances with Serina that lasted too long to be nothing. He was no fool.

When he returned home for Christmas, he would demand to meet her. And he would, with Eveline stationed right outside the door, Emilia by her side for moral support. Both listened in through it all.

Some big secrets came out. The full extent of the impact that Serina's mother had on her life. How Eveline was conceived. Why Dragoslav never tried to find love again after Emilia's mother died, and just how much he sacrificed for the two of them. Serina's plans for her career and what will come at its end.

It was a long, increasingly emotional conversation that felt almost as draining to listen to as Eveline was sure it was to actually have. It left her with mixed feelings: Anger at what she saw as her father going overboard yet again, and even worse this time with Serina being made to talk so extensively about her life before she was ready. A sense of relief that the talk was had when Serina later said that it was oddly therapeutic, which Eveline knew was also the case for her father, even if he would never admit it. Sadness for the both of them.

But more than anything, Eveline was glad that her fears wouldn't come to pass: Meeting him didn't kill the relationship she had with Serina. If anything, it strengthened their bond. Dragoslav still didn't like her much, however. The eleven year age difference saw to that. But after a strong word of warning, he would give her a chance. One chance.

Eveline had Mrs. Florentina to thank for that one. The woman had the same conversation with him that many mothers do about their daughters dating; too much heat, and they'll either start keeping secrets or make a blatant show of rebellion and do exactly what he doesn't want them to.

She hadn't seen a relationship like theirs coming until it happened, however, but the result would be the same.

And then Eveline would make the decision to join Serina in the world of professional wrestling.
Part 2
After she'd informed her of the deal that the owner of ACW had given her, Eveline would meet with the man soon after to negotiate a contract of her own. Albeit, in a managerial capacity. Knowing that Serina and her father would be on the same boat, she kept it a secret until after the fact.

She just had to go for it. What Serina had been offered -- a starting paycheck as large as ACW's then Heavyweight champion, along with a number one contendership match right out of the gate -- practically guaranteed that she would be facing some of the toughest competition she had in her entire career up to that point. It was an adventure in the making, one that she felt that she could be of use in.

Starting with the owner himself, who was still the hornball that he was described as. Married, but unfaithful, with a thing for goth girls. So easily manipulated. A pretty smile, some cleavage, a little bit of ego stroking, and a hidden recorder on her person, and she walked out of his office with an ace in the hole for the event that he happened to try anything funny.

Smoothing things over with her father and Serina would be dicey. She would explain to the former that the decision was all hers; not even discussed, as well as the role she'd be playing, uninterested in partaking in the violence herself. In talking to the latter afterwards, Eveline would suss out that he'd pinned all responsibility for any potential ills on her. She didn't try as hard to talk her out of it, however, knowing as well as Dragoslav did at that point that once she had her mind set on something, she was going to do it.

What she would do, however, is spend the coming months making her nearly drop dead of exhaustion while training her in the art of professional wrestling as a precaution. And then making it up to her with massages that rivaled those of The Witch Doctor, enhanced with a surprising submissive side that she wouldn't mind indulging. She had a knack for kissing those sore spots just right and making them feel better.

That wouldn't be the only reason she would endure her methods, however. She wanted to learn, and given the difficult position she'd put her in with her father, felt that it was a fair trade.

Seeing the work she put into the craft had put Serina a little more at ease. The pressure was still getting to her, and she had her own worries about Eveline's safety, but she'd grow to be more receptive to the idea of her joining her in ACW. And subsequently, Eveline's ideas for their gimmicks, which were built upon comments Serina had made about doing something for the Halloween occasion that her debut would coincide with.

Serina wanted to add a vampiric touch to what was already a dark aesthetic. White hair, red contacts, fake fangs, maybe some new entrance music. Eveline suggested that she be a vampire moving forward like her. That perhaps Melanie Birke (Serina's character in "Vampire: The Masquerade"), with some alterations, could be brought to life. After all, Melanie was more or less Serina herself if she were browbeat into a career in the military instead of professional wrestling and embraced by a Ventrue.

Ionia would be the name Serina chose. Melanie Birke just wasn't an option to her. And Lacramioara Albescu would be the one who turned her after, beginning with that fateful show in Bucharest, watching her dismantle opponent after opponent like the artiste she is. A simple beginning that they'd build upon later -- winging it had already worked out so well in their gaming sessions.

And the fangs would be real. Elina and Phoebe -- known competitively as Bloody Mary and Lucinda Kane -- had both garnered significant buzz in the BFC with the help of their devotion to the vampire angle, which included getting their canines shaped into the real, razor sharp deal, as every member of The Coterie eventually would. It was an easily reversible process, so Serina didn't need much convincing.

Which was good, as Eveline hadn't pitched their characters for her own benefit. Before ACW called, her sights were set on LAW, the biggest game in the entire globe and the last company for her to conquer. But before that happened -- before she hung up her boots -- Eveline wanted her to finally have something of her own as a wrestler. A reason to get out of bed and go to work that wasn't spite. Something that she could look back on with fondness.

It worked.

Ionia and Lacramioara were an efficient team from the start. With the latter handling the miscellaneous day-to-day tasks as their big debut approached, the former had more time to prepare for battle against Ellie Wright. When Ellie had "accidentally" elbowed the referee in the face and exited the ring to get that chair from underneath the ring, Lacramioara was there to disarm her and keep her distracted long enough for Ionia to recover. She took care not to touch Ellie herself, lest any detractors use that as proof that Ionia didn't deserve her shot.

After having the air Thunderclapped out of her lungs, Ellie was tossed back into the ring and promptly subjected to the Wheel of Torment for attempting to put her lips on Lacramioara. Theirs was an open relationship, but she wasn't invited.

Their operations, in a nutshell. Lacramioara knew how to work people. The fans, the officials, the future championship hopefuls and other foes, and of course, she knew how to get Ionia perked up as well, on the few occasions where she needed it. It led to birth of "The Black Queen"; Serina Levesque II at her very best, getting better and better with every challenger knocked down. The crowds loved it, the rest of the locker room was constantly tripping over itself to determine who would be the next to try to dethrone her, and Mr. Burke was all smiles every week on the way to the bank.

After the BFC was shut down following the arrest of its owner, Bloody Mary and Lucinda Kane would join them, along with the then eighteen year old Jaclyn Nagano, who would compete as Smiling Jaclyn. Together, the five would be known as The Coterie. Being the most experienced by far, Ionia would lead them to further success, formally teaching Mary and Jaclyn some tricks of the trade and slipping a few things through to the cocky Lucinda through sparring.

Mary and Lucinda would both go on to become double champions, as a tag team and, respectively, the Submission and KO champions. Jaclyn, however, would struggle. It wasn't so much that she was lacking in skill -- she was actually making good progress as a rookie. But being a greenhorn in a group where every other wrestler was holding two titles had psyched her out, and despite everyone's best efforts to convince her to keep her cool and bide her time, Jaclyn would throw herself at ACW's finest in an effort to prove herself worthy. It went as well as one would expect.

Even worse, when the then Middleweight had antagonized the top wrestler in that division, Nyx Alexander, until she agreed to an impromptu championship match. The problem was how personal she'd made it; she used Nyx's failed engagement to Vincent Castellano to set her off.

It worked. And far too well.

The match was hard to watch. Orbital fracture, separated shoulder, ruptured liver...Jaclyn fought valiantly, but Nyx destroyed her in the end. And she went after Emilia while she did it, taunting her and even reaching for her when she gave the blonde a good one to the face.

Nyx had the decency to look shocked at herself when the paramedics came in, but for Eveline, it was too little, too late. She had to pay for what she'd done. Ionia would challenge her before she could, however, but she made damn sure that she was going to be at ringside. The crowd didn't like what was essentially a two-on-one and they made that known, but she had to be a part of that lesson, showing Nyx -- and the rest of the locker room -- what happens when you hurt their loved ones.

After vengeance had been claimed and Jaclyn had recovered, it was back to business as usual. The Coterie had settled into place at the top of the mountain in ACW, helped along by Jaclyn herself after she'd found her niche as a hardcore wrestler. It would take some more time, still, but she would eventually achieve her goal and win a championship, twice.
Part 3
When she turned eighteen, Emilia would ask to be trained as well, wanting to join the others in the ring. As she was with Eveline, Serina was reluctant to let Emilia enter the world of professional wrestling, but as she would also tell their father, Emilia would have her and the rest of The Coterie watching her back. Maybe they weren't untouchable, but as Nyx in particular had learned, no one was going to be taking a single one of them down without consequence.

Eveline would begin teaching her what she knew, knowing that Emilia would be following after her whether she was trained or not anyway. Having caught on with the program, Serina would do the same, much to Dragoslav's displeasure.

The Coterie would eventually be contacted by LAW officials, offering them all lucrative contracts to come and work for them. After a bit of negotiating on Eveline's end to have Emilia included in that deal, they would accept.

Soon afterwards, Eveline would cap off a private dinner at the Eiffel Tower by surprising Serina with a diamond ring.

The two had agreed to take it slow. See how professional wrestling would affect their relationship. But after their first year of being together, Eveline felt that she was ready to step through that door to the wedded life, a feeling that only grew stronger over the next three until she just couldn't wait any longer.

After taking a minute to realize that this was indeed happening, Serina would give her answer: Yes. And the two would tie the knot a few months before The Coterie was due to make their first appearance in LAW, which would again coincide with the Halloween holiday.

And just like in ACW, the group would have their championships goals. But this time, Lacramioara would join them in the competition, with her sights set on the Hentai title.
Preferred Matches: Anything sexy. Is interested in Handicap Hentai Matches (with Ionia)

Specialty Match #1:
Wrapped In Passion Match
A match for clothed sex lovers. Lacramioara invented the match as a means to show off her superior sexual prowess, with the goal being to force an opponent to climax without stripping them. In the interest of keeping things fair in a mixed bout, her breasts may be exposed, but the removal of the underwear of either contestant will result in a disqualification.
Specialty Match #2:
Beloved Offering Match
A POW or Loser Gets Fucked match with some interesting conditions. The match may be a Standard or Hentai contest, but even in the case of the former, some sexuality is all but guaranteed to be involved during the bout via its lumberjack(s). Unless the opponent comes to the ring with a partner who is interested in the set up, this means Ionia, who will stand at ringside. When either competitor is ejected from the ring, they must endure two minutes of her touch and ministrations without resistance, counted from the very moment she first touches them. In the case of a Hentai match, any orgasms that occur this way will count, but as a measure against any potential feelings an opponent may have of this being an unfair contest, they are allowed another orgasm before it is considered a loss, while Lacramioara is only allowed one. As an extra effort, if Lacramioara is driven to climax in a Standard match, it will be counted as a defeat while there are no penalties placed on the opponent if it were to happen to them.

In the event that the opponent also has a partner with them who is interested in participating in that manner, those same rules will apply to their side as well: If either competitor is ejected from the ring, they must endure two minutes of sexual contact, with Lacramioara being allowed two orgasms while they are only allowed one, and an orgasm will be a loss if they reach it and inconsequential to her within a Standard match.
Specialty Match #3:
Empty Well Match
The Empty Well match is a Hentai contest where the goal is to continuously force orgasms from the opponent until they're no longer producing any ejaculate.

Is available for anyone to use.
Lacramioara's approach to a match very much depends on her opponent and what kind of competition it is:

If it's a softer, sexual affair, she'll stick primarily to her strong grappling base: A mixture of Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, with a nice helping of professional-style wrestling. Assuming her opponent doesn't fight dirty, the harsher aspects of these disciplines won't be displayed. This will still be true for the most part in a Hardstyle Hentai contest, but the nature of those matches will see her utilizing the more pragmatic and brutal tactics one would expect to see in Standard fare. All-in-all, when the aim is to get the opponent off, she favors close, close bodily contact. Lots of grinding, cuddling, smothering, and the like. She also has a liking for leaving her opponent's clothes on and causing orgasms through them, but she has nothing against good old fashioned sex.

And in fitting with her vampire persona, Lacramioara also likes to make use of a clear aphrodisiac paste that's applied to her teeth. It's fast acting, deadening the pain of a bite within seconds and replacing it with waves of arousal.

In a Standard match, she'll be pragmatic to the point of often coming within inches of outright fighting dirty (by wrestling convention, anyway): Targeted strikes to vulnerable areas such as the knees, nose, ears, liver...Palm strikes to spread out force and preserve her hands. Hard, punishing kicks and stomps, etc. Here, it becomes clear that Lacramioara has trained first and foremost to neutralize her foe while risking as little of herself as possible.

She'll refrain from hair pulling, eye gouges, and hitting her opponent below the belt normally, but will not hesitate to do so if they try it on her, even if it's to her own detriment; she's not afraid to get herself disqualified in order to prove a point.

Assuming it's an honorable battle, however, she'll try to pull off one of her big moves to end a Standard match as soon as possible, focusing more on a quick submission or pinfall over a knockout.
Attitude Towards Hentai Matches: (With a sultry breathiness to her voice) "Yes..."
Signature and Finishing Moves
Signature Moves
La Magistral
Modified Surfboard Pin
End of Heartache
Marteau Jeté

Lacramioara's ballet background adds some grace, but it's a brutal kick nonetheless.
Unnamed Reversal Kick

Against shorter opponents, she'll dip down before delivering the kick.
Scorpion Kick
Pillory Punisher

Every kick is delivered with purpose, most commonly aimed at the shoulders to wear down the opponent's strength and prep them for submissions and pinfalls, the gut to leave them breathless, and of course, the face to stun them.
Unnamed Kick Combination
Pendulum Hold

The Pendulum isn't intended to get Lacramioara's opponents to tap out. Instead, it's to weaken them. And to that end, she might use a few different option from here.

Such as bashing their unprotected heads into the turnbuckle...

...Taking the hold to the mat, and possibly stomping down on the opponent's back to make the stretching all the more excruciating.
Irimi Nage
Heaven and Hell

The set up is very similar, with the opponent being turned to face the other way and being gifted with a faceful of Lacramioara's crotch to keep them nice and occupied before their head is driven into the mat.
The Titan Tamer
Twist and Shout
Technical Taps

The punches are aimed at the opponent's ears.
Imanari Roll
Lacramioara also has a tendency to bite into her opponents with her razor sharp fangs, but she doesn't do it to cause pain. In fact, she utilizes a clear aphrodisiac paste that quickly deadens pain in the affected area.
Finishing Moves
Good Night, With Love

The move gets its name from Lacramiora's tendency to give her opponent a kiss on the forehead if they pass out.
Von Flue Choke
Calf Slicer
Silk and Steel Combination
Thorn of The Rose

If Lacramioara is using this, you know that one of three things are true: Either she doesn't like you, you've pushed her, or both.
Love Spirals Downwards
Wheelbarrow Pin
Domina Bridge
Critical Finishing Moves
Pincer Lock

As the name implies, the Pincer Lock forces the opponent to fight on two fronts: Enduring the excruciating pain while devoting energy to keeping their shoulders up.

When an opponent proves to be especially difficult, but there's still at least some semblance of honor in the match, this is the hold that Lacramioara will employ.

This is one of the two holds that Lacramioara will bust out when she becomes willing to put her opponent on the shelf. If you find yourself in this hold, tap fast.

The second hold that Lacramioara will use when she's willing to injure an opponent. Again, tap fast; she can snap that arm in a second.
Punt Kick

Tried, true, and effective when you don't care about the opponent's wellbeing anymore.
Penelope Cruz


vs. Rai Kamiya (Hentai Match)
In progress.
The Education of Desdemona Belti - Part 1
In progress.
Even In Death
In Progress.

- Bloody Mary

- Lucinda Kane

- Smiling Jaclyn

- Alix Jacques

- Silvia Dimir



- Sybil (Sister)





- Ionia ("The other half of my being. My dearest wife.")


- Nyx Alexander
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Feb 06, 2025 6:30 am, edited 35 times in total.
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Re: Lacramioara Albescu

Unread post by DSX93 »

UPDATE 12/1/24: Included the "Empty Well" Specialty Match.
Check out the DSXtended Universe!

"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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Re: Lacramioara Albescu

Unread post by DSX93 »

UPDATE 1/8/25: Updated her look.
Check out the DSXtended Universe!

"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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