Serena "Heavenly Harpist" Peterson

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Serena "Heavenly Harpist" Peterson

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Serena "Heavenly Harpist" Peterson

General Info

Real Name: Serena Peterson
Ring Name: Heavenly Harpist
Age: 22
Eye colour: Purple
Hair colour: Blonde
Height: 5'5
Weight: 137lbs
Sexuality: Lesbian
Nationality: British
Alignment: Face
Entrance Theme

History: Serena and her twin sister Veronica were born in Birmingham, UK, and lived fairly similar lives. The two had a very close relationship, always relying on one another to get through any hardships they might have to endure. Due to this, life was simple for the both of them and, slong with their doting parents, the two were very successful, picking up degrees in their chosen pathways which, for Serena, was music. Serena had always had a fascination for harpistry, since one of the family heirlooms was an ancient harp that had been in the family for over 3 centuries. She never played that one but did get one crafted for her, the same one she uses to this day. As the two entered their late teens and early 20s, Veronica developed a sudden interest in combat sports, and being the sister she was, Serena was happy for her, though she was also curious. Looking through her history, she noticed 2 things. One was a company called LAW, and the other was various videos containing catfights, standard wrestling and even a few sexfights. At that point, Serena was hooked and, when Veronica eventually asked if they could sign up, Serena agreed, feigning that she too was looking into it.

Personality: Serena is probably the most caring and loyal person one could ever ask for. If someone needs any advice or a shoulder to cry on, Serena is there. This extends to the battlefield too where, though she would be intending to win every match she is embroiled in, she would also do so without intentionally harming them and, if they did get hury, she would do her upmost to give them the medical help they need.
Wrestling Info
Fighting Style: Doesn't really have a style
Preferred matches: Standard, apartment, hentai
Strengths: All rounder. Has no real strength or weaknesses
Weaknesses: See above
Finishing move:None
Attitude towards hentai: "It would be my pleasure, literally! Hehe!"

Picture Gallery

Casual Attire
Wrestling Attire
Bikini Attire

Friends: Veronica (Sister)

LAW Match Record

Won: 0
Lost: 0
Draw: 0
Last edited by FreshBritishSalmon on Thu Oct 17, 2024 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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