The Badass M#ther F#cker
"If this nickname doesn't change you'll regret it Franco, you fuck!"
From: Who do you think!?
Name: Suzuki Adachi
Nicknames: Mother Shark - The Badass M#ther F#cker - Bloody Midnight
Age: 42
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Height: 6'
Weight: 160 Pounds
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Heel
Entrance music: Kill Me Pretty
Strategy: "Why would I tell you"
Style: Street Fighting - MMA
Type: Striker / Brawler
Preferred Attacks: Knee Strikes, Low Blows, Elbow Strikes, Chokes, Stomps, Throat Shots, Headbutts, Spears, High Kicks,
Preferred Matches: Hardcore, HIAC, Street Fights, NHB, Death Matches, Etc.
Endurance: ★★★★★
Strength: ★★★
Speed: ★★★★
Defense: ★★★
Technique: ★★★
Strikes: ★★★★★
Submissions: ★★★★
Powerhouse: ★★★
Aerial: ★
Counters: ★★★★
Signature moves:
Short Arm Knee Strike
Rear Naked Choke
Dragon Sleeper + Elbow Drop
Running Bulldog
Shining Wizard
Finishing moves:
Guillotine Choke:
Kami-Koroshi-Suto (God Butchering Strike

Fumeiyona (Dishonored)

Wrestling Attire

Alternate Attire

Training her grappling skills with a sexy new friend

Suzuki has a very firm, well built, and strong body that radiates an extremely intimidating presence. The woman's most notable characteristics are her black hair, firm abs, large breasts that are normally covered by wrappings, scars, and various tattoos across her body. She has a terrifying presence since she is a high ranking member of the yakuza and needs to look strong in front of her subordinates. The only times where she looks approachable and fun to be around is when her daughter is right there next to her. Suzuki also has a somewhat pale complexion. Despite gaining many scars over the years, not many are noticeable. Not because they were mild cuts, though. Suzuki has gained many nasty scares, as well. Thankfully, any that were made on the front of her body were fixed by her private doctor. Only the scars made on her back remain completely untouched as a warning to any who come at her to see what she has survived.
Suzuki is far colder and strict than her daughter. She demands respect, and has an iron will. Only with her daughter does she loosen up and go wild. When together, the two are nearly the same person. Suzuki has also taken a few of her daughter's interests as her own. Of example, her sexual activities have grown over time. Also, she's begun to watch wrestling more not only to support her daughter, but to be able to talk about it with her. Also, she has been mulling over the decision of whether or not she should join Tension. Teasing and messing with her daughter is also a big habit of Suzuki. While both share a passion and are prodigies of manipulation, the mother far exceeds her daughter's skills at using people too fulfill her own goals (Because she's been doing it for years while dominating the criminal underground of Japan - and Mako only does it for laughs). Just like Mako, Suzuki shares a passion for earning things for herself. This mostly involves fighting. For example, fist fighting to determine who's on top in bed is common place in her home. Also, she hired maids in order to stop her from doing her own housework. Of course, they have to make her stop themselves. Again, through fighting. Whoever wins gets to do things their way. That includes the chores...AND everything else they want to do. For this reason, some maids who apply are only there to fawn and drool all over Suzuki. These are girls she's found on the street, or let stay with her for various reasons. The rest are actual fighters. Suzuki likes to fight hard, so their former professions include underground fighters, former killers, former criminals hired as soon as they walked out of prison, former soldiers, and one certifiable lunatic (She's a work in progress).
Suzuki grew up as the eldest daughter of the Adachi family, which held considerable power and influence within the yakuza. Her older brother was banished when she was still a child due to his many mistakes. He could have been killed since they were not minor issues, so simply being banished was beyond lucky for him. As a result, Suzuki would have to be married and bare a child to rule in the dishonored brothers place. Within a year of this decision she became pregnant at the age of 17. But her husband had never been decided. The truth was that Suzuki had been sleeping around with a small time Muay Thai fighter.
Within a day the man had fled the country and remained on the run to avoid being killed. Many were angry that Suzuki had purposely defied the family. Before she could be punished, though, various events occurred leaving most of her “opposition” dead. Unlike her idiot brother, Suzuki excelled at the family business. Without anyone noticing she had gained considerable power through gaining allies, killing her allies’ competitors for them to thrive, black mail, and money laundering a fortune for herself.
Her pregnancy was not a mistake. She genuinely loved that man (in her own way) and decided to spend the rest of her life with him. Of course she couldn’t tell him that. The man, as great as he was in her eyes, was stupid, loud mouthed, and could never have kept the secret. So she stopped using birth control without him noticing. When she successfully became pregnant, her takeover was all set. But as it started, he already ran and left her before she could explain it. Heartbroken and furious Suzuki simply continued her dealings without rest. She buried herself in the underworld until finally giving birth to her daughter, Mako. Honestly, Suzuki was a bit distant towards her daughter, at first. Then, over time, Mako grew on her. Her daughter was strong, free spirited, and loving. Much to Suzuki’s horror, she realized that Mako had inherited her fathers best qualities and none of the bad. Which wouldn’t be so horrible if she didn’t remind her of him so much. Despite being a kid, Mako never bothered her mother. Unlike everyone else, she saw Suzuki like a god. Sure there were mistakes, especially during the teenage years, but Mako never actively tried to hurt her mother in anyway. Now a days Suzuki does a lot for her daughter even after she moved out. She bought her a house, a car, armed guards at her gate, and a few lawyers when needed. Suzuki has also made toying and screwing with Mako her new favorite pastime…which has led her to LAW to have some fun at the woman’s expense…
Wrestling Attire: Red Breast Wrappings and Briefs / Black Fist Tappings that go up her forearms and Foot Guards (Sometimes she wears black wrapping on her feet / ankles.
Fun Facts
Is extremely proud of her daughter. Has a room full of picture albums, old trophies, VHS tapes, and other memorabilia. The moment her daughter became a world champion actually made the woman cry from sheer joy. Also, she bet over 500 grand on her daughter winning that match.
Has won various underground tournaments, including some featuring only the strongest Yakuza fighters.
Mako always says she’s a better wrestler / fighter than her mom. But she never leaves out the fact that if there are no rules, the chances of her beating Suzuki are nearly nonexistent. If she did her mom wouldn’t let it slide without a brawl to prove it, and Mako hates brawling with Suzuki.
Has never taken down the hit on Mako’s father. Saying if she actually does one day, it’d be only when he actually dies.
Suszuki has gained many scars all over her body. However, she has a great plastic surgeon who fixes them for her. However, she leaves any made on the back of her body as a warning. To anyone who dares to take their shot at her, she wants them to see every failed attempt. Because chances are, even if they wound her, they'll just become another failure for her to show off. "...If you shoot the king...you'd better kill the king..."
Once bought Mako a strip bar to run. However, since Mako became a fighter she kept it for herself and it generates 2x the income of its closest competitor.
While she was never a ‘school girl’ when it came to sexual activities, Suzuki slowed down a bit after giving birth to her daughter. When Mako became a borderline sex fiend, her antics rubbed off a bit on her mother too.
Hates it when police officers try to talk to her. There have been only two cops she’s actually allowed to question her. A single mother, and then her daughter when she became an officer as well.
Is trained to wield a katana, and various guns.
She’s her own accountant.
Suzuki can also speak in English, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, and Korean. For business reasons...
She has never required housework to be done for her. However, after Mako moved out she hired many maids to work at her home for...personal reasons. (This has been kept secret from Mako for countless reasons)
LAW Information
Family: Mako Adachi