Janis Spencer
Hot-blooded Ghoul
Name: Janis Spencer (ジャニス・スペンサー) Nicknames: Janis, Janny, Ms. Spencer
Age: 25
Eyes: Bluish gray
Hair: Rusted blonde
Height: 5'3" (160cm)
Weight: 121.254 lbs. (55kg)
Nationality: South African, of German descent (from Pretoria)
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Music: Break Your Fate by Shiena Nishizawa
A shrewd martial artist with a tanned complexion and rusted blonde hair. She's clad in a reddish-brown sports bra with her boss' gang's symbol emblazoned on it, a pair of matching compression shorts and kneepads, black fingerless gloves with red bandages underneath, red ankle wraps and a reddish-brown hachimaki wrapped around her head. Her physique is quite toned and ripped, with rippling abs and muscular yet tough legs. She also tattooed her own midriff with a spider near her navel.
Janis is forged through relentless street brawls and illegal rings. She's a very shrewd yet anti-social person and a mindless, one-note sadist. She only lives for nothing but money and fights, and she's known to be quite the lone wolf. She really enjoys knocking her opponent out for fun, and she will laugh maniacally when gets aroused by it. When she loses, her masochistic side will rise up and she will become aroused from being dominated by her own opponent. She also finds stomach plays to be quite kinky, such as tattooing her own navel.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Janis excels in hard-hitting martial art skills. She very relentless and fast in combat, mostly relying on kicks, punches and grapples. She could overwhelm her opponents easily, though a straight and precise blow into her nose will render the martial artist helpless for a while, writhing in pain.
Style: MMA, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, and Tae Kwon Do
Type: Skilled striker and grappler, extremely patient and tactical with total disregard for her own safety
Preferred Attacks: Elbows, kicks, punches and grapples
Preferred Matches: "Gimme everything ya got!"
Attitude To Hentai: "...."
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★★
Strength ★★★★
Speed ★★★★
Defence ★★★
Technique ★★★★★
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★★
Submissions ★★★★★
Powerhouse ★★★★★
Aerials ★★
Counters ★★★★
Signature Moves
Wiper Swing:
A series of roundhouse kicks to her opponent's face
Max Pain:
A straight knee shot into her opponent's gut or back.
A backbreaker using her own knee.
Combination Blow:
A triple jab + uppercut combo.
Match Ending Moves
A gorilla press combined with a backbreaker, followed by a pin on her weakened opponent.
Electric Plug:
A schoolgirl pin.
To be added soon!
None for now
None for now
None for now
None for now
None for now
None for now
None for now
See above
Wrestling Images
Will be added soon!
Fun facts
Janis is also a skilled biker as well, and has a Ducati Monster 795 which she often uses to ride back to her apartment
Janis has a pet African wild dog named Bullet. However, the LAW security staff won't allow her to bring Bullet into the building as Bullet is considered a highly dangerous animal despite being tame
Janis really enjoys rock music, especially Guns & Roses and The Police. During her time in Japan, she also listened to Japanese rock music such as songs by Porno Graffitti and Shiena Nishizawa
Janis is still proud of her henchwoman background, especially when she used to work for the crime lord Oswald Cobblepot a.k.a The Penguin. The bird-like emblem emblazoned on her sports bra is his gang's emblem
Janis has a navel fetish
Special thanks to Devilish53 on LAW for the template (with some minor edits) and adopted from Tsukachan in AFW. Slight inspo from Batman: Arkham Origins and Fighters Club Online