Age: 20
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'6
Weight: 154
Alignment: Tweener
Nationality: Brazilian
Hometown: The Brazilian Amazon
Entrance Music:
Ring Attire











Journeying With Taina-Kan
First Contact

"We were walking through a trail when we saw her nodding off on a bed made of furs. It was damn near a hundred degrees out there, so I don't blame her for sleeping naked."
A Near Fatal Hello

"Thank God for Marcelo. If he wasn't there to push me out of the way, I'm sure she would've gotten me in the chest. We got our asses outta there. It was just her, but we were there to take shots of the jungle, not to hurt anybody."
Second Meeting

"Marcelo's a godsend, I tell ya. None of us heard her coming, but he had some sort of sixth sense. She came flying from a tree and almost skewered Kenny with that damn spear. Marcelo disarmed her and tried to restrain her, and that started a whole fight between the two. I was about to get in there to help, but he told us to stay out of it. Luckily, he's a wrestler, so he was able to handle himself. After he took her down, she was suddenly amenable to showing us around."
Bathing With Taina-Kan

"She liked that lucky bastard."
Posterior Pic For Posterity

"Really liked that lucky bastard."
Joining a Hunt

"When she's not busy trying to kill you, Taina-Kan is an interesting specimen. It took a few days for her to warm up to us -- it only taking a few days was Marcelo's influence, I'm sure. But she did, and we ended up documenting one of her hunts. Some beast that only existed in this part of the Amazon, we were told."
Be Quiet, Listen, and Let Her Cook

"We followed conventional wisdom: We moved when she moved. When she went quiet, we shut the fuck up too."
Found Her Prey

"And we left the killing to her. Iago -- our translator -- told a tale she shared about how one of those things slaughtered a green group of hunters, all of them armed. She walked right up to it, took it down like it was nothing, and made an outfit out of it."

"What a woman."
One Thing About The Yahari

"They aren't nudists, but nudity isn't a taboo with them. The guys didn't mind that one bit. Well, Kenny didn't care for it, but that's very understandable. She did almost run him through."
She Liked The Beds.

And Bathtubs?

"She found them weird at first. Iago said it was because it was too small. She's used to bigger spaces of water. But the bubbles and the body wash made it seem almost magical to her. And when Marcelo joined her for a bath, well, she took right to 'em."
Goddamn Tease.

"Taina-Kan knew I had a thing for her. And I couldn't take her in a wrestling match, so I couldn't take her, period -- 'The Yahari only mate with the strong.' She liked to rub that in my face. Find a way to end up naked when it was just the two of us. It was torture."
A Bout of Exhibitionism (Note: Ignore the tail)

"It was just me and her one day -- she insisted on it. And of course, she went naked. At one point, she suddenly stopped, laid down, and waited. I didn't know why, and to be perfectly honest with you, I was hoping that was her deciding to give one of the weaklings a chance. was the story of my life, she didn't even look at me. Found out why she was doing this a few minutes later."

"Yeah, I'll admit it: I took the bait and bated like some sad cuckold that was banished to the corner. It'd been a while for me, okay?"

"This other chick was cautious, but seeing my reaction just spurred Taina-Kan on."

"When it got hot enough, they pretty much forgot I even existed. Just like my ex-wife."

"It made me wonder if I ever had a chance to begin with; if she only liked other women if they had 'something extra'. Buuut, in that moment, I didn't care too much. The show was pretty hot."
Getting Her Some Regular Clothes

"Good. God. 'In Those Jeans' was made with women like her in mind. She was packed pretty tight into that shirt too, but damn, those jeans!"
Taina-Kan is a dedicated woman, loyal to her tribe. She's also curious about the outside world, knowing almost nothing of life outside of the wild. She's smart, a quick learner. Just as one has to be to survive in the Yahari's corner of the Amazon. She's aware of exactly what she can do to a person and it's made her cocky to an extent, but she can acknowledge her limitations. She's confident in her sexuality, enough so to be exhibitionistic, especially with those she's taken a liking to; it's a form of her brand of teasing, done to hopefully spur the target of her affection into challenging her to a fight that she'll hopefully lose: Yahari custom dictates that one should mate only with the strong.
Part 1
Taina-Kan was born in the deeper reaches of the Brazilian Amazon, growing up in an (officially) uncontacted and isolated indigenous tribe called the Yahari (which is completely fictional). Outside of the strongest (and some of the wisest) being in control of things, it was largely egalitarian, with men and women both being capable of taking on any role as long as they were capable of fulfilling it. From childhood, Taina-Kan wanted to be like her mother, who was the top hunter at the time as well as one of the strongest warriors.
The Yahari were big on merit, with the capable having their pick of anything they wanted: The finest of the food, drink, women, men... And as what became especially pertinent to Taina-Kan as she was coming of age, they got to choose when they married, while the lesser among them had to go along with whatever arrangements were made with them. She worked hard to make sure that she wasn't one of the lesser.
It was a simple living in their land: Working the soil to produce fruits and vegetables, going out on hunts, using the hides to produce clothing, pouches, packs, and other useful wear and prepping the meat for delicious meals after thanking their kills for their sacrifice, coming up with entertainment for the other tribespeople, working on the various structures in the land, standing guard in what was a peaceful location -- with their enemy tribes either wiped out or weakened, the only threats present were the occasional beast or small bandit group. Aside from the sick, wounded, and elderly, every single person down to the children had some part to play in contributing to the community.
As a child, Taina-Kan would work with the hunters' kills, doing her part to make various apparel and meals. And as soon as she was deemed to be of proper age, she would begin martial training. Swords, daggers, spears, axes, clubs, bows...Daggers and spears were her specialty, along with unarmed combat. After she'd shown some promise, her mother would take her on hunts, beginning with lesser creatures before moving onto bigger game. She took right to it, and would rise in the ranks even faster than her mother did in her youth. Much talk would be had of taking her place as a leader of these outings after she was no longer able to fulfill the role herself.
Taina-Kan and another member of the tribe would be on one of these outings when she had a fateful meeting with a group of outsiders. She and her partner had been tracking their prey for a few days. Katupyry had to stop to answer nature's call, leaving Taina-Kan as a lookout. After setting down some furs and laying down to take a rest -- she'd decided then that it was time to take a break from the hunt -- she'd close her eyes but keep her ears ready and alert. In the jungle, one's hearing could be just as, if not more important than one's sight, and hers was razor sharp.
They picked up footsteps. Those of a group, all clumsy and untrained, making all kinds of noise. Taina-Kan and Katupyry's mark had stopped to rest as well, but they ended up scaring it off. These were outsiders without a doubt. After catching sight of her, they would approach her. Taina-Kan waited, pretended to be drifting off to sleep until they got close enough for her to spring up and toss a dagger at one of them. She almost hit the woman, but the built man -- the warrior of their group, no doubt -- had great reflexes. He pushed her out of the way while managing to avoid being hit himself.
They were no regular outsiders, dressed in clothing that was entirely unfamiliar to her. She'd been told the tale of the one time a larger gathering of them swept through the jungle with giant destructive machines, ravaging their land before a group of Yahari warriors took a stand against their conquest. It was bloody and one-sided, with the few surviving invaders turning tail and fleeing. She assumed that they were scouts, come to survey the land in order to formulate a plan of a second attempt, hoping that the years had rid them of the one's who'd stopped them before.
With their mark many moons away now, they would become her new hunt. And she wasn't going to leave a single one of them alive to make a report.
Their unrefined travel made them loud even when they were trying to be quiet, and thusly quite easy to follow. With the exception of the warrior, their senses were akin to a child's, unfit for the depths of the jungle and dooming to an eventual, but certain death at the hands of one predator or another.
As they passed a tree she was hiding in, she launched her attack, aiming her spear for the blonde one wearing the orange that stuck out like a sore thumb. It wouldn't have been a quick death: Taina-Kan saw this intruder as deserving of the agony she had in store for him. It would be a final lesson to him about the consequences of intruding upon Yahari space so woefully unprepared. But thanks to the warrior's timely intervention, her plan would not come to fruition. She did give him a nasty cut on his ankle this time, however, and intended to give him much worse. But he was quick, the adrenaline of the life or death situation bringing him on par with her in that department.
It was here that Taina-Kan would realize that these people weren't aligned with the invaders from before. For one, they had someone with them who spoke Guarani. Those who came before hadn't bothered learning their language. None of the others had either, but that there was one among them who had was telling to her. This man told her that they weren't there to disturb the land or hurt anyone. Their goal was to...she didn't know what these things called "footage", "video", or "pictures" were, but they all had something to do with the jungle, and they supposedly had a harmless nature.
And she would see what these things were, but first, she had to test the warrior standing before her. He'd taken a battle stance. The very same stance that was being taught at home. He fought like a lifelong member of the Yahari. Same technique. Same ferocity. It was utterly baffling to her, and it was this distraction that would take her off her game. It would still be a long, exhausting fight, however, both of them being able to match each other move for move until ultimately the warrior's strength prevailed.
Taina-Kan had half a mind to take him back home and marry him. He was very handsome. Brave and protective, fighting with honor. With some more training, he would make a fine Yahari. And their children would do much to maintain her people's way of life and carry them forward through the next generation.
Marcelo was his name. Of the Reis and the Lacerda; at first, she was confused by how he could belong to two tribes at once, but it was explained to her that they had something very similar, yet very different where they come from. The concept of family, she understood. But they weren't all a part of a close, singular community. That made her wonder what their home was like; why would they not band together to face the challenges of nature? Was it not dangerous? Did it not require specified knowledges to survive? Her eyes wanted to see this softer, safer land. It would surely be an amazing tale to recount to the tribe!
While being taught these new concepts, she would also learn of the recordings and pictures she'd been told about before, oohing and ahhing with childlike innocence at the magic their equipment was able to do, capturing the sights of the world and holding onto that past forever, ready to be seen again and again with the single press of a button. They explained that they were with a group called LAW, being tasked to get more of this to show to others in preparation for a contest that was to be held within the jungle. They weren't aware that there were people around who'd made a home of it.
The Yahari were big on merit, with the capable having their pick of anything they wanted: The finest of the food, drink, women, men... And as what became especially pertinent to Taina-Kan as she was coming of age, they got to choose when they married, while the lesser among them had to go along with whatever arrangements were made with them. She worked hard to make sure that she wasn't one of the lesser.
It was a simple living in their land: Working the soil to produce fruits and vegetables, going out on hunts, using the hides to produce clothing, pouches, packs, and other useful wear and prepping the meat for delicious meals after thanking their kills for their sacrifice, coming up with entertainment for the other tribespeople, working on the various structures in the land, standing guard in what was a peaceful location -- with their enemy tribes either wiped out or weakened, the only threats present were the occasional beast or small bandit group. Aside from the sick, wounded, and elderly, every single person down to the children had some part to play in contributing to the community.
As a child, Taina-Kan would work with the hunters' kills, doing her part to make various apparel and meals. And as soon as she was deemed to be of proper age, she would begin martial training. Swords, daggers, spears, axes, clubs, bows...Daggers and spears were her specialty, along with unarmed combat. After she'd shown some promise, her mother would take her on hunts, beginning with lesser creatures before moving onto bigger game. She took right to it, and would rise in the ranks even faster than her mother did in her youth. Much talk would be had of taking her place as a leader of these outings after she was no longer able to fulfill the role herself.
Taina-Kan and another member of the tribe would be on one of these outings when she had a fateful meeting with a group of outsiders. She and her partner had been tracking their prey for a few days. Katupyry had to stop to answer nature's call, leaving Taina-Kan as a lookout. After setting down some furs and laying down to take a rest -- she'd decided then that it was time to take a break from the hunt -- she'd close her eyes but keep her ears ready and alert. In the jungle, one's hearing could be just as, if not more important than one's sight, and hers was razor sharp.
They picked up footsteps. Those of a group, all clumsy and untrained, making all kinds of noise. Taina-Kan and Katupyry's mark had stopped to rest as well, but they ended up scaring it off. These were outsiders without a doubt. After catching sight of her, they would approach her. Taina-Kan waited, pretended to be drifting off to sleep until they got close enough for her to spring up and toss a dagger at one of them. She almost hit the woman, but the built man -- the warrior of their group, no doubt -- had great reflexes. He pushed her out of the way while managing to avoid being hit himself.
They were no regular outsiders, dressed in clothing that was entirely unfamiliar to her. She'd been told the tale of the one time a larger gathering of them swept through the jungle with giant destructive machines, ravaging their land before a group of Yahari warriors took a stand against their conquest. It was bloody and one-sided, with the few surviving invaders turning tail and fleeing. She assumed that they were scouts, come to survey the land in order to formulate a plan of a second attempt, hoping that the years had rid them of the one's who'd stopped them before.
With their mark many moons away now, they would become her new hunt. And she wasn't going to leave a single one of them alive to make a report.
Their unrefined travel made them loud even when they were trying to be quiet, and thusly quite easy to follow. With the exception of the warrior, their senses were akin to a child's, unfit for the depths of the jungle and dooming to an eventual, but certain death at the hands of one predator or another.
As they passed a tree she was hiding in, she launched her attack, aiming her spear for the blonde one wearing the orange that stuck out like a sore thumb. It wouldn't have been a quick death: Taina-Kan saw this intruder as deserving of the agony she had in store for him. It would be a final lesson to him about the consequences of intruding upon Yahari space so woefully unprepared. But thanks to the warrior's timely intervention, her plan would not come to fruition. She did give him a nasty cut on his ankle this time, however, and intended to give him much worse. But he was quick, the adrenaline of the life or death situation bringing him on par with her in that department.
It was here that Taina-Kan would realize that these people weren't aligned with the invaders from before. For one, they had someone with them who spoke Guarani. Those who came before hadn't bothered learning their language. None of the others had either, but that there was one among them who had was telling to her. This man told her that they weren't there to disturb the land or hurt anyone. Their goal was to...she didn't know what these things called "footage", "video", or "pictures" were, but they all had something to do with the jungle, and they supposedly had a harmless nature.
And she would see what these things were, but first, she had to test the warrior standing before her. He'd taken a battle stance. The very same stance that was being taught at home. He fought like a lifelong member of the Yahari. Same technique. Same ferocity. It was utterly baffling to her, and it was this distraction that would take her off her game. It would still be a long, exhausting fight, however, both of them being able to match each other move for move until ultimately the warrior's strength prevailed.
Taina-Kan had half a mind to take him back home and marry him. He was very handsome. Brave and protective, fighting with honor. With some more training, he would make a fine Yahari. And their children would do much to maintain her people's way of life and carry them forward through the next generation.
Marcelo was his name. Of the Reis and the Lacerda; at first, she was confused by how he could belong to two tribes at once, but it was explained to her that they had something very similar, yet very different where they come from. The concept of family, she understood. But they weren't all a part of a close, singular community. That made her wonder what their home was like; why would they not band together to face the challenges of nature? Was it not dangerous? Did it not require specified knowledges to survive? Her eyes wanted to see this softer, safer land. It would surely be an amazing tale to recount to the tribe!
While being taught these new concepts, she would also learn of the recordings and pictures she'd been told about before, oohing and ahhing with childlike innocence at the magic their equipment was able to do, capturing the sights of the world and holding onto that past forever, ready to be seen again and again with the single press of a button. They explained that they were with a group called LAW, being tasked to get more of this to show to others in preparation for a contest that was to be held within the jungle. They weren't aware that there were people around who'd made a home of it.
Part 2
In an effort to appease her and the tribe, the camera crew would first take Taina-Kan and, and after he'd arrived to give her back-up (she intentionally left him behind when she pursued them, feeling confident in her ability to deal with them herself), Katupyry to their base of operations, where they had plenty of food and drink, a lot of which she'd never seen before. Fried chicken, tuna casserole, tequila (this, she would consider something to master; she prides herself on being a woman who can handle her liquor, not liking how it could make her so drunk in so short a time), and what she would come to absolutely love: Sweets! Cake, chocolate, muffins, her taste buds couldn't get enough of them!
More would be brought to the tribe, and Iago -- the one who spoke their language -- would meet with the elders to discuss permission to traverse their land. After agreeing to cancel this intended event, they would have it. And as this camera crew was operating with a measure of independence from LAW, they would capture footage of the village itself, intending to make a documentary that would tell the outside world of who owned these deep reaches of the Amazon.
And seeing a possible recruitment opportunity, they would follow Taina-Kan in particular, often allowing her to be the one to tell them of the Yahari's ways while she was taught about theirs. Exchanging languages, pastimes, stories, showing her and the others more about the wonders of modern society -- she was utterly amazed at the outsiders' ability to somehow summon others to them and speak with them while also leaving their physical selves where they were originally. She could hardly believe them when she was told that they weren't communicating with the dead.
These magics were beyond anything she'd ever heard of.
The LAW camera crew would take her as a guide through the jungle, even following along with her on a few of her hunts. After seeing her in action, both armed and unarmed against the beasts that roam the jungle, they decided to tell her more of LAW and invite her to join the competition. Taina-Kan was very reluctant to leave her home, knowing of the hit it would be to their provisions. She wouldn't be convinced until she was told that bringing her wrestling to LAW's rings could get them more than she ever could with her hunts. All of those new foods, medicines, and toys for the children...She could even use the money to purchase materials to make improvements to the village.
And on top of that, she would have the opportunity to tell the world more of the Yahari. Be a representative of their strength as she faced off against the strongest that the entire world had to offer. There were others who fought just like her, and others who brought strange, yet effective styles to the competition: Some of them dancing, others throwing their bodies around with wild abandon. And they would even mate in these rings! And they would do it often, right there for all to see, and their cameras would relay the tale to countless others around the world.
Intrigued, and dedicated to doing all she can for the tribe, she agreed to leave with them.
More would be brought to the tribe, and Iago -- the one who spoke their language -- would meet with the elders to discuss permission to traverse their land. After agreeing to cancel this intended event, they would have it. And as this camera crew was operating with a measure of independence from LAW, they would capture footage of the village itself, intending to make a documentary that would tell the outside world of who owned these deep reaches of the Amazon.
And seeing a possible recruitment opportunity, they would follow Taina-Kan in particular, often allowing her to be the one to tell them of the Yahari's ways while she was taught about theirs. Exchanging languages, pastimes, stories, showing her and the others more about the wonders of modern society -- she was utterly amazed at the outsiders' ability to somehow summon others to them and speak with them while also leaving their physical selves where they were originally. She could hardly believe them when she was told that they weren't communicating with the dead.
These magics were beyond anything she'd ever heard of.
The LAW camera crew would take her as a guide through the jungle, even following along with her on a few of her hunts. After seeing her in action, both armed and unarmed against the beasts that roam the jungle, they decided to tell her more of LAW and invite her to join the competition. Taina-Kan was very reluctant to leave her home, knowing of the hit it would be to their provisions. She wouldn't be convinced until she was told that bringing her wrestling to LAW's rings could get them more than she ever could with her hunts. All of those new foods, medicines, and toys for the children...She could even use the money to purchase materials to make improvements to the village.
And on top of that, she would have the opportunity to tell the world more of the Yahari. Be a representative of their strength as she faced off against the strongest that the entire world had to offer. There were others who fought just like her, and others who brought strange, yet effective styles to the competition: Some of them dancing, others throwing their bodies around with wild abandon. And they would even mate in these rings! And they would do it often, right there for all to see, and their cameras would relay the tale to countless others around the world.
Intrigued, and dedicated to doing all she can for the tribe, she agreed to leave with them.
Taina-Kan fights with a form of wrestling practiced among her tribe, which has a lot of similarities to Catch Wrestling. It's brutal, created with the intention of disabling (in painful fashion) and killing the enemy when a weapon isn't at hand. There is striking present here, but it is very rudimentary and almost entirely lacking in kicks. The focus is on the grappling, which is surprisingly refined.
The Yahari form of Catch Wrestling (to put it simply) has a heavy emphasis on submissions, mainly targeting the limbs. Using them to control the opponent and manipulate them into disadvantageous positions and follow up with either a hold, slam, throw, or a vicious beating: Pinfalls are never a factor in the practice, even in sparring amongst members of the tribe. So far are they from consideration, that pinfalls weren't even known to Taina-Kan until just before she was brought to LAW. As such, she almost always goes for a submission or knockout, typically reserving pinfall finishes for opponents she considers weak.
She also never fights with a weapon; in Yahari culture, outside of training with fellow tribe members, one is never to wield a weapon in battle unless they intend to kill their opponent.
Taina-Kan backs up her wrestling ability with explosive speed and impressive athleticism, which can put some Lightweights to shame. And as her nickname implies, she knows how to pick her spots and make the most of both.
The Yahari form of Catch Wrestling (to put it simply) has a heavy emphasis on submissions, mainly targeting the limbs. Using them to control the opponent and manipulate them into disadvantageous positions and follow up with either a hold, slam, throw, or a vicious beating: Pinfalls are never a factor in the practice, even in sparring amongst members of the tribe. So far are they from consideration, that pinfalls weren't even known to Taina-Kan until just before she was brought to LAW. As such, she almost always goes for a submission or knockout, typically reserving pinfall finishes for opponents she considers weak.
She also never fights with a weapon; in Yahari culture, outside of training with fellow tribe members, one is never to wield a weapon in battle unless they intend to kill their opponent.
Taina-Kan backs up her wrestling ability with explosive speed and impressive athleticism, which can put some Lightweights to shame. And as her nickname implies, she knows how to pick her spots and make the most of both.
Bathtub Match
A Bathtub match can be contested in either a spacious pool or a more confined space, both with heated water, scented body wash, and plenty of bubbles. Standard rules are in effect, and Hentai is allowed.
Jungle Combat Match
A Jungle Combat match takes places in the exact locale mentioned in the name, with both competitors being brought into the jungle at separate locations. The goal is to find the other, knock them out, and bring them to the LAW officials waiting at every exit. The opponent must be unconscious when presented to them, otherwise they will both be sent back in for a set time. For the sake of the competitors' safety, said time will be reduced if this happens at nightfall.
Signature and Finishing Moves
Signature Moves
Snap Powerbomb
Knee Stomp
Rompedor de Brazo rehegua (Arm Breaker)
Doesn't necessarily break the arm.
Guepardo Ñemboguata (Cheetah Sprint)
Defensor Rollo rehegua (Defender Roll)
Typically uses this when being pushed back in a tie-up.
Rompedor Gigante rehegua (Giant Crippler)
Yvyramáta Ñekytĩha ha Coco Ropedor (Tree Feller and Coconut Cracker)
Pochy Esquinado rehegua (Cornered Rage)
Latigo de Colocación Trasera rehegua (Back Placement Whip)
Hammer and Chin Lock
Hammerlock Snap
Hammerlock Hold Arm Snap
(Snap) German Suplex
Top Wristlock Arm Drag
The rest of what this guy does typically follows.
Hammerlock Suplex
Salto de Renacimiento rehegua (Leap of Rebirth)
A favorite of Taina-Kan's when her leg is captured, named because of its reversal potential.
Tiburón oñemotenondéva (The Advancing Shark)
After an explosive push, Taina-Kan wil sweep the legs from side to side or go for a lift, aggressively testing the opponent's defenses like a shark that's smelled blood in the water.
Finishing Moves
Ojedesarma ha Oñakã’o (Disarm and Behead)
Ankle Lock
She may occasionally stretch the leg to bring the opponent's foot level with the back of their head.
Constrictor Hammerlock
Wheelbarrow Suplex
She always rolls into the pin.
Mokõi Ita Ho’a (Two Stones Fall)
As the name implies, this move kills two birds with one stone: Dazing the opponent and taking one arm away from the effort of breaking the pin that follows.
Critical Finishing Moves
Peteĩ Muerte Deshonrable (A Dishonorable Death)
In the Yuhari culture, stomping on the opponent can be seen as (but is not always) a sign of disrespect, as the feet are considered dirty. When the stomping occurs to the head, and especially to the face, there are no maybes. It's either a complete lack of respect, a sign of killing intent, or both. So when she's doing this to the opponent, you know the match has gone horribly wrong.
Kim Mai Guest as Tati