Birthplace:greeces Athens
Likes:Strategy,libraries,books,sirens,jazz,rock,goth,poetry, saxophone
Dislikes:Dysfunctional teamwork,people callimg her child, corporate fascist.
Styles:submission expert,enjoying a long battle of attrition like she does in battles for atlas,a high flyer,a strker through and through
Personality:Calm,snarky,kind(to people she care about) but can be grumpy(her dad's side), can be sadistic to a heel when applying a hold.
Match types:Submission,i quit,or regular
Bio:The brains of the siren sisterhood,maya was born by a greek maiden mother and an american father named general knoxx, unlike steele,she sratched a clawed to get to being a lt in the crimson lance,making her father proud butshe like her girlfriend lilith,steele and amara were seen differently due to their markings on their left arm amd bodies like were worshipped in greece,something she didnt like.,she met lilith who was a mercenary amd hired gun under organization called the raiders, she deicded to do some mercenary work on the side and had herself a team she grew fondly of,kreig,axton,salvador,zero and gaige.
4 years later she was looking for some more excitement with her fellow sisters in arms including jer now girlfriend of 4 years,lilith,amara and steele eagerly suggested pro wrestling, amd perpred for LAW!
Signature Moves
▌ Phaselock
- A rear naked chokehold or sleeperhold to be applied from either a standing or a laying-down position.
▌ Backdraft
- Jumping reverse bulldog.
▌ Scorn
- Swinging sidewalk slam.
▌ Ruin
- Running suicide dive through the ropes.
▌ Thoughtlock
- A gogoplata/Hell’s Gate. Maya will often do this from a position of play ‘possum. As the victim leans close, she will grab their arm and pull them close while simultaneously pressing her shin against their throat, which will also lock the trapped arm. She will complete the lock by holding the victim’s head and pulling it into the leg, applying pressure to the throat.
▌ Life Tap
- Standing high kick to the head.
▌ Sweet Release
- Maya applies a tight head or body scissors on her opponent. In hentai matches, she will use her opponent’s vulnerability to fondle and arouse their body.
▌ Blight Phoenix
- Gory Neckbreaker (Widow’s peak) into a modified inverted sitout crucifix slam. When Maya has the opponent hanging on her back, she will hook her arms under her opponent’s and spread them out like a pair of wings before executing the slam.
b]General Statistics
Endurance ★ - 3/5
Strength ★ - 2/5
Speed:★ - 4/5
Defence:★ - 5/5
Technique★ - 5/5
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★ - 4/5
Submissions:5/5 ★ -
Powerhouse:2/5 ★ -
Aerials:4/5★ -
Counters:5/5 ★ -
Entrance theme:
Exhausted after a mission: