"The Natural Disaster" Josephine Jones

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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"The Natural Disaster" Josephine Jones

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Name: Josephine Jones

Nicknames: The Natural Disaster, Twister (Jones), Basketball Jones, Josie

Age: 23

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'8

Weight: 155

Alignment: Tweener (leaning towards Heel)

Nationality: North American

Hometown: East Texas

Entrance Music:
Josephine Jones is an example of a prodigy whose success has given them a big head. She hasn't lost her drive, but has a tendency of going into bouts under the impression that they're already won, with her mind focused on doing more and expanding on what made her famous (especially in regards to submissions) to keep her current fans watching and new ones tuning in. With that said, she is a hard worker, just like she was raised to be. Someone who takes hardship in stride, mostly: If she does happen to lose to someone, she'll often cut corners in the rematch to ensure that it doesn't happen twice.

Outside of the ring, she's a simple woman who doesn't like to get caught up in too many of the big city's trappings, seeing them as excessive. She's a tomboy and a spitfire who isn't afraid to get physical, enjoying a good fight (as long as she wins, anyway) and a nice celebratory beer or a few.
Josephine Jones came from humble beginnings on a farm in East Texas. The youngest of four children and the only girl. The expected dynamic between her and her brothers made her quite the tomboy, who would often be considered one of the boys as she grew up. And then puberty hit.

The already considerable popularity she had with the opposite sex soared as a teenager. And as often is the case with pretty girls, there was a lot of envy coming from her own. Josephine would lose the girlfriends she had, and the extra time she'd spend with her male friends as a result would only make things worse. Rumors would be spread about her, tales of illicit trysts, some of which she was actually interested in making happen, but never did. Attempts at making her feel insecure about her body, particularly the two things that the boys loved most about her. Thus was the birth of the nickname "Basketball Jones".

It didn't work. Josephine liked having guys drooling over her, and the fact that they were doing so was evidence that they were full of shit. After a point, she began to accept some of their crush's/boyfriend's advances out of spite, leading to many a schoolyard scrap. And as she was in solid shape after years of physical labor on her family's farm and wrestling with her brothers and male friends, she would always walk away victorious, sometimes arm-in-arm with the subjects of their affection to go let off some steam.

Because hey, the guys she chose were hot. And if the other girls were going to say that she did things with them anyway, why not actually do them?

But even then, it wasn't as often as was told. Nor as fantastic for her as the guys would say they made it.

After graduating from high school, she would start tending to the farm her family's owned for generations nearly full-time, occasionally participating in some boxing and wrestling competitions to earn some extra money for tools and equipment. Mostly the showy stuff that would net her more. In the case of the former, foxy boxing until she was barred for knocking out too many of the other girls, then to the much more serious bare knuckle, which she would enjoy a lot more, but wasn't lucrative enough for her taste. For the latter, she would try out various Wet and Messy contests; oil, pudding, jello, chocolate...but mud would come to be where she was most comfortable outside of simple mats and rings.

And it was through mud wrestling -- the more sporty events, anyway -- that Josephine would have her claim to fame; her talent for submission wrestling. Matches would often end with her opponent all twisted up and saying uncle, hence the second nickname she'd receive: Twister. Or Twister Jones, as one particular organizer and announcer for summer events would introduce her as. Fans would show up to see the power and pro wrestling antics she'd bring into the mud as well, but the real show was seeing how her next opponent was going to be forced to submit or put to sleep. Armbars, torture racks, camel clutch sleeper holds, Lotus locks, arm triangle headscissor holds...She knew just how to manipulate and bend the other girls. And when she had to get back to basics? She had the power to simply squeeze the fight out of them.

Her unofficial career would be taken to the next level within the bar she'd visit to celebrate her twenty-first birthday. The owner had a ring inside, in which shows would be held every single night. It would also be a space where bargoers could settle disputes. No mud, but it would offer Josephine something that's just as fun: In Jay's, she wouldn't be restricted to grappling. It would be full contact action.

And she would see plenty of it. After a start with drunken, handsy perverts and forceful fellows who couldn't take no for an answer, angry girlfriends who came back from the restroom to see their man (or woman) chatting her up and blaming her for the interaction (her high school reputation had stuck), and previous opponents she'd met while mud wrestling who felt that they'd have a better chance when fists are allowed to fly, she would meet with Jay Owen to discuss a business deal.

Josephine would be made the main attraction when she was available, competing at least once most nights, but challenge nights where she'd face several opponents one after the other would be held every so often, sometimes made impromptu when she finished up with one a little too quickly and found herself bored. By now, she had accrued some renown on the internet, so she was never short on challengers -- people coming to town just to take her on. Her record here wasn't spotless, but it was stellar enough, with enough highlight reel finishes to earn her another nickname: "The Natural Disaster", as she was called by an interviewer after revealing that all of her skills were self-taught.

The video would go viral in wrestling circles online. And a short time after, Josephine would spot a woman who was a clear outsider, more so than any other she'd come across; dressed for a business meeting rather than an evening at the bar. Josephine figured that she was another hopeful to turn down. After all, she'd been watching her all night.

After she'd had time to catch her breath and cool down with a few beers after handling her maximum of three opponents for that challenge night, the woman finally approached and introduced herself as a recruiter for LAW. As a fan of full-contact professional wrestling, she'd already recognized it as the premier promotion for it on the globe. It was explained that while she would be free to explore all of the varying sorts of competition that LAW offered, that she was looking to cover an admittedly not very well covered base with her: That base being mud wrestling. They'd recently signed another talent who specialized in it, but there weren't many others who did. Which struck her as strange, given the span that crossed nations.

Josephine took some time to consider the proposition and talk it over with her family. She didn't want to leave the farm behind. A few days later, after some lengthy discussion, everyone was in agreement that it was the opportunity of a lifetime for her. And her being away from the farm didn't mean that she couldn't support it. With the payouts that LAW would provide, they would not only thrive as they were, but be able to expand further. And she'd be doing something else she loves while she's at it: Knocking people the fuck out, making them tap, and taking names.

And it helped that she'd been promised that the mud wrestling featured in LAW would be full-contact like the majority of its other contests. So she agreed to sign on, ready to go viral across the world.
Preferred Matches: Anything in the outdoors, but mud matches in particular. Submission.

Josephine, as the nickname "The Natural Disaster" implies, utilizes a style that is entirely self-taught. She's a tough, heavy-handed slugger and a gifted wrestler with a knack for submissions. And indeed, those are her preferred methods for winning a match: Knockout or submission. She's an aggressive competitor who normally bulldozes her opponents with punches that are backed by her country strength, throws, and slams, using a mixture of traditional mat wrestling and pro wrestling. She likes to play with her food, assert her dominance, and make sure that everyone in attendance knows just how good she is at what she does before she knocks her opponent's lights out or locks in a new hold to finish the match.

She also has a tendency of adding some dirt to her fights that have nothing to do with mud, but this mainly manifests in the form of hair pulling, using the opponent's clothes to keep them in place to deliver punches, and stomping on their feet to do the same.
Specialty Match:
Rough Mudder Match
As the name implies, the Rough Mudder match is conducted in mud. It is an Ironperson contest in which there are no disqualifications, and the only ways to score points are submissions and knockouts. A competitor may forfeit if they wish, but this will incur a penalty of the victor's choosing.
Attitude Towards Hentai Matches: "Ey now, listen 'ere: Ah'll go out there n' fight naked, no problem. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. Knockin' boots though...Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, but I ain't that much of an exhibitionist!"
Signature and Finishing Moves
Signature Moves
Bar n' Tar
Chest-Seated Ground n' Pound (Unnamed)
Once Josephine has the full mount, she's damn hard to shake off.
Wristlock and Elbow (Unnamed)
Twister Drop

May lead into a pin, or the Mangle Lock.
Corner Pummeling (Unnamed)
Bottom Hold Pummeling (Unnamed)
Fisherman Neckbreaker
Controlled Power Punch (Unnamed)
Gutwrench Powerbomb

Is often used to set up ground submissions or render the opponent vulnerable for a mount.
Finishing Moves
Josie Crab
Back Mount Armbar
Arm Triangle Headscissors
May also be applied from the side...
The rear...
And even defensively.
Josie Choke
Body Triangle Choke
Think you've got her just because you're on top? Think again.
Mangle Lock
May also be applied from the rear.
Sleeper Hits
(Stalling) Jackhammer
Josephine likes to show off her power before hitting her Jackhammers.

Like so.
Critical Finishing Moves
Stranglehold Fujiwara Armbar
Rear Naked Full Nelson
The L.O.B. (Lights Out, Bitch!)
The A.O.T. (Ass Over Teakettle)
Shalom Harlow






Last edited by DSX93 on Fri May 31, 2024 7:41 am, edited 6 times in total.
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