Laura Kozłowska

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Laura Kozłowska

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »


Real Name: Laura Kozłowska
Age: 22
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Height: 5’6 (167 cm)
Weight: 163lbs(74 kg)
Nationality: Polish
Alignment: Tweener

Entrance Music:

In everyday life, Laura is very positive and full of energy, always up to something or at the very least planning the next endeavour. She tends to drag people along for her schemes even if they are reluctant, having considerable success in making them enjoy their time either way. She’s also very loyal and protective of people she truly considers her friends

In the ring all that gets thrown aside. Regardless of how she gets along with her opponent out of the ring she is getting between the ropes not just to win but to dominate her opponents and can be quite ruthless in that pursuit. On top of that fighting seems to turn her on a great deal, adding to the least of things her opponents have to worry about.

Wrestling Information

Laura is in the ring as much for a fight as she is there for sex, even when rules are not quite permitting her to do all she likes, she will still endeavour to put constant pressure on that aspect and distract her opponents. At the same time, she has a particular liking for breaking her opponents down piece by piece with both strikes and slams until they can’t resist her anymore. This aspect changes very little between hentai and standard matches as she’d rather mix violence and sex rather than focus solely on one.

Style: Hentai Powerhouse/striker

Preferred Attacks: Slams, Punches, Kicks, exposing submisions

Preferred Matches: Standard, LGF, Hentai, Hardcore Hentai, MMA

Attitude To Hentai: “I’ll do my best to serve you well, mistress”

Physical Statistics

General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★☆ – She might like taking damage a bit too much but has a toughness to match that
Strength ★★★★☆ – Don’t let her charming looks fool you, she packs a punch
Speed ★★★✮☆ – Can be quite speedy especially with her strikes
Defence ★★☆☆☆ – She likes getting hit for some reason
Technique ★★★☆☆ – Her form needs some polish but she knows what she’s doing

Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★✮☆ – Decent balance of power and form, especially dangerous on the ground
Submissions ★★★☆☆ – She doesn’t so much try to finish the fight with them as she widdles down her opponent’s will to resist
Powerhouse ★★★★☆ – Her most favorite form of ofance to establish dominance
Aerials ★★✮☆☆ – She’s been known to experiment with these with above-average level of success
Counters ★★★☆☆ – Nothing special but neither is she a slouch

Match Ending Moves

Signature Moves
Tienchi Flower
lemon balm
Finishing Moves
Pillow Talk
Five Star Service
Laura was born as a second child to a wealthy family, with both of her parents occupying high managerial positions. Throughout her early life, she scarcely wanted for anything, receiving most things she could ask for within reason along with the best education her family could afford.

When puberty hit, that was where things started to shift. She spent more time excorcising, signing to extra classes that would allow her to train and compete and early on found herself enjoying freestyle wrestling more than she anticipated though she did not pursue it for long, wanting to experiment with other combat sports. After some digging, finding a gym that taught Sanda which she’d stick to for the next few years, picking up MMA classes later on to fill in the gaps.

In the meantime she picked up other hobbies, some related to her exercise as she started CrossFit some less so as she took an interest in manga and anime as well as general Japanese culture, even spending some time trying her hands at cosplay. She was picked on for that initially but it was short-lasting as the bullies quickly found out how messing with her would end up.

Right when she turned 16, her family moved to Japan for better work in the rapidly developing country. Though adapting to life in a new place took her a bit, she quickly made new friends with her sunny disposition, even if she had to stumble through some cultural barriers along the way.

At a certain point, she wanted to try her hand at working in Japan, trying to have some of her own money instead of relying solely on her parents. It just so happened that a perfect opportunity presented itself with an opening at a maid cafe in Akihabara, something she secretly dreamed of for a long time. She quickly attracted a lot of regular clients, due to her “exotic” looks and significantly boosted the popularity of a rather niche place she started at.

Pay however was not that good and though she didn’t need more money, she wanted to be more self-sufficient. That’s when she was told about a certain place “Midnight Maid Arena” Effectively a fight club comprised and run entirely by maids for the same clientele that frequented the cafes. At first, Laura found it hard to believe but she decided to give it a shot. It was not only real but also the most fun she had in a long time.

As a newcomer, she was paired up with someone lower in the rankings, which ended up in Laura securing a victory in the first round. Finding it interesting, the people in charge offered her to fight with one of their veterans the very same night and though that fight was significantly harder she nevertheless came out victorious. Over the course of her next few performances, she became the crowd’s favourite and ended up landing a spot on the VIP show.

Coming into it, she knew these fights were quite a bit different both allowing and encouraging sexual moves. She was initially nervous about that though the excitement took the better of her and when she got out there she made a show out of absolutely dominating her opponent, cementing herself as a mainstay of these special shows.

Of course, not everything could go her way and she found herself on the receiving end of a beatdown more than once, both in standard and VIP shows but she found herself enjoying her losses almost as much as her victories so it wasn’t a big issue. Moreover, her popularity was growing, not long after finding the ears of LAW talent hunters who after watching one of her fights decided she was a good pick for the next wrestler on the company’s roster.







-Current champion in the Midnight Maid Arena
-While it's not public knowledge, she actually runs most of the daily operations of the cafe she works at
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Sat Mar 02, 2024 7:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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