"The Combat Arm of Decision."
- U.S. Army Armored Motto.
Full Name: Catherine Amelia Grant.
Nickname: 'Kay'
Age: 19
Eye Color: Light Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'6
Weight: 132 Pounds.
Sex: Female
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: American (Again.)
Home Town: Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Organization: The United States Army.
Alignment: Patriotic No-Nonsense Babyface.
Entrance Music:
"Sausage Press (Full)" - Ryusuke Taguchi NJPW Dub
"Let's get this show on the road!"
Kay's Ringside Attire.
Outfit 1 - The Primary one
Kay's Casual clothes.
Typical outfit.
Casual T-shirt
Endurance: 8/10
Stamina: 7/10
Strength: 7/10
Speed: 5/10
Defense: 5/10
Technique: 4/10
Strikes: 4/10
Submissions: 3/10
Powerhouse: 6/10
Arial: 2/10
Defense: 5/10
Luck: 6/10
Charisma: 9/10
Intelligence: 8/10
Strategy: A Competent all-rounder, her strategy is to wear opponents down until she can deliver her finishing blow.
Style: Jack-Of-All-Trades being capable of a strong offense and a capable defense.
Finishers and Signature Moves:
A Hard hitting Finisher punch taking it's name after the famous 120mm Main gun of the Abrams Main Battle Tank, this strike is guaranteed to turn the lights out for anybody she's thoroughly thrashed about, finishing the match in her favor.
Named after a famous type of anti-tank shell fired by the main gun of the M1 Abrams and other NATO MBTs, This Signature strike (alongside the One-Twenty-Milimeter) is rather a signature used in conjecture with Kay's submission moves, sending battered foes into the mat painfully.
The Kentucky Knot
A Painful and humiliating Signature submission that Kay uses to ruin the day for her opponents, A Hentai variant exists dubbed the 'Spread Eagle' where she uses the compromising position her opponent is in to quickly .
The Louisville Drop
A merry little Back breaking Finisher employed by Kay to dominate her weakened foes.
Personality: Enthusiastic and chipper if not a little abrasive, Kay is to put it simply: Someone you want as a friend as she's always friendly and helpful with a magnetic personality and typically chipper tone that exudes confidence and a relaxed easy-going nature that meshes surprisingly well with her competitive spirit... However for all her tolerance and relaxed attitudes, she is not one who suffers fools gladly and can be rather no-nonsense at times, opponents with less-then-equitable temperaments who willingly cheat and lie to get ahead are sure to anger her, worse are opponents who either are misogynistic twats or try "Funny business" with her in the ring despite the match stipulation not allowing for such things... Other than that though, she's overall a fairly easy-going and confident type with a chipper nature that hides a vicious temper.
Bio: Born in Louisville Kentucky to a Staff Sargent who taught at the Fort Knox Military School (United States Army Armor School.) and was an avid wrestling buff, It wasn't hard to imagine that young Kay would grow up enamored by two things, Armored Fighting Vehicles and Professional Wrestling. Something she found sharing (granted with varying levels of interest from) with her two best friends, Alisa Bradley and Naomi F. Sherman as they all grew up around the same environment, being straight-A students the three were given a lot of leeway by their parents and as such regularly visiting the Fort Knox armor museum and spending weekends watching indie wrestling matches or visiting car shows with Kay slowly making a name for herself in the local Indie scene as she grew older and after she graduated high-school, with her two best friends following her along the Blond-Armor-Enthusiast tested herself against increasing odds and came out on-top time and again, growing more and more proficient at the sport, even winning a title! or two during her Indie-League runs with her friends helping along the way, Naomi as a tag-team partner and Alisa as a manager, in essence creating a near perfect team that dominated the local Kentucky indie-women's wrestling scene. It was this trio that gained the interest of LAW Talent recruiters, eventually finding herself
Hobbies: Reading comic books, reading history books, building model tanks, keeping her manager in check, working out and laughing at other nerds.
Likes: Guns, Tanks, Pepsi, A Good fight, reading up on Armor doctrine, visiting tank museums, punishing those she deems as deserving of such, The M1A2 Abrams, The M4 Sherman.
Dislikes: Wehraboos, Vatnik military fanboys in comment sections, Youtube Comment Sections in general, Military 'Reformers', Perverts, Homophobes, Idiots in general, Seafood.
Some Say...
Fun Facts:
Kay's favorite food is the Hamburger (Surprise surprise) but she's a little bit embarrassed by the connotations, and as such prefers not to be seen enjoying them. With that noted she does really loathe sea-food, mostly stemming from a childhood incident involving a bad piece of sushi leaving her with a most painful bout of food poisoning.
Kay's IQ is something to behold with the girl holding a honor roll from her high-school for her mathematics ability being second to none.
Kay's favorite sport besides wrestling would probably have to be either Basketball or automotive racing, being particularly fond of Indy Car and NASCAR much to the surprise of her fans, However much like the hamburger factoid, she likes to hide her fondness for NASCAR from the public.
Kay's favorite comic book? Probably a toss-up between Spiderman and The Batman, Her favorite novel? Gone With The Wind of all things.
Unsurprisingly as well, Kay is a strong proponent of Second-Amendment rights, being the owner of (At least in the states) a pair of AR-15 Rifles that she used for target shooting at the range.
What's Kay's favorite non-Tank vehicle? The Humvee of course!
What's Kay's favorite tank of all time?
Isn't it obvious?
The M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank!
RGM-79C GM Kai
A Good choice.
Battle Statistics
Nothing yet.
Friends: None As Of Now.
Rivals: None As Of Now.
Enemies: None As Of Now.