Name: Cherry
Nickname's : The finesse bully
Age: 24
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'7
Weight: 146 lbs
Entrance music: wrestling empire theme 28 (Federation Wrestling Version) :
Alignment: Heel
Nationality: United Kingdom
Fighting Style: Technical
Signature's : Jumping facebuster, DDT, Side backbreaker, Superkick, Lying headlock, Surfboard, Boston crab, Gory Neckbreaker, Stunner, Rock Bottom
Finishing move/s: Triangle choke, Piledriver, Rear naked choke, Split legged moonsault, Scissors, Armbar, Smothers
Personality: Cherry type of fun involves : talking about the newest fashion, talking shit about others behind their backs, making fun of others publicly, humiliating them, throwing the L letter right in their face and lots and lots and lots of scissors. In short a bully.
History: Cherry started off '' Wrestling '' if you can call it such in her backyard on the trampoline against her sister Candy. The two of them mostly battled it out to see who's scissors would come up on top. In terms of raw power it was pretty one sided, one had to give it to Candy but... Cherry was the oldest, most skilled and smarter one of the 2. So it did play on who was able to put their opponent to the ground first. After months of going at it with other friends, people and others... They looked to be getting quite comfortable in their roles liking that idea of being in control and dominating a match. The mean girls got called off, booked for a live show without having any real true training or prior profesional experience. The crowd totally hated them so they got sign. They actually gotten better with the time too.
Attires :
Nickname's : The finesse bully
Age: 24
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'7
Weight: 146 lbs
Entrance music: wrestling empire theme 28 (Federation Wrestling Version) :
Nationality: United Kingdom
Fighting Style: Technical
Signature's : Jumping facebuster, DDT, Side backbreaker, Superkick, Lying headlock, Surfboard, Boston crab, Gory Neckbreaker, Stunner, Rock Bottom
Finishing move/s: Triangle choke, Piledriver, Rear naked choke, Split legged moonsault, Scissors, Armbar, Smothers
Personality: Cherry type of fun involves : talking about the newest fashion, talking shit about others behind their backs, making fun of others publicly, humiliating them, throwing the L letter right in their face and lots and lots and lots of scissors. In short a bully.
History: Cherry started off '' Wrestling '' if you can call it such in her backyard on the trampoline against her sister Candy. The two of them mostly battled it out to see who's scissors would come up on top. In terms of raw power it was pretty one sided, one had to give it to Candy but... Cherry was the oldest, most skilled and smarter one of the 2. So it did play on who was able to put their opponent to the ground first. After months of going at it with other friends, people and others... They looked to be getting quite comfortable in their roles liking that idea of being in control and dominating a match. The mean girls got called off, booked for a live show without having any real true training or prior profesional experience. The crowd totally hated them so they got sign. They actually gotten better with the time too.
Attires :
