"I'm going to have fun—at your expense."
Name¹: Kasumi Nishimiya
Ring Name: KASUMI
Nickname: The Bespectacled Beauty
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Eyes: Reddish pink
Hair: Black
Height: 166 cm (~5'5")
Weight: 59 kg (~130 lbs)
Measurements: B-86 W-59 H-87 (in cm)
Ethnicity: Japanese
Nationality: Japanese
General Alignment: True neutral/Lawful evil
Wrestling Alignment: Tweener (strongly leans heel)
LAW Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: UNDERSHAFT — Maon Kurosaki

Faceclaim: Kaku Bunwa from Ikkitousen
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Partially Undressed





School Uniform




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At her worst, Kasumi is manipulative, petty, and malicious—in that order. She is the partial embodiment of the hacker-like mentality of "because I can", mixed with some bona-fide sadism. The idea of using her abilities to tear others down and getting away with it thrills her, although she is pragmatic enough to limit how much she indulges that predilection in everyday life. Inside the ring is a different story though: underhanded behavior is tolerated there, which mostly mitigates any impetus she might have otherwise had to manage her darker tendencies. When it comes to wrestling, tactics such as cheating, blackmail, and bribery are on the table.
Yet, in spite of all of this, Kasumi is capable of showing decency. She is a capable coworker while at work, and a decent friend to those whom she is close to. Her friends are exempt from the sort of ill-treatment she can display towards others. While Kasumi can be blunt and incisive towards her friends, she still nonetheless values them.
Yet, in spite of all of this, Kasumi is capable of showing decency. She is a capable coworker while at work, and a decent friend to those whom she is close to. Her friends are exempt from the sort of ill-treatment she can display towards others. While Kasumi can be blunt and incisive towards her friends, she still nonetheless values them.
Combat Information
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Fighting Style(s):
Preferred Attacks:
Martial Arts
Primary: Karate
Secondary: Muay Thai, Kickboxing, BJJ
Match Preferences
Preferred Matches:
Attitude Towards Hentai:
Moves and Combinations
Fighting Style(s):
Preferred Attacks:
Martial Arts
Primary: Karate
Secondary: Muay Thai, Kickboxing, BJJ
Match Preferences
Preferred Matches:
Attitude Towards Hentai:
Moves and Combinations
Durability: 7.25/10
Fairly durable, but nothing exceptional in that area.
Stamina: 7.5/10
A busy college life has somewhat dampened her potential stamina. However, she did enough physical activity in college to maintain a respectable amount of stamina.
Strength: 6.5/10
Pretty strong, but nothing to write home about.
Speed: 8.5/10
Uses fast, karate-style footwork. She can go from bouncing on the balls of her feet to blitzing into range in an instant.
Striking (Offense): 7.25/10
Years of karate have given her a decent base for striking. She can throw kicks and punches with ease, and also possesses a good sense of timing and distance.
Striking (Defense): 7/10
For the most part, Kasumi's striking defense is competent. However, she lacks exposure to certain types of strikes—chief among them are low kicks. This inexperience can potentially create issues for her.
Grappling (Offense): 6.25/10
Kasumi learned some BJJ in order to help with one of her "extracurriculars" in college. As such, she knows some basic grappling.
Grappling (Defense): 6/10
Kasumi learned some BJJ in order to help with one of her "extracurriculars" in college. As such, she knows some basic grappling.
Additional Information
- After a particularly humiliating loss in one of her "extracurriculars", Kasumi picked up some BJJ, Muay Thai, and kickboxing.
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Kaede was born into an upper-middle class household. As her parents were both career-focused lawyers at an elite law firm, she seldom wanted for anything—anything material that is. She had everything she needed, save for sufficient parental attention. Yet, for the early parts of her life, Kaede managed to be mostly well-behaved: she almost never caused trouble and performed extremely well in school.
Kaede's early interests included computers and karate, which she developed at an early age. She was also able to share these interests with a girl by the name of Asuka Satō, who spent copious amounts of time at Kaede's house due to having a difficult home life. The two were extremely close and nearly inseparable, spending most of their waking moments together.
But come high school, the two were summarily separated. Both Kaede and Asuka had managed to gain admission into an elite private high school. However, since Asuka's mother was unwilling and unable to pay the tuition, Asuka was unable to attend the school. Not wanting to be apart from Asuka, Kaede decided that she would attend the same high school as Asuka.
From there, a variety of factors ended up complicating the matter. Kaede's parents' busy work schedule meant that Kaede never got much of a chance to discuss her high school situation with them. The only answers she got were ambiguous and dismissive non-answers given by voluntarily overworked parents who had little time for their daughter. Kaede also made the mistake of assuming that her parents would let her choose where she went to school—after all, her parents were relatively negligent laissez-faire with her, so surely they would not impose on her... right?
They say the shots you do not see coming do the most damage. Kaede's own willful ignorance of her parents' intentions and her parents' unclear rhetoric was like a jab: a strike that momentarily distracts and blinds one's opponent, setting up a follow-up shot. Shortly after her middle school graduation, Kaede's parents hit her with a metaphorical right hook: they were moving, and Kaede was to attend the elite private high school. While not articulated to her, where Kaede would attend high school was a foregone conclusion for Kaede's parents—after all, it would surely be better for Kaede's future to go there instead of some run-of-the-mill, mediocre public school. Plus which, their new location would be more convenient as it would shorten their commutes: Kaede to school and her parents to work.
Kaede tried to convince her parents to reconsider, but was met with deaf ears. Friends were replaceable, they figured, and the benefits of their chosen course of action would surely outweigh the loss of a friend. They viewed Kaede's desire to stay with Asuka to be childishly asinine, myopic, and just plain illogical. They were callous and derisive, berating and even mocking Kaede for her feelings.
In response to the news and her parents' complete disregard for her perspective, Kaede completely lost it, showing a level of anger far beyond anything she had exhibited before. Books were thrown, chairs were overturned, and plates were shattered. The only line she did not cross was outright assault against her parents. By the end of it all, Kaede was literally dragged out of the house and into a car by a much stronger relative, who happened to be a former JSDF marine. Kaede was forced to stay with him for a couple weeks at his home in the Japanese countryside.
Relieved that they no longer had to deal with their daughter for the time being, Kaede's parents swiftly packed up their house. Still in denial about their daughter's behavior, they came to the conclusion that it was Asuka who corrupted their daughter—they could see no other reason, and no other potential influence that could cause their daughter to act in that extreme of a manner. Thus, when Asuka stopped by to investigate why Kaede had not contacted her, Asuka was met with lies. The sort of lies that made it seem like Kaede had decided to put her ambition first and leave Asuka behind. The kind of deception that made it seem like Kaede wanted nothing to do with Asuka anymore. The deluge of emotions that Asuka felt—denial, incredulity, grief, anger—deprived her of rational thought and rendered her perception of reality pliable to the skillful machinations of Kaede's parents. Asuka was led to believe that she had been abandoned.
Kaede, on the other hand, was forbidden from contacting Asuka. Home phones were disconnected, and Kaede's cellphone was taken away. By the time Kaede had a chance to contact Asuka—via a payphone—Asuka's trust in Kaede had already been damaged. Prior to her brief disappearance, Kaede had never given Asuka a definitive answer about her high school plans. Not only that, but Kaede had seemingly ghosted her. Asuka was convinced that Kaede had been deceptive, and Kaede's explanations failed to disabuse Asuka of her beliefs. Asuka cut the call short, preventing Kaede from explaining her side of the story.
But despite that phone call being unproductive, Kaede managed to find out that her parents had deceived Asuka, turning her against her. With bitterness and resentment already brewing in her heart, this news hit hard. Kaede began to resent her parents more than ever before. And without anyone to talk to, these feelings bounced around inside of her, growing in magnitude like the energy inside of a high-Q resonator.
Predictably, Kaede channeled her negative feelings into rebellion. She would often talk back to her parents, drink, smoke (she quickly dropped that habit), and was an all-around headache. Yet behind Kaede's unruly—yet seemingly mostly harmless—facade lay something darker. Kaede began using her skills with computers to hack, doing so for both thrills, the challenge, and as an outlet for her frustration. She started off with writing simple malware—a couple of computers rendered inoperable here, a keylogger there, et cetera. And just one year into high school, Kaede was already writing ransomware and doing social engineering.
Kaede sat on a knife's edge separating rags from riches. She had been making a lot of money by hacking, but she was rolling dice with each attack: one lapse in her opsec and she could land herself in prison. But, as luck would have it, she got caught for something relatively mundane. While she ultimately escaped legal punishment, the incident made her become more careful about her hacking.
Afterwards, Kaede moved away from overt rebellion and blatantly illegal hacking—at least for the time being. She turned her attention towards manipulating others, namely her classmates and teachers. Manipulation was like a game to her, much like hacking. An outlet to test her skills and exert her power. Her looks and intelligence, paired with her uncanny ability to bring others down, put Kaede at the top of her school's hierarchy.
Upon graduating high school, Kaede started attending a well-renowned school (particularly for computer science) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Unsurprisingly, Kaede went for computer science and quickly gravitated towards cyber security. Her previous manipulative tendencies had gone dormant as she became too engrossed in academics and college life to indulge in that behavior. Her time was split between lectures, studying, socializing, and extracurriculars such as the cybersecurity club and martial arts club.
But as fate would have it, Kaede stumbled upon an underground collegiate sexfighting ring during her sophomore year. At first, Kaede treated it as just another extracurricular activity—one which she initially excelled at, given the inexperience of her opponents. However, her success did not last forever: as she competed against more skilled opponents, the holes in her ground game started to become more apparent.
Kaede's first loss was abjectly humiliating, ending with her face-down ass-up on the mat, sexual fluids dripping profusely from her strapon-filled pussy. The loss galvanized her to not only get better, but also to become more Machiavellian. She began training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) in order to round out her game, in addition to Muay Thai and kickboxing. Not only that, but she also started using her hacking and social engineering skills to get ahead. Her future opponents would often find their lives in disarray, their interpersonal and sometimes even professional relationships damaged by some unseen force. Worse yet, some form of blackmail often followed.
Come the day of the match, Kaede's opponents would typically be distraught and distracted—easy pickings for Kaede. For those who offered up more of a challenge, Kaede would use dirty tactics such as groin kicks, eye rakes, and eschewing lewdness conventions by simply beating the crap out of her opponents before finishing them off sexually. Through a mixture of bona fide skill and treachery, Kaede managed to work her way up to the upper echelons of the secretive sport.
Before she could shoot for the very top though, Kaede found herself running up against a ceiling. Matches against top competitors mysteriously fell through, and the de facto leadership of the league was uncommunicative. Kaede quickly surmised that this was an attempt to get rid of her: the league could not outright ban her without risking the possibility that Kaede would leak its existence, so instead, they resorted to making things difficult for her. Moreover, although there was no concrete evidence to implicate Kaede, rumors of her tactics had begun to spread. This made it difficult for Kaede to find matches even against lower-ranked women. With nothing left for her in the underground sexfighting ring, Kaede eventually quit competing, her first loss still unavenged.
Shortly after quitting, Kaede started focusing on her future. She initially considered getting a job in the United States, but something else ended up catching her eye. A Japanese wrestling promotion named LAW had an opening for a cybersecurity analyst—and, as always, the company was looking to add more women to its wrestling roster. Since LAW had an active hentai division, Kaede figured that she could satisfy her sexfighting urge while simultaneously making money as a wrestler and cybersecurity analyst.
Set to attain a degree from a prestigious university and having ample experience in penetration testing (in more than one sense), Kaede had little difficulty in lining up a job as a cybersecurity analyst for LAW. And due to her good looks and willingness to compete, Kaede also had no trouble getting signed to LAW as a wrestler either. As a wrestler, she took on the name Kasumi Nishimiya as she wanted to keep her professional and wrestling identities separate, and there were already enough people named Kaede in LAW.
Upon graduating, Kaede moved back to Japan and started her new cybersecurity job with LAW almost immediately. Shortly thereafter, Kaede found out that her estranged childhood friend Asuka Satō had also signed with LAW, throwing a wrench into things. The two women ended up reconciling though, and Kaede now lives in an apartment adjacent to Asuka and her roommate Mikhaila.
Kaede's early interests included computers and karate, which she developed at an early age. She was also able to share these interests with a girl by the name of Asuka Satō, who spent copious amounts of time at Kaede's house due to having a difficult home life. The two were extremely close and nearly inseparable, spending most of their waking moments together.
But come high school, the two were summarily separated. Both Kaede and Asuka had managed to gain admission into an elite private high school. However, since Asuka's mother was unwilling and unable to pay the tuition, Asuka was unable to attend the school. Not wanting to be apart from Asuka, Kaede decided that she would attend the same high school as Asuka.
From there, a variety of factors ended up complicating the matter. Kaede's parents' busy work schedule meant that Kaede never got much of a chance to discuss her high school situation with them. The only answers she got were ambiguous and dismissive non-answers given by voluntarily overworked parents who had little time for their daughter. Kaede also made the mistake of assuming that her parents would let her choose where she went to school—after all, her parents were relatively negligent laissez-faire with her, so surely they would not impose on her... right?
They say the shots you do not see coming do the most damage. Kaede's own willful ignorance of her parents' intentions and her parents' unclear rhetoric was like a jab: a strike that momentarily distracts and blinds one's opponent, setting up a follow-up shot. Shortly after her middle school graduation, Kaede's parents hit her with a metaphorical right hook: they were moving, and Kaede was to attend the elite private high school. While not articulated to her, where Kaede would attend high school was a foregone conclusion for Kaede's parents—after all, it would surely be better for Kaede's future to go there instead of some run-of-the-mill, mediocre public school. Plus which, their new location would be more convenient as it would shorten their commutes: Kaede to school and her parents to work.
Kaede tried to convince her parents to reconsider, but was met with deaf ears. Friends were replaceable, they figured, and the benefits of their chosen course of action would surely outweigh the loss of a friend. They viewed Kaede's desire to stay with Asuka to be childishly asinine, myopic, and just plain illogical. They were callous and derisive, berating and even mocking Kaede for her feelings.
In response to the news and her parents' complete disregard for her perspective, Kaede completely lost it, showing a level of anger far beyond anything she had exhibited before. Books were thrown, chairs were overturned, and plates were shattered. The only line she did not cross was outright assault against her parents. By the end of it all, Kaede was literally dragged out of the house and into a car by a much stronger relative, who happened to be a former JSDF marine. Kaede was forced to stay with him for a couple weeks at his home in the Japanese countryside.
Relieved that they no longer had to deal with their daughter for the time being, Kaede's parents swiftly packed up their house. Still in denial about their daughter's behavior, they came to the conclusion that it was Asuka who corrupted their daughter—they could see no other reason, and no other potential influence that could cause their daughter to act in that extreme of a manner. Thus, when Asuka stopped by to investigate why Kaede had not contacted her, Asuka was met with lies. The sort of lies that made it seem like Kaede had decided to put her ambition first and leave Asuka behind. The kind of deception that made it seem like Kaede wanted nothing to do with Asuka anymore. The deluge of emotions that Asuka felt—denial, incredulity, grief, anger—deprived her of rational thought and rendered her perception of reality pliable to the skillful machinations of Kaede's parents. Asuka was led to believe that she had been abandoned.
Kaede, on the other hand, was forbidden from contacting Asuka. Home phones were disconnected, and Kaede's cellphone was taken away. By the time Kaede had a chance to contact Asuka—via a payphone—Asuka's trust in Kaede had already been damaged. Prior to her brief disappearance, Kaede had never given Asuka a definitive answer about her high school plans. Not only that, but Kaede had seemingly ghosted her. Asuka was convinced that Kaede had been deceptive, and Kaede's explanations failed to disabuse Asuka of her beliefs. Asuka cut the call short, preventing Kaede from explaining her side of the story.
But despite that phone call being unproductive, Kaede managed to find out that her parents had deceived Asuka, turning her against her. With bitterness and resentment already brewing in her heart, this news hit hard. Kaede began to resent her parents more than ever before. And without anyone to talk to, these feelings bounced around inside of her, growing in magnitude like the energy inside of a high-Q resonator.
Predictably, Kaede channeled her negative feelings into rebellion. She would often talk back to her parents, drink, smoke (she quickly dropped that habit), and was an all-around headache. Yet behind Kaede's unruly—yet seemingly mostly harmless—facade lay something darker. Kaede began using her skills with computers to hack, doing so for both thrills, the challenge, and as an outlet for her frustration. She started off with writing simple malware—a couple of computers rendered inoperable here, a keylogger there, et cetera. And just one year into high school, Kaede was already writing ransomware and doing social engineering.
Kaede sat on a knife's edge separating rags from riches. She had been making a lot of money by hacking, but she was rolling dice with each attack: one lapse in her opsec and she could land herself in prison. But, as luck would have it, she got caught for something relatively mundane. While she ultimately escaped legal punishment, the incident made her become more careful about her hacking.
Afterwards, Kaede moved away from overt rebellion and blatantly illegal hacking—at least for the time being. She turned her attention towards manipulating others, namely her classmates and teachers. Manipulation was like a game to her, much like hacking. An outlet to test her skills and exert her power. Her looks and intelligence, paired with her uncanny ability to bring others down, put Kaede at the top of her school's hierarchy.
Upon graduating high school, Kaede started attending a well-renowned school (particularly for computer science) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Unsurprisingly, Kaede went for computer science and quickly gravitated towards cyber security. Her previous manipulative tendencies had gone dormant as she became too engrossed in academics and college life to indulge in that behavior. Her time was split between lectures, studying, socializing, and extracurriculars such as the cybersecurity club and martial arts club.
But as fate would have it, Kaede stumbled upon an underground collegiate sexfighting ring during her sophomore year. At first, Kaede treated it as just another extracurricular activity—one which she initially excelled at, given the inexperience of her opponents. However, her success did not last forever: as she competed against more skilled opponents, the holes in her ground game started to become more apparent.
Kaede's first loss was abjectly humiliating, ending with her face-down ass-up on the mat, sexual fluids dripping profusely from her strapon-filled pussy. The loss galvanized her to not only get better, but also to become more Machiavellian. She began training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) in order to round out her game, in addition to Muay Thai and kickboxing. Not only that, but she also started using her hacking and social engineering skills to get ahead. Her future opponents would often find their lives in disarray, their interpersonal and sometimes even professional relationships damaged by some unseen force. Worse yet, some form of blackmail often followed.
Come the day of the match, Kaede's opponents would typically be distraught and distracted—easy pickings for Kaede. For those who offered up more of a challenge, Kaede would use dirty tactics such as groin kicks, eye rakes, and eschewing lewdness conventions by simply beating the crap out of her opponents before finishing them off sexually. Through a mixture of bona fide skill and treachery, Kaede managed to work her way up to the upper echelons of the secretive sport.
Before she could shoot for the very top though, Kaede found herself running up against a ceiling. Matches against top competitors mysteriously fell through, and the de facto leadership of the league was uncommunicative. Kaede quickly surmised that this was an attempt to get rid of her: the league could not outright ban her without risking the possibility that Kaede would leak its existence, so instead, they resorted to making things difficult for her. Moreover, although there was no concrete evidence to implicate Kaede, rumors of her tactics had begun to spread. This made it difficult for Kaede to find matches even against lower-ranked women. With nothing left for her in the underground sexfighting ring, Kaede eventually quit competing, her first loss still unavenged.
Shortly after quitting, Kaede started focusing on her future. She initially considered getting a job in the United States, but something else ended up catching her eye. A Japanese wrestling promotion named LAW had an opening for a cybersecurity analyst—and, as always, the company was looking to add more women to its wrestling roster. Since LAW had an active hentai division, Kaede figured that she could satisfy her sexfighting urge while simultaneously making money as a wrestler and cybersecurity analyst.
Set to attain a degree from a prestigious university and having ample experience in penetration testing (in more than one sense), Kaede had little difficulty in lining up a job as a cybersecurity analyst for LAW. And due to her good looks and willingness to compete, Kaede also had no trouble getting signed to LAW as a wrestler either. As a wrestler, she took on the name Kasumi Nishimiya as she wanted to keep her professional and wrestling identities separate, and there were already enough people named Kaede in LAW.
Upon graduating, Kaede moved back to Japan and started her new cybersecurity job with LAW almost immediately. Shortly thereafter, Kaede found out that her estranged childhood friend Asuka Satō had also signed with LAW, throwing a wrench into things. The two women ended up reconciling though, and Kaede now lives in an apartment adjacent to Asuka and her roommate Mikhaila.
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- Asuka Satō — Formerly estranged childhood best friend. Now reconciled.
- Michelle Diamond (Mikhaila Vasileva) — Friend
Quick Facts
- Kasumi is fluent in both Japanese and English.
- There is not much information on Kasumi that is readily available. She is not particularly forthcoming with personal information either, despite being relatively social.
- Coincidentally, there is a woman who looks an awful lot like Kasumi working as part of LAW's cybersecurity team.
- Kaede is an avid cosplayer and regularly goes to conventions.
- Kaede sometimes likes to have "fun" at conventions.
- Kaede considered becoming a dominatrix as a side hobby. However, she ultimately decided against it as LAW would allow her to dominate people for real.
- Kaede has a computer science degree from a well-known university in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania—its name rhymes with Darnegie Watermelon.
- Kaede's favorite programming languages are C and Python.
- Kaede's daily driver is Kali Linux.
- Kaede's vision is close to normal, albeit not perfect. She can generally see just fine without her glasses.