Age: Unknown (Won't share)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Pink
Height: 178 cm (5' 10")
Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs)
Entrance music: Nightmare
Alignment: Tweener w/ Heel lean
Nationality: Japan


Finishing move/s:
Cerberus - German suplex into a dragon suplex into a tiger suplex before holding for a pin.
Descent into Darkness - Mandible Claw
Personality: Secretive and seemingly entirely insane, Yokai sticks to her gimmick both inside and outside the ring, generally casting the impression of a wickedly giggling, violent deviant at a glance. Befriend her in person or earn her respect in the ring, however, and you may just catch a glimpse of the sly intellectual that lurks somewhere below the surface. No one can really say whether even that side of her is still a homicidal psychopath though...
History: If one were to listen to and believe Yokai's lengthy and dramatic testimony, she's an ancient and malevolent Japanese spirit who roamed and did as she pleased several hundred years ago. Her exploits went uninterrupted until sometime around the Edo period of Japan when she was captured and contained until more recent modern times when an unknown event allowed her to break free and escape confinement.
Rather than immediately returning to her roots of death and debauchery, Yokai took a fond liking for this most recent generation of humans and has decided to let them live unharrassed by herself and her whims, even taking on several of their styles and characteristics in an attempt to mimic them. But that bloodlust; that need to inflict pain and corruption on a human being. That doesn't fade away so easily when its been your way of life for so long. Enter LAW and Yokai's sudden entrance into the fed. She's made a promise that she won't inflict too much damage on anyone... at least nothing outside the rules... most of the time... probably.
Lending some mild credence to her tale is the fact that the woman is unusually strong, certainly possessing greater strength in her muscles than would be expected for a woman of her size, though she won't be uprooting trees or punching down walls anytime soon. It does give her a slight advantage when matching up against a woman of the same build, especially if they aren't expecting the extra power packed in her strikes or holds.