Name: A-Oh !
Nickname's : Dancing fists
Age: 20
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Dark brown
Height: 5'8
Weight: 138 lbs
Entrance music:
Gusttavo Lima - Balada :
Alignment: Face
Nationality: Spanish
Fighting Style: Brawler
Signature's : Daily workout (Strikes quickly with jabs aimed at the body adding more power in her last one to force push her opponent away from her.) , Human punching bag (steps on her opponent toes and starts swinging at the face.) , Staying Alive (Switch from a defensive block stance to a offensive stance to counter attack) , Time-Out (Holds on tight to her opponent).
Finishing move/s: What's my name ? (Enters a fury of uppercuts and haymakers) , Old story pequeño (Rushes in for a fury of blows to the body with a combination of hooks before sending in a spinning back fist for the finishing blow), Axe kick, Armbar, Rear Naked Choke, Scissors, Smothers.
Personality: A-Oh for the most part is always in a good mood whether it is in a ring or not... She is fairly competitive and likes to win... Always doing her best but... She is quite stubborn... It might take her months to finally admit she is wrong , can't do it or needs help. She likes dancing , she really likes dancing thought... Did I said she likes dancing , mmmh ?
History: A-Oh is a pretty decent boxer and won multiple prizes in Spain... There is no denying that she got a good base , stance and even more under her belt but... One day she had a very crazy idea watching wrestling on tv... That does not look that hard I can do that she would tell herself... Not aware about the rules or anything else like that she would get a contract with LAW with the plans to boxe out her competition... How hard can it be ?
Attires :
Nickname's : Dancing fists
Age: 20
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Dark brown
Height: 5'8
Weight: 138 lbs
Entrance music:
Gusttavo Lima - Balada :
Nationality: Spanish
Fighting Style: Brawler
Signature's : Daily workout (Strikes quickly with jabs aimed at the body adding more power in her last one to force push her opponent away from her.) , Human punching bag (steps on her opponent toes and starts swinging at the face.) , Staying Alive (Switch from a defensive block stance to a offensive stance to counter attack) , Time-Out (Holds on tight to her opponent).
Finishing move/s: What's my name ? (Enters a fury of uppercuts and haymakers) , Old story pequeño (Rushes in for a fury of blows to the body with a combination of hooks before sending in a spinning back fist for the finishing blow), Axe kick, Armbar, Rear Naked Choke, Scissors, Smothers.
Personality: A-Oh for the most part is always in a good mood whether it is in a ring or not... She is fairly competitive and likes to win... Always doing her best but... She is quite stubborn... It might take her months to finally admit she is wrong , can't do it or needs help. She likes dancing , she really likes dancing thought... Did I said she likes dancing , mmmh ?
History: A-Oh is a pretty decent boxer and won multiple prizes in Spain... There is no denying that she got a good base , stance and even more under her belt but... One day she had a very crazy idea watching wrestling on tv... That does not look that hard I can do that she would tell herself... Not aware about the rules or anything else like that she would get a contract with LAW with the plans to boxe out her competition... How hard can it be ?
Attires :