Real Name: Aesira "Aesi" Reinhart
Nicknames: Aesi, Rena
Age: 27
Eyes: Amber, but she wears blue contacts sometimes
Hair: White and turquoise streaks
Height: 6’6
Weight: 238lbs
Nationality: German
Alignment: Face
Entrance Music:
Aesira is a giantess of a woman, usually prone to towering over her opponents. She’s well built, but not as muscular as a weightlifter or bodybuilder. She has innocent amber eyes, her hair is white which fades into turquoise later on. However, the oddity with her is.. 99% of the time, she has an additional red horns.She makes jokes that she glued em to her head, but they're there for some unknown reason which does not involve glue.
Unlike the menacing monstrous brute that usually comes with such a build and size of a woman, Aesira acts.. surprisingly unlike someone you’d expect of her build. She’s usually like a somewhat innocent child, filled with curiosity and a really wild imagination and a forgetfully cautious nature. Since all her life she's had to worry about her strength, she restrains herself from most of the physical affection she would LIKE to do, and trust me, she likes it, and instead is a bit of a chatterbox
In the ring, Aesira never opens with her full strength. She usually has her feelers out, even against someone that hates her and vice versa. Mostly a wholesome and caring woman, Aesira is rarely to seen not pulling her punches. The two exceptions to that are.. if she is getting jumped, and if she finds someone that can take her hits.
Wrestling Information
Considering Aesira has a lot of brute strength, she shies away from strikes. Submissions, gently choking/smushing someone out, or straight up tossing them are her main strategies. She's gotten good at it, but she truly lusts to fight properly.
Anything works for her, she doesn’t care for it. Preferably not normal matches though.
Attitude To Hentai:
“Oh?? You’re bold.. or a machoist. Either way, just another easy victory for me!”
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★
Strength ★★★★★
Speed ★★★
Defence ★★★
Technique ★★★★
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★
Submissions ★★★★
Powerhouse ★★★★★
Counters ★★★★
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
Cold Snap :
Pretty standard Boston crab, but with a little twist. Cyrene, if she’s feeling particularly mean sometimes raises her hips up and then slams her behind into the foes spine or head, which will definitely hurt.
Breaking Ice:
An abdominal stretch, a perfect hold for some torture. She can play with her opponents genitals in a hentai match, fully intent on making someone squirm in her grasp. She also adores teasing them in this position, and could either tickle or just watch someone suffer
Finishing Moves
Thunder Bagua:
It’s a finishing combo moreso. Cyrene goes for a clothesline but instead aims lower, raising the opponent up in the air with her arm underneath their waist and just slams them down, following it up with her dropping her ass right onto their face.
The hentai variant is the same, but after the drop, instead of the pin, she lifts their legs up underneath her armpits, giving her hands and mouth full access to their sensitive parts.
Snowfall :
German suplex, but it’s not that plain and simple. Takes them from the behind, and keeps them in a bearhug until positioned.. which is right behind the turnbuckle. She proceeds to quite literally suplex them into the corner, and finish it off with a little posing.. or a smother.
“Cold Stretch”
“Breaking Ice”
Demons Pitchfork
Booty Bomb
Has a sister who inspired her outfit, but that’s all most know.
Nada, other than having a few bouts
Nope. Single pringle, she is
- Astrid Ostberg
- Skylar Jones
- Selket! They’re totally friends. Nope, nothing else to say.
“Hentai Attire”
“I’m a pretty little Princess.. of PAIN”
“A photoshoot I did!”
“Me with my sis!”
“wrong person to flirt with..”
“Hey cutie”
“Casually looking gorgeous”
“Cosplay Day!”
“Was testing hairstyles”
“Swimsuit one”
“Swimsuit two!”
“Post Match fun”
“Post match fun 2!”
Pov: You lost
Hardcore Attire (With Mask and Neon Hair too)
One of her worst losses
Wins- Losses- Draws
0 - 0 - 0
And we are.. done!
(Previous Matches are canon, simply an all new persona)