Levant Baku
Silver siren
Profile[/size]Real Name: Levant Baku
Nicknames: Levant, seer (by rie)
Age: 19
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Silver
Height: 5'5
Weight: 125 ibs
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: tweener
Entrance Music:
unlike the personality that most people associate with gang member, levant actually act mostly normal. She act almost motherly toward everyone in the group, however eventhough she act kind most of the time, there are time where she suddenly become act cold and uncaring in one moment before becoming caring once more in the next. Levant also has a extremely high intuition to the point that she called herself psychic, Levant is extremely good at reading other people emotion which she would analyzes to figure out their future action and what motivate them. Afterall, if you manage to figure out their personality then you can figure out the rest.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: levant strategy is a defensive one, she first will try to keep away from her opponent while gathering more and more information on her opponent, while occasionally applied a simple submissions to weaken her opponent. When she finish gathering enough information on her opponent then she will go in for the kill when the opponent give the slightest of opening
Style: levant fighting style is playing keep away, she will stall for time while trying to weakening her opponent at the same time.
Preferred Attacks: as long as it would be able to keep her away from her opponent then she will use them
Preferred Matches: she has no prefer match, as long as she have fun then she doesn't care
Attitude To Hentai: "if you fine with little poor me then let's begin the game"
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★
Strength ★★
Speed ★★★★.
Defence ★★★★
Technique ★★★★★
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★
Submissions ★★★★★
Powerhouse ★★
Aerials ★★
Counters ★★★★★
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
under construction
Name Of The Move:
under construction
Name Of The Move:
server is full, check it out next time
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top 10 facts about Levant
1. Levant is born on 31st December, which celebrate new year eve
2. Levant is the oldest member of the Jigoku Roku
3. Levant rarely wear the signature jacket of the Jigoku Roku properly as she usually just tied it in her waist, and she wears a black glove with the kanji of number 2 on the back of her glove
4. Levant favorite food is shigureni and her least favorite food is kimchi
5. Levant is the heir of a a famous inn, it was sometimes so busy that she command some of the Jigoku Roku to lighten the load
6. Levant rarely actually participate in the fighting activity that the gang participate in, as she mostly work on her inn or taking care of the member
7. Levant is the scariest member of Jigoku Roku according to almost all of it's member expect Rie
8. Levant manage the entire financial of Jigoku Roku, mostly due to the fact that if she leave it up to other then they will spend the entire budget on useless thing
9. Levant has the best singing voice out of the entire Jigoku Roku, even more than Francesca
10. Both Levant and Francesca belong to the same gang before they join up with Jigoku Roku
Win/lose/tie record : 0/0/0
Match history